Put off the Soulish Senses
Fear .... what a word. I never gave that word much thought, though at times it overcame me in a way that it powered over my 5 soulish senses. I recall working outside and I hit the ground, as soon as I hit the ground I noticed some ants sort of change. Yea! They went from looking for food to running away in fear. I sat there and thought "Hmmmmmmmm ants have built into them a form of fear and without that fear they would just die in some odd way." So I again with my eyes upon the calm ants that went about looking for food I hit the ground again. I tell you, as soon as the ground shook them ants jumped in fear and ran for the nearest safe place. I than knew 'fear' was in every creature in this world including humans. Now some might wonder why "fear!" There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear : because fear hath torment . He that feareth is NOT made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18 So in the Word of life I see that there is no fear in love, AN...