
Showing posts from January, 2020


I see the Apocalypse (apokalupsis) as the unveiling and bringing into view the very life and majesty of Jesus the Christ, and this includes His glorious body of the sons of God. Paul spoke of this fact a few years before John wrote about it while on the Isle of Patmos. He said, "For all creation, gazing eagerly as if with outstretched neck, is waiting and longing to see the manifestation (apokalupsis) of the sons of God." Romans 8:19 (Weymouth NT). For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation (apokalupsis) of the sons of God.. Romans 8:19 KJV Watch for for MYSTERY BABYLON for in her lies (doctrines) she says the 'Apocalypse' is the end of the world. Ohhhhhh watch out for her daughters, the harlots that also go about in individual buildings teaching lies on the end of the age. The Apocalypse doctrines held in MYSTERY BABYLON daughters are .... the end of the world, the Antichrist, 666, the mark of the beast,...

Qualifying for Kingdom Dominion 6

THE KINGDOM OF GOD -Part 60 - by J. Preston Eby That there are different levels in the Kingdom of God, from the least in the Kingdom to the greatest in the Kingdom, Jesus clearly taught. He told His disciples, "Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there has not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he" (Mat. 11:11). And again we read of Jesus' disciples that "they disputed among themselves who should be the greatest. And Jesus sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all" (Mk. 9:34-35). Christ Himself was the greatest among them. He said, "I am in the midst of you as he that serveth." He was the humblest, and, therefore, the greatest, but had He no authority? He had authority in heaven and on earth! Because He takes the place of deepest humility, does that ...

Qualifying for Kingdom Dominion Part Five

THE KINGDOM OF GOD -Part 60 - by J. Preston Eby In a book I read there is a story which beautifully illustrates why the mighty God would stoop so low as to appear as a servant in His sons in order to restore creation. A little child is handed over to the keeping of another by her own father -- not that he wants to part with her, but they are poor, and so he gives her into the rich man's keeping, making her the rich man's daughter so far as a resolution can do it, in order to find bread for both. He then hires himself as a servant to the rich man and stays about where she is. He keeps watch and care over that little life until it is matured; and the girl, as she grows up, begins to feel that she can always rely upon the unselfish love of him who seems but a serving man. But her father, as she supposes him to be, is cold, distant, and even cruel. The day came when he repudiated her with anger, selfish and base, because she had brought what seemed disgrace on his name. Then f...

Qualifying for Kingdom Dominion Part Four

THE KINGDOM OF GOD -Part 60 - by J. Preston Eby To Jesus, the firstborn Son of God, the Kingdom of God was the most precious thing in the universe and possessing the reality of it was of all things most valuable. Repeatedly He made it clear that the Kingdom had a worth which was above all earthly things and standards. He admonished, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God..." He said, "If your eye causes you to miss the mark, pluck it out; it is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be swallowed up of death." He spoke many parables about the value of the Kingdom. He said that once there was a man who was digging in a field; as he dug his spade struck across a buried treasure. It was the law of Israel that such finds might be kept by the finder; and so the man went away and sold every single thing that he possessed in order that he might buy the field and so possess the treasure. He said that once there was a merchant man...

Qualifying for Kingdom Dominion Part Three

THE KINGDOM OF GOD -Part 59 - by J. Preston Eby A dear friend of ours in the city of Detroit shared this meaningful experience with us some years ago following a message I brought along this line. She said, "I will never forget my first day in school in a rural community in the South. I arrived alone, but refused to go inside. I didn't think that I would enjoy school, and was quite certain that I didn't need an education. In my childish mind I made a firm decision not to go to school at all. Quickly I passed by and went straight to my grandmother's home. Grandmother, surprised at seeing me, asked, 'Why, Veta, what are you doing here? Didn't school start today?' I actually felt that I was in command and could carry out my plans, so I replied with finality, 'I have decided not to go to school!' "Grandmother was a wise old woman, and appeared to respect my decision. She didn't scold, but sadly said, 'I'm so sorry to hear ...

Qualifying for Kingdom Dominion Part Two

THE KINGDOM OF GOD -Part 59 - by J. Preston Eby Many students who enter college are required to take an entrance exam. As with every test, the entrance exam is given to determine, and prove, those who qualify, and eliminate those who don't. Those who pass the test will remain and continue with their studies; those who fail are rejected. Every test and trial has within it the element of elimination. Those who do not stand and pass the test are eliminated -- not killed or tortured -- but cast off, excluded, rejected, prevented from entering in to the new realm. That this possibility exists in the callings of God is clearly seen by the earnest exhortation of Paul when he writes to the saints at Corinth, "So run that ye may obtain. And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air; but I keep...