John 13 Part 4

Yes .... Without the Light there be no Life which comes from the true source (LOVE).

.... Judas Iscariot, Simon .... Now I know John 13:2 has it as '...Judas Iscariot, Simon's son...'

If you notice the word 'son' is added so we can take it out which than gives us Simon.

Simon .... My gosh how many times do we see that attached to some one else?

Simon called Peter, Simon the Canaanite, Simon (Jesus' Brother), Simon the leper, Simon a man from Cyrene and on and on.

SIMON .... Now Simon comes from the Hebrew name 'Simeon' who was Jacob 2nd son from Leah.

Shimeon = "heard"

Ohhhhhhhhhhh .... So shimon means hEARd and Judas means 'praise' (raise) what does 'Iscariot' mean?

Iscariot = Man Of Kerioth, City Slicker.

hmmmmmmm "Raise the man from the city by the hEARd Word of Life!"

ohhhhhhhhhh I know that will cause a storm ....


Because so many look at Judas as as the bad one that betrayed Jesus! When Judas delivered up the Word of Life!

The letter (alphabet) killeth (2 Cor 3:6) and by that I see how our reading of a alphabet (letter) kills for we don't allow the Spirit to teach.

Judas is praise and they that are servants to the carnal mind are a Judas unto the Word of Life.

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: .... 1 Peter 5:6

Frank & Michele Welder
Lethbridge, AB. Canada

Jesus the Christ said, "Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds. When he finds, he will become troubled. When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished, and he will rule over the All." The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 2.


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