My Gospel

Blessed be Father and bless Him that His grace has been given unto ALL.

Was chewing on this verse——>In the day when God shall judge the secrets of humanity through Jesus Christ according to my gospel. Romans 2:16

Truth can be said that the Apostle Paul was bold there. For he said this is my gospel. Now how many other prophets walked through the bible and said, this is my gospel? How many so called pastors or teachers teach that. I tell you the Apostle Paul found out who he was, he remembered something.
I’m a son of God. 

If you’re a son of God, what’s your name? 


Come on now …. We are a many membered body of Christ. 

One Christ, many members. 

If the name (nature) of that body is Christ, then what is your name? It’s Christ. 

I tell you the Apostle Paul realized who he was and he said right there, and most people never catch it; he’s saying I’m speaking as Christ. I”m not speaking as a man. He said I’m telling you, this is my gospel. 

If you know who you are, this is your gospel. Why? Why does it have to be my gospel? 

If I am part of God, If I’m a son of God, I’m heir of all that He has and what He is, if I put on the mind of Christ, and Apostle Paul said, we have the mind of Christ. Guess what? 

Then I think the same way my Father thinks. 

Ohhhhhhh you may think, but I tell you our Father doesn’t think this is His Gospel? 

You think Father thinks this is His? 

Yes He owns everything. 

You know what? If I’m His son everything my Father has guess what? 

It’s mine too. 

My gospel. 

Time we as His sons in this age look at it the same way the Apostle Paul does, this is my gospel. Lay claim to this, this is what Father has written in our hearts. Don’t trust the religious traditions of men. 

But my gospel …. powerful words and Deep.

Frankie Welder
Lethbridge, AB. Canada
For in the things of Father a tender conscience &
a surrendered will are more than the highest intellect.


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