
Showing posts with the label LORD. lord

Baptized into Christ


Cross 3

THE CROSS - Des Walter I want to share with you today on the subject of the "Cross," because I think it is probably the most misunderstood aspect of the Christian faith. So I want to by-pass the traditional concepts that are the product of the natural mind and present to you the TRUTH as seen from God’s point of view. We will begin in Hebrews, chapter 2, because we need to lay a clear foundation and discover how God thinks about things because the Prophet Isaiah said, "As far as the heavens are above the earth, so far are my thoughts above your thoughts." Have you ever thought about that? Here we have been living with our thoughts for so long, or thoughts we have received from others, that have formed the basis of our understanding about God. But you see, His thoughts are way above our thoughts. So today let’s put away our thoughts about the cross, and let God start to insert some of His thinking and then we may come up with an answer quite different to that which w...

Kingdom within

Bless the Father for grace and truth. In the religious world all pretty well teach that one needs to do something so that when they die they will enter the kingdom of heaven. Now I taught that, for that is what I learnt from men who claimed to be God's chosen and called. Today as I sit listening to the voice of the Father, scriptures are no longer a mystery but are seen at face value. I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. Revelation 21:2 I by His Spirit see this 'new Jerusalem' COMING DOWN out of heaven. For the Government of God is being seen upon the earth. No catching up, nor any word that the way into this city is by death. Also by the Holy Spirit I saw---->Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5 The HUMBLE (meek) SHALL receive (inherit) the earth. hmmmmmmmm I was told Jesus went up in the sky somewhere to a place called heaven and He is building for me a b...

No longer I but Him

 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who overcomes, I will grant the right to eat from the tree of life in the Paradise of God. Revelation 2:7 The ear is the way the spirit of a word is allowed to enter the mind of one who hears. Now many listen to the spirits of others and in listening they see themselves as but the dust man who is only asleep. They who hear what the Spirit says are they who OVERCOME the body OF DEATH. For they hear and know the plan of the Father! When we hear the Word that God has given to His own, new realities begin to become visible and those things that were mysteries until now, are revealed. God's Word must of all be hEARd before it can be seen, and in hearing we shall see the kingdom of heaven and in seeing we are able to enter there in! In religion all I ate from was the knowledge of good and evil. In a mirror I could only see the man of dust and when I sat to hear it was the words of dust I feed upon. My mouth...