All GLORY unto Father for His Spirit that is always asking you
"Don't you remember?"
Law ..... Throughout the NT (New Testament) is the word "law." Now
many in their minds tag to it 'Moses' or '10 commandments.'
HOWEVER, that is NOT what Father wants us to see.
For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus
hath made me free from the law of sin
and death.
Romans 8:2
This world and everything in it, on it and under it operates
according to LAW!
There is the law of gravity which you can say 'What goes up MUST
come down.' It is a law Father has spoken unto this world. Without
it we just float away. It is that law that keeps us grounded!
HOWEVER, Father never said we can abide in the 'Higher law!'
Mankind many years ago watched birds and thought 'Why can't I
fly.' So they pushed themselves to the limits and tried to fly.
Yes they wanted to fly or to be in the law of aerodynamics!
Today we have airplanes that weigh 8200K that lift off runways to
fly any where in the world.
Father never said we must only abide under the law of gravity.
Father offers unto ALL the law of a Higher place IN HIM!
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit
saith unto the churches. Rev. 2:29
Come on now the 'churches' are already the called out so why He
that hath am ear can be the called out of the called out.
For many are called, but few are chosen. Matt. 22:14
The whole world is the church the called out. Called out of the
box! Called out from UNDER the LAW OF SIN AND DEATH. And they
who hEAR the Spirit are they who are the OVERCOMERS!
They over come the law of gravity because they are in Him, in a
The REST is upon the ARK and the ARK is in the Most Holy Place (holiest)! It is a Higher LAW!
I will tell you that " be carnally minded is death" That is to remain UNDER THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH. It is a law and it JUST HAS TO BE!
However, to them that have and ear to hEAR "...but to be spiritually minded is life and peace."
To be spiritually minded is to operate out of the Higher LAW!
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