

All GLORY unto Father for His Spirit that is always asking you "Don't you remember?" Law ..... Throughout the NT (New Testament) is the word "law." Now many in their minds tag to it 'Moses' or '10 commandments.' HOWEVER, that is NOT what Father wants us to see. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death . Romans 8:2 This world and everything in it, on it and under it operates according to LAW! There is the law of gravity which you can say 'What goes up MUST come down.' It is a law Father has spoken unto this world. Without it we just float away. It is that law that keeps us grounded! HOWEVER, Father never said we can abide in the 'Higher law!' Mankind many years ago watched birds and thought 'Why can't I fly.' So they pushed

The Game And The Dance by Lynn Hayes


Most Holy Place

Bless our Father for revealing the Truth of who we are! I've been spending time chewing on every verse in the book of Romans. Now its not my first chew on every verse, a few months ago I studied the book. When I found myself in it again and seeing it in a Deeper light I asked Father ' Why ?' See Genesis is the foundation of all and the book of Romans takes one and places them upon that foundation! For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Cor 3:11 Today I read--->An instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, which hast the form (the instructor) of knowledge and of the truth in the law. Romans 2:20 An 'instructor' is a teacher and the teacher is being rebuked for teaching babes ..... grasp it! These babes can not talk at least walk and they are being taught the law as their foundation!