Reigning From the Heavenlies


Many a sermon has been preached on the rule of the Kingdom of God on earth, and I think most of them have missed the mark because they see only God reigning over His Kingdom. The greatest mystery of the ages is that seated at the right hand of God today is a MAN. God came down from heaven and invaded humanity, He took upon Himself the nature and the body of a man, so that when He went back to the throne (His omnipotent power in the Spirit), He would take humanity back to the throne. There is no mystery to it that God sits on the throne, He belongs there; but to think now that MAN is sitting on the throne! "Jesus of Nazareth, a MAN approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs...THIS JESUS hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. Therefore BEING BY THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD EXALTED..." (Acts 2:22,32-33).

There is confirmation of this in Acts 7:55-56 where we read concerning Stephen, "But he being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God and JESUS STANDING ON THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD. And said, Behold I see the heavens opened and the SON OF MAN standing on the right hand of God." The "right hand of God" is simply a metaphor denoting the spiritual realm of all authority, power, and dominion. It is the divine realm of God's omnipotence. It was rankest blasphemy in the minds of the persecutors of Stephen for him to say that he saw JESUS, the SON OF MAN, standing at the RIGHT HAND of God. Such words were for him to seal his doom at the hands of the high priest and all the council. If Stephen had said he saw the SON OF GOD there, it would not have been so grievous, perhaps, but when we realize that it is the SON OF MAN seated in such a place, then it assumes proportions that we never before have thought about.

The right hand of God is not a physical location somewhere in the universe. The throne of the God who is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent spirit is not a material one, but bespeaks of the REALM OF HIS SUPREME AND UNIVERSAL AUTHORITY AND RULERSHIP; and our Lord Jesus Christ has been exalted to the glory of that rulership. The right hand of God is a realm of power and authority, a position of eminence, a condition and a state of divine being. It is the assumption of the almighty power and universal dominion of the Father! It is the dispensing of His positive energy force into His creation. Exalted to that high realm Jesus no longer walks in a limited physical body, for He now indwells the spirits of His many brethren, who are the FULLNESS OF HIM THAT FILLETH ALL IN ALL (Eph. 1:22-23).

And blessed be God! We now have a share in the REALM OF THE RIGHT HAND. "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, and not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God" (Col. 3:1-3). Ephesians 2:5-6 tells us that "when we were dead through our trespasses, God made us alive together with Christ...and raised us up with Him, and made us SIT TOGETHER WITH HIM in the heavenly places (the heights of His own exaltation)." This shows that as we come to know the resurrection life of Christ, we are also made to experience the ascension of Christ. We are chosen of God not only to be made alive from the dead and have God's life, but also to sit in the heavenly places as ASCENDED MEN. He causes us to ascend with Him and sit with Him in the heavens -- NOW!

Therefore, ascension truly is the position of those who know Christ in His fullness. The position of ascension rests not only on the fact of Christ's ascension, but on the LIFE OF ASCENSION WE HAVE OBTAINED WITHIN US. The Christ who indwells our hearts and is being formed in our lives is THE ASCENDED CHRIST, and His life is ascended and heavenly, and is given from heaven. Although in the conditions of the outer man we still live on earth, yet according to the inner man we are already in heaven. The situation is just like our Lord's during His time on earth. He said then that though He "descended from heaven" He was still "in heaven" (Jn. 3:13). This was due to the fact that His life and consciousness were heavenly and one with heaven.

It is true therefore that as we ascend into the high places of God in the spirit, we are reigning with Christ from His heavenly, spiritual throne. As we truly become overcomers by the ascended life of Christ, we are also given power over the nations to rule them with a rod of iron, and as the vessels of a potter they shall be broken to shivers (Rev. 2:26-27). This rule is given to the overcomers in Christ! As the life of ascension within us raises up Kingdom dominion in our lives we reign with Christ in the Spirit, and the worldly powers of man can be broken by the authority within God's sons. The will and ways of man are displaced by the power of the Spirit and replaced by the spiritual power of the Kingdom of God. We are a spiritual people. And the Kingdom of God is the spiritual realm of our Father's dominion. Therefore our reign in Christ is a spiritual reign, which is accomplished as we move in and by His Spirit in relation to things in the earth realm. Through that spiritual dominion God's will is brought to pass on earth as it is in heaven.

