Philadelphia 3

I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. Rev 3:8

The Word of Life knows one's work (s-actions) and to that one is " open door..."

Grasp it and know that TRUTH .... YES the very Word of Life has an door opened to them to walk according to the dominion that is due unto the higher state of Life (sons of LOVE).

WHY? '...
a little strength'

No longer is ME ruling, but the desire that the very Christ Life would rule.
Far to longer the lower nature has ruled and ME was the one upon the throne.


For that one who allows ME no more has hEARd AND "...kept my word (of Life)"

GLOW-RAY ... No longer thinking ME .... No longer the pride (proud) of knowing rules .... But the one humbled, the one that steps down and allows the rule of the Word of Life (Jesus Christ is Lord) in their hEARt. AND "...hast not denied my name (NATURE/PURPOSE/PLAN)."

Ohhhhhhhhhh I tell You there is a PURPOSE, there is a PLAN of LOVE that is waiting to be revealed unto them that seek for it with ALL of their hEARt!

As long as one walks in the lower state of life that one seeks NOT the purpose of LOVE.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to purpose. Rom 8:28 (his-ADDED)

We've been graced with power to journey in this world ... BUT its so limited ... and as so we will stumble and fall!

When one comes to know the higher calling, that one will see there is a higher power awaiting them that desire to live the higher Life!
Frank & Michele Welder
Lethbridge, AB. Canada

The wanting to become is stagnation. The "being now" is Life!"


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