No longer I but Him

 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who overcomes, I will grant the right to eat from the tree of life in the Paradise of God. Revelation 2:7

The ear is the way the spirit of a word is allowed to enter the mind of one who hears. Now many listen to the spirits of others and in listening they see themselves as but the dust man who is only asleep. They who hear what the Spirit says are they who OVERCOME the body OF DEATH.

For they hear and know the plan of the Father!

When we hear the Word that God has given to His own, new realities begin to become visible and those things that were mysteries until now, are revealed. God's Word must of all be hEARd before it can be seen, and in hearing we shall see the kingdom of heaven and in seeing we are able to enter there in!

In religion all I ate from was the knowledge of good and evil. In a mirror I could only see the man of dust and when I sat to hear it was the words of dust I feed upon. My mouth was parched so much, I desired nothing more than a drop of water! Day in and day out I searched for the drop of water but dust was to be. For the truth I sought for was only the dust my mind seen and when the Truth of Him came forth, out of my hEARt flowed rivers of living water.

Now I understand that God lowered His spirit man created in His image into this physical and material world by forming him from the elements that make up this world and breathing in him the breath of life and man became a living soul.

But before this he was created a living spirit and had the seal of perfection. The man created in His image is but Christ! The perfect plan of God. Now let us not mistaking Jesus the Christ for Jesus the Christ was the Word that was made flesh! We were already perfect sons of God before the lowering of us in the man of dust. In this lowering we were subjected to vanity and we had to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for the flesh to survive!

Now in that eating we have subject ourselves to the law of sin and death and only the Truth can make us free and place us in the law of Life.

Does NOT scripture show us Adam was a son of God? Is not Adam the head of the human race? Did not the Holy Spirit say through the Apostle Paul that Adam was a ' figure of him that was to come.' (Romans 5:14)

Let us grasp and see that "Adam is a symbol, a representation of Christ, who was yet to come."

So in the day that Adam was formed, he was created perfect and was the seal of perfection full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.

Ohhhhhhhhh but does not the tree of the knowledge of good and evil tell me Adam was sinful and kicked out of the garden?

See them spirits speak only dust and if we allow that dust to be our knowledge of how God sees us, we are but TARES in His sight!

The end of the age is upon us for the LIGHT is waking us up from the sleep and we are seeing Him for who He is and in seeing we are becoming who He is!

After all I know Jesus the Christ is the resurrection and the life and His Light, His Word of life is the incorruptible seed that I have within me and I am born from above; Born from a Higher state; Born from the lowered mind to the mind of Christ!

"...the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light. And for those who lived in the land where death casts its shadow, a light has shined. ...”

Adam, the first man, was made from the dust of the earth, while Christ, the second man, came from heaven. 1 Corinthians 15:47

Time we behold the second man that came from a higher state than the first man who but eats only the dust of the earth! For the spoken Word of God became the second man (Christ, the anointed one), the life giving Spirit.

As I said before, in religion Jesus the Christ was always in the distance of my mind, for I only fed upon dust. When I beheld the light of His Word that shone within I beheld the Christ, the Son of the LIVING GOD! See I turned from looking out of the darken mind to see that within me was the light of life. By His grace and truth I saw the Word of life and ....


Now hold up .... See many will say "frankie you repented many years ago" and some will say I repented when I was water baptized. But I tell you, I only repented from what I saw as good and evil ... NOT WHAT GOD SAW AS DEATH! As long as I searched for God with my carnal mind, I only continued to walk as a dead man, in a body that was dead because it was under the law of sin and death. Therefore, I only taught as I was 'A DEAD MAN' for I did not see that Jesus the Christ IS THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE!

I was a tombstone full of white washed bones trying to grasp Him who is LIFE and Spirit. But in looking I could not see for my seeing was only done by the dust minded man I was.

