Ephesus 1
Ephesus .... or Ephesine
Before pressing on into the Ephesus church let us know the Truth concerning the use of the word "CHURCH."
Church means "CALLED or GATHERED OUT" Church IS NOT some building on a
street that everyone can look at and call church. I tell you that here
in Canada any religious building and I mean ANY is called "church!"
Truth be .... The church (churches) in Revelation 2 and 3 represent the
progress of the path of the disciple as they journey to the Throne room
(Most Holy Place).
For years I argued with so many concerning these 7 churches that they
CAN NOT BE churches as in buildings in "Asia" for there was MANY ....
So I taught that the 7 churches represented ages and that we are in the last age which is the 'Laodiceans' age.
The last while as I have been listening to the Light I saw the 7
churches as teachings to the disciple as they journeyed to the Throne
Now these 7 churches are in "Asia" which means = “to go out, rise.”
Asia also means "east"
and refers to the sunrise .... "land of the
It is that DAY ... It is NOW that the sons of God are seeing the will of LOVE!
From the beginning LOVE had a plan and the sons of God know that plan and work with LOVE to see that plan come to pass!!!!!!!
So Ephesus means "PERMITTED or PERMISSION."
On this journey one MUST PERMIT the Word of Life to have its will with that one in order for that one to MATURE!
Yes the disciple must give the Word of Life PERMISSION in purify the
soul in making it (soul) know that it is a SAINT that has been MADE
WHOLE (Save).
The disciple that has given the Word of Life permission is one who is on the PATH towards discipleship!
When that disciple has done that they in turn are saying "Thy WILL be done NOT MINE!"
What is your will?
Your will is you acting according to that inner voice of I (ego) and not LIVING OUT FROM THE TRUE INNER VOICE!
Ohhhhhhhhh I love those verses and recall sometimes back when the Word of Life spoke them unto my hEARt!
The Word of Life is ASSURING the disciple that AUTHORITY (right hand) has them safe on their journey!
'...holdeth the seven stars (raised one) in his right hand, ..."
Stars are they who have awaken unto their true identity and turn back to the Truth's path!
Now we read "....who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks ...."
The candlestick was the ONLY Light in the Holy Place and it had 7 stems.
The Priest would fill the middle stem with oil and the oil would flow
out to the other 6 stems. Also the main stem was in the middle (4th) of
all the stems.
The middle stem in you is your hEARt (Life)!
The oil flows in your hEARt and flows out to the other stems of you!
To see that is to know why "...thou hast left thy first love."
The 6 stems have left their first LOVE which is the middle stem of ALL (Light/Life).
Time to see we have left our first LOVE .... All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way (our will); .... and to turn back (REPENT) and do the first works!
YES .... When we found ourselves in these vessels we went about doing
our own will according to what we learned from good and evil. Time to
STOP listening to our will (I voice) and turn back to Life's voice and
be made WHOLE!
Frank & Michele Welder
Lethbridge, AB. Canada
Jesus the Christ said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All." The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 2.
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