First Fruits

The Barley Bread Company: Written By Sharon DIBenedetto

The Bread Of The Firstfruits;

In 2 Kings 4:42, “and there came a man, from Baal-shalisha, (master of three), and brought the man of God, who was Elisha, Bread of the Firstfruits, twenty, which number represents, Redemption Loaves of Barley, and Full Ears of Corn, in the husk thereof,” (Rom. 8:19) “for the earnest expectancy of the creation waiteth for the manifestation of the Sons of God, (those who are becoming His Barley Bread,). Rom. 8:23, “and not only creation groans and travails in pain together, until now: But Ourselves also, which “have the Firstfruits:” of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan from within, ourselves, waiting for the adoption, it wit, the “Redemption of our Body”.

Not of the will of the flesh, blood, or man is HE begetting this Company, of His ‘Many Brethren’ –who shall be in His Image: but of His Own Will is He begetting These, that they might become a ‘kind of Firstfruits’ of His Creation.


And that God through these ones He would be Glorified before All men. We must keep in mind that the ‘Firstfruits of The Harvest’; in no wise is the same as the ‘Fulness of the Harvest; It is the “Firstfruits” only that become the token of God’s Love unto All men, whereby He gives assurance that the ‘Full Harvest’ will also come afterwards. Praise the Lord!

The Hebrew word translated as “Full Ears of Corn” in the above Scripture, is “Karmel”. Which means, a planted Field, Garden, Vineyard, or Park; and orchard. By implication “Garden Produce,” or plentiful field. It is also the Name of a Hill of Carmel where Elijah slew the 150 Baal Prophets of Jezebel together with the 400 false prophets of the groves. It was also here on Top of Carmel that Elijah went before the Face of God with his head bowed to the ground ‘between’ his knees and petitioned God for “ Abundance Of Rain,” at the consummation of the 3 and a half years of great drought which prevailed over the land of Israel. Was it really ‘corn’ that the man who was sent from God, did bring to His prophet so that he might feed the ‘hungry people’? I believe not, rather it eat some manner of “Manna sent from Heaven”; it was the “Fruits of His Spirit” Dwelling in HIS Sons.


The Hebrew Word translated as “HUSK” in this verse, meaning” tsiglon’ To Wind, A SACK (as tied at the mouth) This ‘mysterious man’ which came forth from the Baal-shisha brought more than just ‘Natural Corn’, which is intended only to sustain the “natural” body of flesh; It was This MAN who Brought ‘down’ the Righteousness of God. And hereby He clothed the same and nakedness of His people, who had been snared by sin.

We read in Isa. 29:17, “It is not yet a Very Little While, and Lebanon shall be Turned into a ‘Fruitful Field’?. Again this is the same word as “karmel”, which was translated in  2 Kings 4;42, as “full ears of corn” Amen? We know that Lebanon is a mountain range in Syria. In Building the Lord’s House, timber was used from the ‘cedars and furs’ of Lebanon. SOLOMON also built the House of God of the forest from Lebanon; (1 kings. 7:2,) the ‘mountains of Lebanon’ were noted by the prophets for their beauty. Read SOS. 4:11; Hos. 14:5-7. The Word of the Lord alludes to Lebanon only as a figure of speech. No. The prophetic Word of God isn’t speaking only in regards to beautiful mountains and of ‘literal’ fruitful fields, (karmel) “full ears of corn” that were brought to the Man Of God, here God only made allusion to these natural wonders and blessings by way of comparison, for hereby He was portraying that certain “Individual” and that Certain Man who had been fully clothed upon with His Righteousness.

Psa. 92:12 The RIGHTEOUS shall flourish like the Palm Tree and the righteous shall grow up, straight and steady, like the cedar in Lebanon. –Even that Fruitful field. Of His Sons, which has come to a Full Head of the Ear of the Corn, (Matured);

In 2 Kings we read, 4:42 “ ……and he Elisha commanded, “Give unto the people, that they may eat”; and his servant said, “ what, should I set this (light bread of lowly esteem) before a hundred men?” ……in vs.43, …..Elisha again said, “Give the people, that they may eat, for thus saith the Lord that THEY Shall Eat and leave thereof an abundance remaining”. So the servant, even according to his word, “set it” the Firstfruits Barley Loaves” before them, and they DID EAT, and left thereof Abundant surplus, it was according to the ‘Word of God’.