I saw this second man by grace and truth and in seeing I slowly died to self and in dying I saw life growing with in. The Christ life! The incorruptible, Word of God within me made me free from the corruptible seed I thought I was. I saw the Kingdom of heaven coming from within. A King with a NEW government, a NEW plan and a NEW will of His. It is by a NEW understanding, a NEW realization, a transformation, a change within, that this NEW creation of His was.

It is the love of God shining in the hearts of his sons!

It is the light and water that woke me up from the sleep and in waking up I beheld my Father's face! For in His face I beheld the coming, birthing of the Lord from heaven; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting is now my life to behold!

This time He becomes flesh, so that by this flesh He is able to enlightening others to see His plan for all. It is the coming of the God our SAVIOR because He saves us from our sins. He takes the flesh (the earthiness) and separates it from the soul (mind in man), and calls upon Adam (spirit in man) to wake up from his sleep (quickens him), so that the relationship, the unity, the oneness that the spirit and soul experienced before, shall once again be established and this NEW creation may provide an unchanging (eternal) habitat, the garden of Eden, for the Creator (God) to dwell in.

Don’t you know that WE (the body) are the temple (dwelling place) of the most High God.

Yes so Deep to see ... but what has taken many years for others to see, we are blessed to grow quicker by as this age closes out.

There is a vast difference between descending from heaven and being cast out of heaven. The King James Bible tells us that John saw “a star fall from heaven,” but that is not the way it reads in the Greek text. The verb “fall” is not in the present tense at all, and does not denote an action taking place in the present, or at the instant that John beheld it, but something that has already transpired in the past. The Emphatic Diaglott, along with various modern translations, more correctly translates the passage, “and I saw a star having fallen from the heaven to the earth.” But even the words “having fallen” need some clarification also, for they seem to carry the connotation of something plunging down through the atmosphere, like a meteor, in an unimpeded and uncontrolled manner. Furthermore, there is no sense of why the star is falling was it pushed, or did it jump? However, the expression comes from a Greek word which is akin to another word meaning to fly, and its use indicates something that is flying in a prescribed pattern and then alights on the earth. That is the precise use of the Greek word in this passage! The great truth that the Holy Spirit would teach all who have ears to hear is that Christ, the firstborn Son of God, is the star that alighted on the earth and set in motion the correctional and transformational processes by which mankind is transformed from the image of the earthly into the image of the heavenly! Oh, the wonder of it!

When the Christ “descended” He did far more than merely leave one place and go to another. Since heaven is not a “place” but a spiritual realm of life and dominion, to “descend” does not speak of a change of location, rather, a change of being. The Spirit of God makes no mistake about this! “From the beginning He had the nature of God. Yet He did not regard equality with God as something at which He should grasp (hold on to). Nay, He stripped Himself of His glory, and took on Him the nature of a bondservant by becoming a man like other men. And being recognized as truly human, He humbled Himself and even stooped to die; and then that too a death on the cross. It is because of this also that God has so highly exalted Him, and has conferred on Him the name which is supreme above every other name, in order that in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of beings in the highest heavens, of those on the earth...” (Phil. 2:6-11, Weymouth Translation).

Yes, Christ descended, not geographically, but He descended in rank, in form, in substance, to become a man! The Mighty God became a man! And becoming a man He identified with all that was common to man. “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also Himself took part of the same; that through death He might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil. For verily He took not on Him the nature of angels; but He took on Him the seed of Abraham” (Heb. 2:14,16). Yes, my beloved, CHRIST DESCENDED from the high and holy realm of the Eternal Spirit into the depth of totality of the human experience, into the depth of what man is, into an identification and participation with the whole dreadful realm of darkness and death into which mankind had fallen. This was the Son of man, the Son of God, a member of the Divine Family, the Elohim, having changed Himself into a tiny collection of human cells, growing to be born of a virgin in Bethlehem, and living human life as it had never been lived before. He became obedient in this walk even unto death. With the coming of the Christ into this world of ours the STAR HAD FALLEN (COME DOWN) FROM HEAVEN UNTO THE EARTH!” end quote.


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