Thyatira 4
Notwithstanding I have a
few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman
Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to
seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things
sacrificed unto idols. Rev 2:20
Before moving on we must understand that 'Jezebel, calleth herself a
How many today call themselves pastors, bishops, reverends,
teachers, apostles and on and on and on.
YET NOT ONE WORD OF Truth hEARd within, that will bring the
voice of them a Word of Life.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh I know .... I sat with bishops and pastors that
worked at filling their bank accounts over the Truth. They
worked at getting the love their heart wanted!
Go ahead and ask "What is the root of all evil?"
Yes most say money and yet Truth says "The LOVE
Do you love money more than the Word of Life?
NO Brother!
Yet you are willing to do what ever it takes to get that money
and at ANY COST!
My my my ..... Love of money. I have many times hated money ....
hated what it did to others .... hate what it does NOW!
The love of money has such a negative vibration that it destroys
so much!
Let us draw back to "prophetess"
In Nehemiah 6:14, Nehemiah
had a prophetess
that brought fear to him during the rebuilding of the walls of
Jerusalem. The rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem represents Truth
rebuilding the heart of the disciple upon the foundation of
Christ! The prophetess
did not want the walls rebuilt, so by teachings, the heart of
the disciple fell into SELF-CONDEMNATION!
OHHHHHHHHHHHH ...... Yea .... Religion does not bring a
Word of Life .... but rather condemnation.
The hearts of many are condemned and as so they give
up on the journey and head back down to being the church in Pergamos.
These ones again are under the bondage of FEAR
and as so are NOT building with gold, silver and precious
stones, but rather hay, wood and stubble!
Jezebel the
one that calls itself prophetess goal is to keep the Word of Life
from bringing healing to the soul of many. A prophetess of old ....
speaking lies and believed by many!
Let me say unto you .... "Do you allow this prophetess to to seduce you to commit
fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols."
Nope not me Brother ..... Naaaaaaaa I love God.
Just know this prophetess is to get you to keep your eyes
upon others things of this world and the flesh needs and
by doing so you will not see Truth with the eye!
In other words, this prophetess catches the attention of many
disciples and takes their focus off the Word of Life and
feeds the soul lies so that the soul will be no longer a
servant to Spirit ... BUT RATHER A SERVANT TO THE FLESH!
Now look at this verse in the Light rather than
religion--->Let your women keep silence in the
churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they
are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith
the law.
COME ON NOW .... That verse IS NOT written to females
(women). The women that is to keep silence is the lower
emotions .... THE PROPHETESS!
There was a time I was a literalist and wonder why in
certain churches women were allowed to teach. I
wondered how the pastor was allowed to ignore certain
scriptures. When the Word of Life got a hold of my
hEARt I saw the literalist teachings as the lies that
hold so many in condemnation!
The truth shall MAKE you free!
What makes this prophetess so
dangerous is the disciple grew up doing things by
their own carnal emotions and on the journey to the
throne room can not see how their old emotions still
have them as SLAVES!
Truth be ... Jezebel uses the fear we were in
bondage to, to enslave us again.
Come on .... You think all those years of hearing
"Do this .... Don't do that" did not keep our soul a
slave to doing something!!!!!
And many come to religion and don't realize a lying
Jezebel speaks through bible verses that one MUST
obey to be in good standing with God and to even
make it to some place called heaven.
OHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh I know many of these so called
teachings SOUND GOOD .... I was there .... I was
told to shut up and take a back seat when I
questioned teachings. I came into religion with the
biggest questions any encountered and because of the
questions I was just told to leave.
I left, but I dug deeper into the bible wanting my
questions answered and I never got the answer .... I
got another question and when that question was
answered it was answered with a question!
You might wonder why no facebook account .... I had one and I just questioned so many teachings that I found many more teachers coming against me. Even my so called facebook friends would write me and tell me to just believe. YET QUESTIONS AFTER QUESTIONS NEVER ANSWERED.
One day I hEARd within me "Shut down facebook" I did and I bless LOVE for from that day to present the Word of Life has been maturing me!
My lower emotions were not being stirred up to drag me down concerning no answers to my questions.
Frank & Michele Welder
Lethbridge, AB. Canada
Jesus the Christ said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All."
The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 2.
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