
Showing posts from October, 2024

John 13 Part 5

All GLOW-RAY unto our Light, Life and LOVE. Hello Brother ... . Brother so much still can be said concerning John 13:1,2 ... Let us look at--->Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God; ..... John 13:3 Before pressing on have you notice through out John 13 you see "Jesus." No Jesus Christ ... Just Jesus. I feel it's just Jesus for Jesus represents the will of the Life for all! See Jesus is a symbol of the indwelling higher state (Divine) raising to compilation. The word "hands" represent a higher life! So the divine will of the Higher Life is placed within ALL! For this will (Jesus) came from God (Life) and goes back to God (Life). When one understands that, this action of Jesus is seen in the Spirit! Jesus = The Divine Helpe

John 13 Part 4

Yes .... Without the Light there be no Life which comes from the true source (LOVE). .... Judas Iscariot, Simon .... Now I know John 13:2 has it as '...Judas Iscariot, Simon's son...' If you notice the word 'son' is added so we can take it out which than gives us Simon. Simon .... My gosh how many times do we see that attached to some one else? Simon called Peter, Simon the Canaanite, Simon (Jesus' Brother), Simon the leper, Simon a man from Cyrene and on and on. SIMON .... Now Simon comes from the Hebrew name 'Simeon' who was Jacob 2nd son from Leah. Shimeon = "heard" Ohhhhhhhhhhh .... So shimon means hEARd and Judas means 'praise' (raise) what does 'Iscariot' mean? Iscariot = Man Of Kerioth, City Slicker. hmmmmmmm "Raise the man from the ci

John 13 Part 3

Bless Our Light, Life and LOVE. Brother we are blessed to be hungry for the Lord! For that shows one desires Life above ALL ELSE! I'm still chewing on John 13:2 and today I was looking at "devil." You know the word devil does not occur in the Old Testament.        NOT ONCE. Yet somehow we get it in the New Testament and it is taught as being our enemy. Ohhhhhh YEA our enemy that is sooooooooo strong that it comes back to get us. hmmmmmmmmmm time to unmask the religious lie and know the Truth! The symbol of the devil is one's desires that are mindful over Christ mind. One's desires only seek to keep the soul its slave! Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: .... 1 Peter 5:8 Yes one's desires seeks to devour the soul or rob/steal from the soul! Notice the adversary/devil is AS a roaring lion. It is NOT the lion but is AS A lion. The roar of this

John 13 Part 2

 Hello Brother ... . ALL GLOW-RAY unto Our Light, Life and LOVE. Brother I don't like the term "God" What God is He? Why do we say He? Did not the Light, Life and LOVE say "...I AM THAT I AM..." Ohhhhhhh by the way that lie that I AM THAT I AM means Jehovah. It is that ..... Just a lie. Why! You think? English added the vowels e, o and a to JHVH. Another time. Last night as I sat back to rest I hEARd "I am not of this world" I looked up the verse and it was--->And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath (lower carnal mind); I am from above (Higher Mind): ye are of this world (lower carnal mind) ; I am not of this world (lower carnal mind) . Why? Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world (lower carnal mind) : if my kingdom were of this world (lower carnal mind) , then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. After hEARing that Romans 12:1

John 13 Part 1

Hello Brother ... And all GLOW-RAY unto Our Life, Light AND LOVE! I know all that is happening there Brother is for your growth in the LIFE! Here the same! John 13 yes .... I just want us to look at this for the moment ... " Now before the feast of the passover, ..." John 13:1 Brother I have read/studied passover teachings from the Jews to the Christians and when I read the bible on it I went "WHAT!" Yea Life needed a sacrifice to please wrath! Passover Brother is when one goes from being a carnal minded person to higher minded son of God ! Brother until one passes over they are under the rule of the carnal mind (death). They are in matter (earth) and need to, which is to stand up and pass over from lower nature that to the higher nature (Christ). Look at these verses now --->Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus (SON OF MAN) knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world (MATTER/LOWER NATUR