Understanding 01

Right now each of us are reading this because we have an understanding of English and writing. A new born baby has no understanding at all and as the baby grows so does its understanding. Just the same with the new born of water and Spirit. The new born must grow up allowing the Spirit of understanding to bring to them the knowledge of the LORD.

Now the new born MUST know this Spirit of understanding has nothing to do with the natural, or the carnal mind!

“But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ.” I Cor. 2:14,16

During my new born days I pretty well acted just as a baby. I demand my way, I looked and played with things that were mine, and I even took from others thinking they were mine. Pretty much how the churches are today. They pray with demanding prayers that God would bless them, they studied their doctrines, creeds and traditions and tell any other that they are not saved because they have different doctrines, creeds and traditions. And most of all they steal others from other churches by using their doctrines, creeds and traditions to prove they serve God.

I know that after my departure, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number, men will rise up and distort the truth to draw away disciples after them. Acts 20:29,30

What I found sort of funny is they all used the same book to do with. I always thought if God had a way He would surly show it. After all this is God who we are talking about.

See, I can not learn anything of God for He is Spirit and I tried real hard to find Him with my carnal mind looking at churches, doctrines, creeds and traditions. Let me tell you I did not find Him anywhere.

If you think I am off my chair can you reach out and grab me a hand of air?

Since you can't, how do you think I could find God with my carnal (physical) mind.

I had to repent from my reasoning, my understanding, my mind of a baby and look to Him for the Spirit of understanding!

Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things. 2 Tim 2:7

The Father teaches me most of the time with a question. I look at Him for the answer for only He has it for He is the way and the Truth. I find many times the answer is like a puzzle in that there are many pieces and over time He puts the pieces together and I receive His Spirit of understanding!

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Heb 4:12

Now in the KJV it reads "... “The Word of God is quick and powerful” ... The word quick shows that His Spirit (Word) of understanding is a rapid awareness of the things of God. Quick in our day means fast but in the days when they wrote the KJV bible, quick meant "LIVING!"

The Spirit of understanding is a LIVING Word not a dead word that comes forth from the carnal mind!

Now understanding is an ability and faculty of the mind, AND every creature about us in some ways functions with the understanding of their mind. Without a mind there can be no understanding and a man’s understanding corresponds precisely to the condition, development or quality of his mind. In my younger school days I admit I was very smart in mathematics and that is my mom had taught me multiplications before I knew proper English. As many can see in what I write I have trouble with grammar. During my high school days I was failing many of my major classes so I dropped out. Odd though my math teacher called my mom and told her she should get me into a career that involves math. So you could say I was very math smart but I was very dumb in English.

We also must see that quality of mind is, basically, an inherited characteristic. If a family had English problems the children grew up pretty well with the same English problems. My wife hears many of my English word problems spoken by my parents, so she teaches me how to say the words the proper way. So yes the quality of mind is, basically, an inherited characteristic.

When one is born again that one sees that God is of a different and higher order of life and nature and the mind of man functions on the level of human nature. I know by the Spirit of understanding that God functions on the level of Divine nature and I on the level of physical nature.

Sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.

Now I've been subject to them physical senses because I am of the nature of Adam, but now that I am born again the living Spirit makes His home in my spirit and I am now the temple of the Holy Spirit. I am now blessed with the Spirit of understanding, for I am anointed to know Him as told to me by Him!

I don't need one that goes by the physical senses to tell me who God is nor do I need one telling me they have the only way to God. As soon as one tells me their way is the way to God I started looking for the nearest exist!

I see my His Spirit that I can not understand the things of Him for He is Spirit and I am but carnal, sold under the law of sin and death.

“For who could really understand a man’s inmost thoughts except the spirit of man himself? How much less could anyone understand the thoughts of God except the very Spirit of God? We have now received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit of God himself, so that we can UNDERSTAND something of God’s generosity towards us” 1 Cor. 2:11,12

We live in a time when man thinks he is at the peak of godhood. Come one now look I am in Canada typing this out and it going to people around the world! We have smart phones, we fly any where in this world, we find many cures for sickness, we are growing more crops then ever before, we can look 20 years younger because of advancements. We put satellites around the world. We are trying to shot for mars and build a way to live there.

