Speak the Word
Just as the Roman centurion said "...SPEAK THE WORD only, and my servant shall be healed" Today in this world of darkness shall his sons be the voice of Him who is set upon His Father's throne. We are no longer blind to the truth that the Lord never did any great works without speaking. YES. His great works were heard .... JUST AS TODAY IN THIS WORLD OF DARKNESS ONCE AGAIN HIS VOICE WILL BE HEARD! Jesus said to the man with the withered arm, "Stretch out your hand." Jesus said to the paralytic, "Arise, take up your bed and walk." Jesus said to the dead, "Come forth!" Jesus will be heard once more in this world for His royal priesthood will be speaking the testimony of Him and HIM ALONE! But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may PROCLAIM THE PRAISES OF HIM who CALLED YOU OUT OF DARKNESS IN TO HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT; 1 Peter 2:9 My path of darkness was one of sorrow and pain always st...