
Male and Female

Male and Female Created He Him The Bible is an amazing book that one person can read something and not even stop to ponder what they have just read, while another can become lost in thought for hours reading the same scripture. Too many Christians have never understood that the Bible was written by men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit, and therefore the natural sin conscious mind can never understand what Father is saying to his people. The natural mind has no ability to receive the things that be of God, but Paul told the saints of his day, “Let THIS MIND be in you that was also in Christ Jesus.” The natural mind is the mind that has been educated by men, teaching us how to function on this earth, and be successful. But the Mind that Paul spoke about is the MIND that is installed in what the Bible calls your heart. This word “Heart” first appears in Genesis 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his “Heart” ...

Make me a Sanctuary

The time came when Israel began their journey of discovery and release from the land of Egypt the place of their captivity, into the glorious freedom of the Land of Promise that was given to them. This journey represents for us the release of God’s people from the bondage of corruption and mortality that constitutes mankind on the earth today. The Church has taught about "Salvation" and deliverance from sin that has never become a reality for most of the Church members. But the majority of the people have hypnotized themselves into believing that if they intellectually receive and believe the teachings, then they possess the reality. The evidence of a divine reality in the lives of God’s people has never inspired the masses of humanity to seek after our God, for he seems to them to be as impotent as the gods of the heathen. In this study we are going to see why Christianity has failed to conquer the millions in the world around us who are seeking for an answer to thei...