It is that very thing, which men through ‘their’ vain pride do ‘despise’, and God said that He would use it to bring forth His Blessing to All the people, and God is taking these very things which ‘appear’ foolishness to the ‘natural’ carnal mind, and it is through His Firstfruits that He shall confound the ‘wise’. Who? The wise of this world. (All carnality).

We have learned that the very ‘Miracle’ that fell upon the people during the days of Elisha was again repeated in the days of Jesus Christ, (See Mathew 14:13, Mark 6;14, Luke 9;7.) That Miracle, that which was performed during Elisha’s day, was ‘ordained’ by God for a ‘sign’ which pointed to the “COMING” of Jesus The Christ; Who is the “Miracle of Godliness”. But the Miracle of feeding the multitudes, that was performed by The Christ Himself, did also point to these last days of “Better things to come”


As ‘signs’, these gave Faithful Testimony to a future fulfillment. It was a Witness to His Purpose. It is here revealed to us through these SIGNS. It is By Revelation that God gives us assurance that the Firstfruit Barley Loaves did in reality, represent “A People” who would “bear the Image of His Likeness”


But this Elect and Chosen people were to be despised and set at naught “ by the elders”; they were to ‘cast out’ of their ‘good company’ and they were to be evilly branded as the ‘evil ones’, who are the ones to come and turn the world upside down. Or to shake up all that they knew.

In John 6:9 We read; “There is a lad here…”1 Tim. 4;12,”Let no man despise thy youth, but be thou an EXAMPLE of the ‘believers’, in a word, in conversations, (behavior), In charity, in Spirit, in faith, Love, and in Purity, Till I come, and give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine,” Vs.15; “Meditate on these things: And give thyself wholly to them.” In 1Sam. 17:42, we read of David, “and when the Philistine Goliath looked about, he saw David, (who had no manly comeliness nor beauty that we should desire Him) and Goliath disdained him; For David Was But A Youth; and ruddy; and of a fair countenance.” But Goliath upon looking on David’s “outward stature” discerned not that “within this youth” that “The Lion of the Tribe of Judah” did roar mightily against his spoil.


Also here in John 6:9 we says, “There is a lad here, which has Five ( number of grace) Barley Loaves, (of the Firstfruit Harvest). And two (His witness) Small Fishes, but what are they among so many?”

Here this shows us that these people reasoned after their own minds, which is carnal, carnality, saying, “what eternal and lasting good can this little band of David’s discontents do when the need at hand is become so great? Surely, we need ( they thought) to resort to “psychology” or to a group of therapy if we are to carry forth this program successfully. We need to enlarge our” congregation, because we need more help.”

God never ‘resorts’ to large numbers, in bringing forth His mighty Deliverance. Amen!!!

God doesn’t put His “Strenght and Prowess of Men”, All God needs is to bring deliverance is to His people today is “One Man” who bears ‘within’ his insignificant human body That LIFE Which Is Christ. With His SEED of LIFE dwelling in such a man He shall prevail to bring deliverance to his groaning Creation.

“ And Jesus took the Barley Loaves and gave thanks….”(Thank you Father: those Thou gavest Me I have kept!) yes, Jesus did bless the Barley Loaves, He Brakes them: and He gives them to be Life unto the people.


Except that you also are become as that One which has been apprehended and chosen of the Lord, then His blessing and his unction shall not be found to rest upon your life. Remember this loved one, we do ‘not’ choose Him; but He must ‘first choose’ us, so that we might labor together ‘with Him in the Vineyard’. Therefore this “Transformation” wrought in us is a “Miracle of His doing”, not ours. We cannot transform ourselves. We have not the power to do it. But it is the Power of the One who dwells ‘within’ us that has the power to transform us.

It is too marvelous before our eyes.

If He chooses to bless us, it is so that we ‘might’ become As His Broken Barley Bread, by which He shall then feed the Multitudes. Praise the Lord!!!!

