
Showing posts from July, 2017

Shebna or Eliakin?

Scripture reference Isaiah 22. Shebna represents the authority of the old man, the carnal mind, and all the old religious systems of man. Eliakim was called of God to replace Shebna for Eliakim represents the bondslave of the Lord, one who had an ear to hear what the Lord says, and a heart to obey His word and do all His will. The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants (bondslave) things which must shortly come to pass;  ... Revelation 1:1 God does not, nor will He call or use a Shebna type for that type has only its self to improve. For Shebna was living in ease and splendor while all the trouble was going on, heedless to the problems that were piling up. Just as many today live a life satisfying to the flesh all the while thinking they are doing God’s will. Shebna abused his authority and spent the king’s money on useless things. For he built for himself a sepulcher. Now we must not look at the sepulcher with the carnal mind but in the Spir...

I am a Child of the Resurrection

Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them OPENLY, triumphing over them in it. Col 2:14,15 Maturing by His Word, I am seeing much more than the death and burial of Christ. Faith sees I too am a partaker in His death and His burial and that is not where He has left me. I am a child of the resurrection ....... Carnality has a cross about one's neck ..... Carnality has a cross about a building .... Carnality only sees death in the empty cross! Carnality keeps one IN death! I am a child of the resurrection ....... My eyes see but a world passing away .... This hour of man holds not my interest! One world government, One world ruler, One world of peace .... I see not! So many Sadducees about teaching .... NO resurrection, pointing at the empty cross. All the...