Philadelphia 2
After sending Philadelphia 1, I read this ... Quote - When Jacobs thigh is put out it means desire to control the issue is gone. The thigh is a symbol of desire (for obvious reasons). Now we submit to divine mind. As soon as Jacob no longer is in control, divine mind rules. His name is changed from Jacob to Israel. “To…the church in Philadelphia write, ‘These things says He who is holy , He who is true , “He who has the key of David , He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens” (Rev 3:7) Bless Our Light for such depth in that verse alone! " These things says He who is holy ,...." Let us NOT lean upon the written word nor our understanding .... BUT let us see by the Word of Life!" " These things says He who is WHOLE (HOLY) ,...." The Greek word holy is also the word WHOLE! The Word of Life was NEVER separated from LOVE for t...