Yes it is He who chooses us as His Firstfruits; why? So that we might ‘die to self’ but live unto Him. Having become partakers of His Life unto the rest of the people, whose lives are now broken in fragments, even like the Potter’s Vessels of clay.

Lev. 23:10, Says, “..speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When Ye Become Into The Land which I gave you, and shall (begin to) reap the harvest thereof, then you shall bring, A Sheaf (Christ’s body of sons) of the firstfruits of your harvest, unto the Priest (Christ the Head); and He shall wave the Sheaf (lift up) before the Lord, to be accepted for you, on the Morrow after the Sabbath, the Priest shall wave the Sheaf of the firstfruits”.

The Sabbath; was in the Scripture that refers to the Passover Feast; which was observed on the 14th day of the Abib, (first New Moon in March) which then became the beginning of the months to the children of Israel. And on the 15th day of the month, the Priest offered up the Sheaf of the Barley firstfruits, unto the Lord. This 15th day was also the first day of the Seven Day Feast; Which is also called the Feast of Unleavened Bread (which is bread without yeast, sin;) This lasted for Seven Consecutive days, the sons of Israel were forbidden to eat leavened bread (bread made with yeast).

In the Land which God gave to the sons of Israel; The Harvest of the Firstfruits, also began on the 15th day of the month of (Abib) which was the beginning of the New Moon and corresponding to our March, April, that it was during this time that the “First Ripe Barley” (Those whose matured first) which began to ripen first, (mature) and in the land of Israel the Barley Harvest continues also through May and June.


Then follows the Wheat Harvest in the fall.
The Wheat Harvest; in Israel starts from within three to four weeks After the Barley harvest. Therefore if this is correct; then we can safely say, that the Wave of the Sheaf of the Firstfruits which was offered up on the day following the Passover Sabbath Feast was a Sheaf of Barley Firstfruits. Instead of a Sheaf of the firstfruits of the Wheat harvest. What does this mean?

We are saying this is that “NOT ALL” His people shall be able to hear His words, will be able to bear them. For we speak hard sayings; But there will be those who will rejoice as they become partakers of His Sufferings, experienced by Christ and His Sons, at the appointed time when the firstfruit Barley Sheaf is offered up during the Feast of Passover.

Part Two - Feast of Harvests
“Except ye Eat My Flesh and Drink My Blood; ye have ‘no life’ in you”. (John 6:53) “If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with Me.” Therefore in order to become partakers of the Body Of Christ, we have to cease forever from eating of the leavened bread of sin, of malice and hypocrisy. In order to become His firstfruit, Barley Sheaf, we have to “put on Christ”. Then there is no more room for the flesh, (carnality) to transgress against His Perfect Laws; these two become partakers, together With Christ, becoming His Barley Firstfruits. Only do so because they have been identified together with Christ, in HIS Death, Burial, therefore they shall afterwards be lifted up together with Him in His Resurrection.

Praise the Lord; Which is His Resurrection Life!

According to Exodus 34:22, We read that the Day of Pentecost; is identified with the Wheat Harvest. In the Book of Corinthians it teaches us of the three-fold Harvest. 1 Cor. 15:23-24. Here we can see the “ORDER of the Three fold Harvest. Here we first have Christ as the Firstfruits; here we know that this is speaking of the Whole Body Of Christ; the Christ of God; the Anointed Ones; even those to be harvested at Passover as the Firstfruit Barley Sheaf; Secondly we have “they that are Christ’s at His coming”; Speaking of the Two Sheaves of the firstfruits of the Wheat Harvest; which is Pentecost; And the THIRD Harvest; is described as; “Then cometh the end, when He Christ, shall have delivered up the Kingdom to God, even the Father; when He shall put down all rule and all authority and power.” In Verse 28, …. “That God may be All In ALL.” Therefore this is the harvest called the Ingathering; also called Tabernacles; Which is the Feast of Tabernacles the last Feast; When “ALL” shall be Gathered IN. We are among the many who are waiting on this Feast to come. As if This Third Great Feast is as the beginning of the Harvests, and truly this Harvest shall gather in all, that God the Father may indeed be All In All; God tabernacling in all men.

