Power of His Resurrection

Echoes From Eden - J Preston Eby

QUOTE = let us consider the WILL of man.

Within your body you have a biological will which is physical, bodily will. This will is seated in the glands, brain and nerves of the body. This is the will that causes you to breathe and move, to jerk your hand away when you inadvertently touch a hot stove, to shiver when the temperature drops, to sleep at night and awaken in the morning. None of these things are functions of either the will of the soul or the will of the spirit. They are all physical reflexes and functions of the will of the body.

Within your soul you have a psychological will which is an ego will. This is the self-conscious and self-seeking will which is ever opposed to God and His will. This is the will Jesus brought to the cross when He said, "Father, if Thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless NOT MY WILL, but Thine, be done" (Luke 22:42). Within this psychological will is the wretchedness of sin and the power of death, that man would do his will rather than God's will!

Within your regenerated spirit you have a spiritual will which is naught but God's will. This is the will of which Jesus spoke when He said, "For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of Him that sent Me" (John 6:38). The location of God's will is settled in Philippians 2:13 where we read, "For it is God which worketh IN YOU both to WILL and to do of His good pleasure.”

Jesus Christ became man to bring us back to the blessedness of doing God's will.

The great object of redemption was to make us and our will free from the power of sin, and to lead us again to live and do the will of God. In His life on earth He showed us what it is to live only for the will of God; in His death and resurrection He won for us the power to live and do the will of God as He has done. It is this life of obedience, wrought out by the Lord Jesus in the flesh that is not only imputed to us, but imparted through regeneration by the Holy Spirit.

Through His death the Lord Jesus has atoned for our self-will and disobedience.

It was by conquering it in His own perfect obedience that He atoned for it. He has thus not only blotted out the guilt of our self-will before God, but broken its power in us. In His resurrection He brought from the dead a life that had conquered and destroyed all self-will.

And the believer who knows the power of Jesus' death and resurrection knows that His resurrection life gives us power to live as He lived. Jesus Christ enables us, through the indwelling of His Spirit as our new spirit life, to walk not after the flesh, but according to the will of God.

After seeing this by the Holy Spirit I heard within my heart "... That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection,..."Philippians 3:10


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