Life Eternal within
When we come to God we come thinking it’s about being good and obeying rules, following some way preached unto us, this is only having king Saul to reign over us. See we want self help so that we can be a head above others, we want blessings so we can be seen as God's favorite child. We even want more head knowledge so when we talk about God to others we can be superior to the others.
God does not beat us for this self image but He does allow us to have it so that we see it only of ourselves and NOT of Him. I call it the pat me on the back attitude.
It shows and can be heard in our selfish prayers when we cry out "Make me, Lord, be that and this. Here is this person that I am, Lord. O make me better, give me more love, more patience, more kindness.”
It is as if God does not know who we are, nor how to change us. Child likeness. See the child just cries to get their way. Or they cross their arms and stick out their lip. There are many ways a child will show if they can't get what they want or do what they want.
Look at me "I'm a head taller!"
Nothing but our immaturity showing forth, in that we still have only a consciousness of flesh or independent self, we cannot help but think and pray this way.
How great is one's children until they think and act like their mature. Than one thinks how immature is that one for that ones motive is purely selfish!
Again I see it as the pat on the back syndrome.
But the Father is extremely patient with us while we live out that stage of life knowing His Spirit of truth will burn away the self (dross) to expose the Christ within!
God gave the cries of the children their king but after time the king did not bring any pleasures to the children and they realized that their cries for a king was very selfish. They turned to the only true God and asked for a king that was after God's heart and not the heart of self.
How we must grow up and tell the Father that the king we thought should rule over us has been nothing but selfishness and that the only King to rule over us will be a king of His heart!
The child self we come to God with thinks that it is where the holiness resides. It is a presumptuous self, a self that takes upon itself the right to sacrifice, thinking, wrongly, that itself is the life of God, in control, the decider, I WILL.
"And he had a son whose name was Saul, a handsome young man. There was not a man among the people of Israel more handsome than he. From his shoulders upward he was taller than any of the people." 1 Sam 9:2
Saul is humbled by the fact he has been chosen of God AND God puts His Spirit upon him, and anoints him king.
Yes one would wonder "Why God did this", if God already knew Saul was not going to work out!
Saul, A head above all, who is no other than self upon the throne of I am. How we must see this Saul, is the false image of ourselves that we are born with, that we known as ourselves all our lives even into our new birth into Christ; AND God honors it, anoints it, gifts it, and gives it its desires. Standing back looking at this Saul, this false king upon the throne of self, one truly wonders "WHY ME LORD WHY ME"!
Over the mountains, down through the valley, comes the answer in my soul "GRACE!"" "GRACE!"
I called you by my GRACE and nothing more. For by my grace and truth I the God within will bring that self to its own self-destruction. I am a consuming God and my love will consume the Saul that is upon the throne and it its place I will sit, bringing peace, joy and righteousness. The troubled sea shall be no more, for a calm as never before will settle within and your conscience will be sprinkled with the blood of my Son so that you and I will be one!
For after king Saul is removed, will enter one who is after My own heart! A King, a shepherd boy whose childhood is spent looking in My heart!
How we must see this David is the type of the new man, Christ in us, who first sprouts as a very small seed within us.
The KINGdom within ALL!
Ohhhhhhhhhhh how our king Saul is delighted with David. For our Saul in its childish way thinks this David has come to serve him. ohhhhhhhh How our Saul is glad to have such a friend as this David.
But over time the child within starts to mature and things change, our Saul begins to see the handwriting on the wall. A new King shall reign within, one who will be our heart delight, one who will make us His delight!
Now more than ever, our Saul hates this David for our Saul only desires SELF and no other. So a war begins within the flesh warring against the Spirit. Some days Saul loving David and others hating Him. Yet! All the while David's love, grace and forgiveness towards Saul begins to bend Saul's heart as a bow!
Our king Saul cries in repentance, our king asks over and over to be helped, but God knows Self MUST leave the throne for self has no life. For our king Saul was born of the seed of man, and this seed of a man is corrupt and mortal.
For it is possessed of death!
Self begins to see how death is the rule within and that true life comes by being born again of the Word and Spirit! Saul falls upon this truth, the sword of life and by it comes newness as never heard of before!
The child no more but a son, standing before his Father knowing that, “I am crucified with Christ,” so that “it is no longer I, but Christ” that has taken the throne and given me LIFE ETERNAL.
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