Completely dwelling in His Creation; Amen!!!

The “Harvest of Ingathering”, (Tabernacles) which will come at “the end” is spoken of in Eph. 1;10.  ”That in the dispensation of the fulness of times (the end) He might gather together in One (the Ingathering Feast) all things in Christ, both which are in Heaven and which are in Earth, even in Him.” This is Tabernacles, the Ingathering.

In the Old Testament we read in Lev. 23:15-17, “and Ye shall count unto you, from the morrow after The Sabbath, from the day that you brought the Sheaf of the Wave Offering (firstfruits barley sheaf) Seven Sabbaths (which is 49 days) shall be complete (accomplished) even unto the morrow after the Seventh Sabbath, shall ye. Number 50-In the Greek it is ‘pentekoste’ Days and ye shall offer a new meat offering to the Lord. (then) ye shall bring out of your habitations Two Wave Loaves, of Two tenths deals; They shall be of FINE Flour. (fine- grounded, pounded, sifted over and over until no lumps but fine powder.) They shall be baked with Leaven, (the rising of sin yet in their members) they are the firstfruits of Pentecost; (wheat) The Wheat Harvest which is even the Body of Christ His Church; are they which have been purged of Sin by going through the fire, (Shaft-Sin burnt) unto the Lord; Amen!

In the Day of the Lord which is heated like an oven, the Lord shall salt these with Fire; And He will purge out their tin and dross, and these firstfruits of Pentecost which is the Wheat Harvest, are an evident token of His great love, Which gives the great promise of the Harvest of the Ingathering which will follow After–wherein God shall Gather All Men unto Himself.

Glory be to the Father!

Now let us turn to Exodus 9:31-32, “And the Flax (a plant from which linen is derived from) which signifies the ‘righteousness’ of the Saints. And the Barley was smitten, for the barley was in the ear, and the flax was boiled, (gone to seed), But the wheat and the rye were not smitten. For they were not grown up; (‘aphiyl’)- means unripe. Remember that this judgment occurred in Egypt, which was well known in the world for their “fine linen” (the world’s semblance of righteousness). The plaques of EGYPT, were immediately prior to the exodus of the children of Israel out of Egypt on that “Dark Night” which was the 14th day of the month of Abib. The Barley Grain is noted for its fast growth. Barley is always planted in the fall during the same time as the Wheat. Yet barley matures rapidly in the spring, it is for this reason that when the judgments fell on Egypt the Barley and the flax were the first to be smitten.

In type and shadow this sore evil which befall His sons who are coming to the Fullness of the Stature of Christ, for these sons alone shall be able to abide and Overcome the Smiting and Wounding at the very hands of their enemies. Why? Because these ones have grown up in Christ, and they shall therefore be able to ‘bear their griefs’ and be able to ‘carry their sorrows’ of those because of their “blindness”. And do yet esteem them Smitten of God and are afflicted. These who disdain His Firstfruits, Barley Harvest. They do so out of their ignorance. Why? Because they know not that it is “for their transgressions” that “their Brethren” are being sorely wounded. Read Isa. 53:2-5.

Lets now turn to Lev. 27;16. “and if a man shall sanctify unto the Lord a Field of his possessions then thy estimation (‘erek’-a pile, setting in order) a valuation, shall be according to the Seed, thereof, an homer (which is a standard of measure) of Barley Seed at 50 shekels of silver.” Under the Law of Moses, which does speak of better things to come, God has established a “Standard of Measure” for ‘evaluating’ the Redemptive price of the field, which is the world. The Barley Seed of His firstfruits Harvest of sons, became the established measure ordained by God for the Sanctification, which is the Redemption and the Restoration, of All Things during the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times.


Let us now go and study the Word and some Revelation from the Book of Ruth. Ruth 1:22, “so Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitess, her daughter inlaw, with her, which returned with her from out of the country of Moab, they came to Bethlehem, Which (is the house of bread) in the beginning of the Barley harvest. Ruth 2;17, “so Ruth gleaned in the Field until even, and Beat Out that she had gleaned. And it was about an Ephah Of Barley”. God is a Covenant Keeper, His covenant (promises) are to Israel by virtue of race, and His promises are also unto all of us who believe. Even they who became His by Grace. Ruth was ‘not’ an Israelite, not by nature or by lineage. She was an Israelite through the “Spiritual Adoption” union with the Lord of the Harvest. Boaz, (type of Christ) She was chosen of God, “to bring forth the spiritual Seed” of Christ. Amen! (which is the anointed).

