Science is Knowledge
We are at the dawn of a new day, the Kingdom Age is to be and as I scan the world by news stories I see scriptures in a different but complete light. Today it seems to be the darkest ever ..... For ---->Isaiah declared, “ For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people ” Isaiah 60:2. Yet it is also spoken by another Prophet, that “ the path of the just is as the shining light, that SHINETH MORE AND MORE (brighter and brighter) UNTO THE PERFECT DAY ” Proverbs 4:18. What a time to stand and behold .... Light and Darkness, Knowledge and Ignorance growing side by side as two trees growing in a garden. The KNOWLEDGE OF GOD and the KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL which is nothing more nor less than IGNORANCE OF GOD ! The world today has many of these trees about and no matter what, Sonship is the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD and they are the ones that shall be used by God in this hour for His glory and Kingdom! Why do I feel this is the dawn of a new day? SCIENCE !!!!!! ...