I am the way

 “Now I go my way to HIM THAT SENT ME, and none of you ask me where I am going, but because I have said these things to you sorrow has filled your heart. Nevertheless I tell you IT IS EXPEDIENT FOR YOU THAT I GO AWAY, because if I do not go away the comforter will not come unto you, but if I depart I will send him unto you." John 16 :5-7.

Quote Des Walter =Why was it so essential for Jesus to go away and leave the disciples? This is a most important question for us today, just as it was for the disciples at that time. When Jesus came into the world born of a woman people saw him just as another man, which outwardly he was. Even the disciples did not really recognise his true identity, which was not apparent to natural sight. Peter speaking under inspiration from God declared him to be CHRIST THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD. The word CHRIST is the Greek word CHRISTOS which means ANOINTING and is the same word translated MESSIAH in the Old Testament. This is "YAHWEH" the I AM who delivered Israel from bondage in Egypt.

Thus the mystery of EMMANUEL (Isa 7:14) is revealed in Jesus Christ as GOD MANIFEST IN THE FLESH. This is the one who was spoken into existence in the beginning as the prefect Image and Likeness of God. After 6000 years of human history we have come to believe only that which is visible to the natural eye. Therefore our identity is determined by what our eyes see. That which we desire to see but cannot, because of our human limitations, we define by using our IMAGINATION. Thus children IMAGINE a Santa who rides that sky on a sleigh pulled by reindeers, delivering toys to all the children of the world on Christmas night. To them, Santa is very real.

Because GOD IS SPIRIT and therefore invisible, many define him by using their IMAGINATION, "seeing" Him as a MAN sitting up in the SKY in a beautiful place called heaven blessing us every time we are good, and punishing us when we do wrong. He is seated upon a beautiful throne covered with Gold and thousands of angels dressed in pure white with great wings attend to his every need. To those who believe these things , that "GOD" is real, and on Sunday morning He is the one they WORSHIP, not knowing he is but the figment of their imagination!

Now Jesus comes along doing all kinds of miracles, like healing the sick and raising the dead, and telling the people things no one has ever told them before, and they cling to HIM. They cry, "Don’t go away Master, WE NEED YOU, because there is no one else." God was now associated with Jesus of Nazareth, so that even TODAY ….CHRISTIANS STILL WORSHIP JESUS, instead of the FATHER !

Using their IMAGINATION they hang on to JESUS THE MAN who now also dwells with God the Father in this lovely place up in the sky called HEAVEN. Their carnal mind declaring that their salvation depends upon this same JESUS THE MAN, with a flesh and blood BODY, coming back OUT OF THE SKY, through the clouds, to empty the graves and catch away the saved who spend eternity with him in this beautiful place in the sky called heaven.

WHY did Jesus say, "IT IS EXPEDIENT FOR YOU THAT I GO AWAY?" The simple answer beloved is, so that we might SEE BEYOND The veil WHICH IS HIS FLESH, into the TRUTH OF HIS REAL IDENTITY WHICH IS IN THE FATHER WHO IS SPIRIT. He promised the disciples he would return, which he did on the Day of Pentecost. However, NOT AS A MAN of flesh and blood born of a woman, but as the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, dwelling within as the I AM who is the likeness and image of God. Thus the type of the feast of Pentecost of the Old Testament was fulfilled in reality as the 120 were FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT OF GOD.

As a result the disciples found that what Jesus did when he was with them, they could do BECAUSE HE WAS NOW IN THEM. To reinforce this point Paul says quite clearly, " Henceforth know we NO MAN AFTER THE FLESH. YES, even though we have known CHRIST after the flesh, (as a MAN) yet now from this time forward……


The cry of my heart to God’s people today is, LET JESUS THE MAN GO, and embrace the INDWELLING CHRIST, THE I AM as your true identity, for it is CHRIST IN YOU that is the hope of HIS GLORY. Don’t worship Jesus the MAN, but


End of quote....


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