The Name of Ruth means “A Friend” became the ‘Friend ‘ of God, because she did not only love her Mother inLaw, Naomi, an Israelitess to whom belonged the the promises of God but above and beyond that, Ruth had come to Love Jehovah, the God of Israel. Like every man Ruth had to make a choice. She too had to choose between Jehovah, the God of Israel, and the “gods” of her fathers, who served on the “other side of the river”. And Ruth chose wisely, saying, “entreat me not to leave you, or to return from following after thee.” Ruth followed the path of her Mother InLaw. Otherwise her life would have ended in human tragedy.  Therefore we could say that Naomi led her on in Victory, in Christ.


“For whether thou goest I go. “Thy God shall be my God.” Because Ruth had come to ‘know the God of Naomi’, intimately, whom to know is Life. Ruth had come to the knowledge that Naomi was walking IN the Pathway of Truth, which is Life. Only as Naomi walked in HIS STEPS was Ruth also contented to abide under her Mother inLaw’s shadow. Which now gives her Rest and Comfort to her weary soul.


Wise words that Naomi spoke became as the Words of God, unto Ruth. In Ruth 3:5 “and Ruth said unto Naomi, all that thou saith unto me I will do”. We must realize that it is in our obedience to God that our assurance of ultimate Victory is in Him. 3:2, “And Naomi said, he (Boaz) is winnowing barley tonight at the threshing floor.”

HIS WINNOWING FAN; (which is the Word of God) is in His Hand; (made subject to those bearing His authority, and the fresh breezes of the winds of His Spirit are Separating that which is Carnality, (The Chaff) from that which savours of Spiritual, (those who become His firstfruits barley sheaf.) Ruth 3:3 “and Naomi said; Wash thyself, therefore, and anoint thee, (with His Holy Spirit) and put thy raiment (His Righteousness) upon thee, and Get thee Down to the threshing floor. Make not thyself known unto the man until He shall have done (accomplished) Eating and Drinking.”

Now My Friends if we too but keep the “Spirit of the Feast of Passover” within our hearts, then we shall identify ourselves together with Him in His Sufferings, and then Afterwards we shall become Partakers together with Him of His Resurrection Life. Jesus declared, “ I shall not drink of this fruit (the generation offspring) of the Vine UNTIL that Day when I drink it A new with you in my Father’s Kingdom”. Math.26:29

Only those ones who can identify themselves with His Passion and Sufferings, on the Cross, shall afterwards be able to Boldly stand in His Presence, Rejoicing. Amen!!!!

Ruth 3;7, Says; “And when Boaz (type of Christ) had eaten and drank (the firstfruits barley sheaf) And His Heart was merry, He went to lay down, (rest) at the end of the heap (‘arem’ –a sheaf, heap, from ‘aram’ meaning; to pile up or gather together, remember that this grain which Boaz was ‘winnowing’ Was Not Corn’ but rather it was Barley;) Yea, Our God is Gathering Out His Firstfruits, of His Barley harvest, Amen!!!

And the Priest Which is Christ, is waving these, (Lifting up in offering) before the Lord to be accepted by Him. God shall only “cease” from his “labors” as husbandman, in His Garden (which is who we are) when he has accomplished to bring forth the Firstfruits Sheaf of the Barley Harvest. It is then that he shall be found abiding in His firstfruits, (Generation) of the Vine.

And there shall He Rest and Be Glad rejoice and Be merry. Amen!!!!

In Isa. 53;10 Tells us, “Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him, (Christ the Head together with his body of sons) He (Jehovah God) Hath put Him (even Christ) –His Anointed) to grief; when thou shalt make His soul (“psuche’) –Life. An offering for Sin; He Shall See His Seed! (those who are His sons of promise), He shall prolong His days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hand. He shall see the travail of His soul, (life) and shall be satisfied; by his knowledge, shall my righteous servant (His anointed One who become His Israel after the Spirit) justify many; for He (The one Corporate Body) of a many-membered Anointed Sons) Shall bear their (the people’s iniquities.”

Now again we look at Ruth 3:7, “…..He Boaz went to lie down (to possess his rest-even his kingdom of Peace) at the end, (“qetseh’)- Extremity, uttermost, lowest, corner, border, of the heap of corn, (barley) Our God is seeking and finding His resting place within His Chosen People who have been abased, humbled, and who have been brought to know Him through great trials. God shall travail to find His Resting Place, within those of His servants who become “as nothing” so that He alone might through them become All in All. Yea, God shall rest within a Holy People, who hitherto have despised and rejected by men for the Glory Of His Name’s Sake!


Ruth3:4; And Naomi said, “and it shall be, when He lieth down, that thou shall mark the place where he shall lie, and thou shalt go in, and Uncover (unveil, reveal,) His Feet, (meaning the body of His sons who shall come to the fullness of His stature at the Last Days, and lay thee down, And He will tell Thee what thou shall do.” From verse, 7, “… And she (Ruth) came softly (‘lat’-secretly”). The Father will ‘reveal;’ His Secrets to the ones who follow after Him faithfully, and to them that love Him. And the ones who have been obedient in All His House as His Faithful Servants, And it is He who brings them into sonship, and make them to be rulers over His house, And then we will be called His friend. And all things that is known to Jesus Christ, will make it known unto us, that have been called and are chosen, ordained, and have been justified and sanctified, Amen!

Those who have been called into sonship, and are of His firstfruits, Sheaf of the Barley Harvest, are being processed and going through much suffering, and are put through many trials, during this time. This is what we can call the “Threshing Floor”, where we are being gleamed, and grounded into “fine flour” Suitable for the making of becoming Daily Bread to the world.

Ruth 3;8, “And it came to pass at Midnight, that the man was “afraid” (Hebrew word-“charad” Also meaning “to be careful”, to hasten with anxiety, to quake, or to tremble, this speaks of His Presence, who comes to abide in our midst. Even His Voice, He speaks to us through the roaring of His Thunder, which causes us to shake from top to bottom.


It is His “Presence” that rents the veil of our carnal mind, Being careful and mindful. And He is anxious to hear our cry. It is then that the father moves and rouses Himself, with a joyful anticipation, because He knows our hearts are turning back to Him. Amen! Our Father ‘longs’ for us to “return” unto Him to have fellowship with Him.

Ruth 3:15, “Also he (Boaz) said, Bring the veil (mitpacahth’) meaning a wide cloak), thou hast upon thee, and hold it (take possession of it;) and when she held it, he measured six measures of barley, and laid (‘shiyth’) meaning to place, apply, appoint, array, put on) it, (the barley) on her.”

Ruth 4;13, “So Boaz took Ruth and she was his wife, and he went into her, and the Lord gave her conception (the seed of life) and she bare a son,”

God is preparing a Firstfruit Barley Company in this very hour we are living in, raising up His firstfruits, of His Harvest, And these ones will be strong, in their battles against their enemies, and the rest of His people will be found in ‘flight’ trying to hide themselves from the wrath of their enemies, these “Mighty Ones” shall stand immovable in the middle of their battles, and through these ones the Lord will cause the enemy to be put to flight, For they have set themselves a “sure foundation” Who claim His Word to be faithful: for they refuse to be denied, while the rest of the people “flee of fear for their very lives”. Because their eyes have been blinded and they do not see God’s protection afforded them by the Heavenly Host.

Like Christ, Our Head, and His sons who are now in the making shall also say when their pitchers are empty of their self-life, and able to say, “ I can of mine own will, do nothing, but the will of my Father. John 5;19-30.

John 8:28-29, “But as my Father has taught Me, I speak these things, And He that has sent Me, is with Me, The Father has not left Me alone, for I do always those things that Please Him; “As you see Me do, do ye likewise, thus you shall be assured of an abundant entrance into that great number of His Firstfruit Barley Harvest.

Blessed are they who are called first; Amen!!!!


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