How smart are we?

They know God, but they do not give him the honor that belongs to him, nor do they thank him. Instead, their thoughts have become complete nonsense, and their empty minds are filled with darkness. Romans 1:21

No matter how high man has gone or thinks, there is one issue this whole world faces and man can not, will not, ever find a cure for .... DEATH!

For it is where mankind is "... Just as everyone dies because we all belong to Adam ...."

Everyone dies because the have not nor do they desire the Spirit of understanding! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh so many give up much for their church, they give up much for their health, their families, themselves.


Their minds are full of darkness; they wander far from the life God gives because they have closed their minds and hardened their hearts against him. Eph 4:18

The Apostle Paul who saw many that where born again and filled with the Holy Spirit in the Ephesian Church wrote to them his prayer for them "....I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened ...." WHY? ".... so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,
and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might which He brought about in Christ ...."

That is the LIVING Spirit of understanding  that has been replaced with the carnal mind of men that title themselves pastors, teachers, bishops and so on that have replaced the Spirit of understanding with the dead reasoning of the carnal mind.


Welcome to MYSTERY, BABYLON; the mother of confusion, the mother of BABEL!

Welcome the Spirit of understanding! Thank the Father who is Spirit that His understanding is replacing the darkness of religious lies that have far to long occupied one's mind.

One looks for a devil without? One should look within at the darken thoughts of God and see the devil for who he is!

I tell you in MUCH LOVE that they who earnestly seeks the face of the Lord, He will send His Holy Spirit to dispel the darkness of the natural carnal mind that ever hangs as a shroud over us that He may reveal to our spiritual minds the things that pertain to the higher realm of His Kingdom.

WHY ... Did the Word of life come for? For many to claim Him as their teacher to fight others with WORDS?

Father of mercy enlighten our minds that we may know that you ARE LOVE! Not just love but YOU ARE LOVE!

I heard a word that I won't claim is a doctrine but a word of understanding. It was a word that said "HELL IS A PLACE WITHOUT LOVE!"

This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. John 15:12

LOVE .... LOVE .... LOVE! I looked everywhere for LOVE and it was no where to be found in this WORLD! Ohhhhhhhhh yes I had a family and yes they loved me with natural love but i wanted a living, life love!

When the living love called me my family sat me down to ask me what happened to me. I recall sitting on that chair facing my parents with nothing but a bible in my hand. I looked down at the bible with their question echoing in my mind .... "WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR SON?"

I looked up from the bible and I said to them "Dad, Mom I can't tell you what happened all I know is the God of this bible has changed me."

I understand now for the Word of life is but foolishness unto them for they think that in their darkness of understanding is what life is.

Yes you can find much of what I write here on web pages and in books. But I tell you it is but the Spirit of understanding that gives me the LIVING LIGHT to walk in and I know without a shadow of doubt He is my LORD!

QUOTE = The mind of Christ within must be developed. Understanding is a product of the development of the mind. The things of God are sensed in the spirit, but they are understood in the mind, even the new creation mind. Many times we know something of God in our spirit, but because our spiritual Understanding has not been adequately developed we do not understand in practical terms what we sense.

Sometimes, as we wait upon the Lord, it may take two or three weeks or even months or years before we are able to understand what we sense in our spirit. Many times we sense in our spirit that a certain thing is true in God, but we cannot explain it from the scriptures or even put it into words for those around us. As we seek the Lord about the thing Understanding begins to come, scriptures leap out of the Bible and fall into place, the whole truth of the thing takes on form and substance, crystallizing within our Understanding.

We then truly UNDERSTAND what before we only sensed.

I have had this happen many times. Many of the truths we write in these pages began simply as something sensed in the spirit, but not understood in the mind. But as we followed on with the Lord the new creation mind was able to put it all together in the form of Understanding. Thus, that truth then declared is not a product of the learning of the natural mind, but of the development of the mind of Christ within. How we need the Understanding in our mind to interpret what we sense in our spirit! The things of the Spirit of God are sensed by the function of the intuition in our spirit, but they are understood by the function of the Understanding in our spiritual mind.

To be continued!


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