New Creation Man 4
In religion I saw Jesus in a distances. Ohhhhhhhhh trust me I could not see the doctrine of trinity when it was presented to me. I could not understand how Jesus was God. Then along came the doctrine of oneness and I looked at it and studied it and well had a glimpse in who Jesus was but still I only saw Him in a distance. See to me there was no difference in the doctrine of the trinity nor oneness for both in a way said Jesus was God and that I could never grasp with my hEARt. The main reason is "If Jesus was God how can God die and yet raise Himself." Ohhhhhhhhh trust me I read how God did not die but left the body of Jesus at the right moment. Still I could not grasp in my hEARt who Jesus was for I only saw Him from a distance. One blessed day the Jesus was revealed to me in such a way in that yes He was still in the distance and yet He was closer to me then a friend. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginn...