Peculiar Treasure 1
Bless Father indeed. When He says "...all the earth is mine..." He is proclaiming to be the rightful owner. So now not only does He own the earth but He has within it "a peculiar treasure" that is of greater importance! And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel. Ex 19:6 GLORY. His "...peculiar treasure" is NOT gold nor is it silver but it is a KINGDOM OF PRIESTS that is a holy nation that He is King/Lord over! This "...peculiar treasure" He values so much that He has it shut up in the bosom of His heart and soon will expose them so that He will reign over all the EARTH trough them! For the LORD hath chosen Jacob unto Himself, and Israel for His peculiar treasure. Ps 135.4 One does not just say they are in His "...peculiar treasure." Nor does one obey some church doctrine to be His "peculiar treasure!" See His "...pec...