
Showing posts with the label Acts

In Darkness

Not what they say but what He says. Once again Father spoke unto my hEARt and it is no longer just a word on a page in the Bible, but it is a living word written on my mind. Father asked me when He called to Adam how did Adam hear? By the ear or did Father call withIN Adam? I looked it up to see--->Then the man and his wife HEARD THE VOICE of the LORD God walking in the garden in the breeze of the day, and they hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden.  Gen 3:8 Both HEARD the voice and when they heard it they knew His presence was so they hid themselves. Now they heard the voice of the Lord withIN and withIN they hid themselves. I sat for a moment chewing on that but without a thought for my thoughts don't mix with Truth. I realized in my hEARt that they hid themselves in the FLESH! First of if you think they were playing hiding go seek with the Lord you need to ask Father to give unto you the mind of Christ. See King David said in a nut she...