Enoch and Methuselah 2
Hello Brother ... . Bless our Light, Life and LOVE for Truth is what MAKES one free. I've been chewing upon Enoch with the Light Brother. The Enoch that abides in Cain is not allowed to grow/mature. See--->And Cain (left side of mind) knew his wife (right side of mind); and she conceived, and bare Enoch : and he builded a city , and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch . Cain built a city and named it Enoch or you can say, Cain built a nature and called it Enoch. A city is always busy .... a city is hard to get around in ... a city is very distracting and on and on. So we see Cain builds a city and the nature of that city is Enoch. Enoch hmmmmmmmmm the name Enoch means = teaching, teacher. So the lower nature (Cain) does NOT want to be taught anything from the higher nature. The lower nature will do what it wills (desires). Now before pressing on God IS NOT MAD about the lower nature. See the plan shall come to pass or...
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