All the vaunted thrones, powers, and dominions of earth are as sand castles on the beach before the power of the Kingdom within us. The greatest power in the universe is that which flows forth from the throne of God in the heavenlies! Although the Lord has ordained the "powers that be" for a purpose and for a season, the true throne of God remains in the heavenlies in the realm of the Spirit. During the days of king David, who was one of the most powerful and honored kings of Israel, and who reigned gloriously from his physical throne on the earthly mount of Zion, the throne of the Lord was really in heaven, for David ruled by the Spirit of God and it was the Spirit of God upon Him out of the heavenly realm that constituted the throne of the Lord in the midst of His people. The prophet Isaiah, who prophesied during the reign of four kings of Judah, also beheld in spirit and saw the throne of Yahweh in the heights of the heavenly realms of the Spirit (Is. 6:1, 66:1). Jesus also proclaimed the truth that the throne of His Father was in heaven (Mat. 5:34, 23:22).

Armed with this sacred knowledge that the throne of God is a spiritual throne in the spiritual heavens of His divine life, wisdom and power, it is clear that there is no throne anywhere that can withstand the moving of God by the Spirit in Kingdom dominion. As His sons we must take our place in the heavenlies, acknowledge that we are seated with Christ at the right hand of God, and begin to move more and more out of the unity of His mind and will within us. As we sit in the high place of spiritual ascension in union with our Lord we are establishing a vital link between heaven and earth by which the Kingdom of God more fully comes to earth, thus usurping and overcoming the powers of man. As one has written, "Each time we rise in the Spirit to worship our Father at His spiritual altar, the fire from His altar is cast to the earth to change the world (Rev. 8:3-6). This is the direct result of the reign of Christ, which shall continue to increase until all is changed!"

The sons of God are called in this hour to minister to the Lord and for the Lord from the realm of His presence. The throne of God is in the presence of the Lord in the heavenly realm of His Spirit. Our spiritual ministry in the presence of God releases a mighty stream of God's life and power from the heavenlies that flows from the presence of the Lord to all the earth. As heaven casts its shadow upon the earth, all things are changed just as the sick were healed when the apostle Peter's shadow fell upon them. It is by the word of the Lord that flows through us from the throne in the presence of God within ourselves that causes God's will to be done on earth even it is being done in the heavens. This is taking place even now as God calls His sons higher into His presence and glory. There is nothing that cannot be affected on earth through the spiritual ministry of the sons of God in the Most Holy Place in the heavens of His Spirit!

Multitudes of Christian ministers today are ministering from the lowlands of carnal church programs and promotions. We have a higher calling in God. Only as we rise into the heavens of God's Spirit and minister to the Lord and for the Lord from the realm of His greater, spiritual presence in the Most Holy Place of His throneship, shall the blessings and benefits of His heavenly Kingdom continue to change us and the world. Father has raised us up into a unique place in this spiritual temple of the body of His sons. Our hearts cannot settle for anything less, for we yearn and long and pray and travail and seek for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. Nothing else will satisfy! As we abide in this heavenly realm of His presence, taking our position -- seated in Christ Jesus at the right hand of God in the higher than all heavens -- His mighty spirit-power shall continue to flow to the earth, changing the world and shaping the nations for the full and powerful reign of the Kingdom of God. Those who are called to sonship are experientially ascending in the Spirit to the high places in God. They are recognizing and taking their rightful place on the throne of the Lord, by the Spirit, where they reign with Christ.

Today we are living in momentous times. We are living in a period between the ages, and God is initiating a new order and ministry in the earth. My prayer is that all who read these lines will see in the spirit this new ministry of the Kingdom of God on earth! As we fulfill this Kingdom ministry, this Kingdom dominion in the Spirit and by the Spirit, all evil and darkness shall eventually be removed, to trouble the world no more. The spiritual ministry in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly realms of the presence of the Lord is the secret to conquering all evil and all darkness! Preaching and ministering according to the old carnal methods and techniques of the church systems will avail but little in this battle against the corrupt kingdoms of this world. But when we ascend in the Spirit to the heavenlies where God's will is revealed to our hearts, and God's word is put in our mouths, and we worship and intercede and speak from the throne of the Lord, we then begin to defeat all darkness and evil and put every enemy under Christ's feet by releasing the presence and power of the Kingdom of God in the world. This is a new ministry we are entering at this time, and it is real and very powerful. It will bring the blessings and benefits of the Kingdom and God's power and glory to all mankind.

Make no mistake about it -- sons of God have a tremendous responsibility. We are not called to merely learn deeper truths; we are called to RULE AND REIGN WITH CHRIST! We are called to possess the Kingdom, to take the Kingdom, to take dominion over all darkness, sin, and death. We are called to break the kingdoms of man to shivers, and to rule mankind as if we were shepherds tending a flock of sheep.

God is bringing us in the power of the Spirit to a new place. There are certain principles of the Kingdom of God that must be a part of the frame of mind and the experience of all who fulfill the high calling of sonship. We must learn to think like God. We must begin to RULE WITH CHRIST IN THIS LIFE. Kingdom dominion begins in that inauspicious place where we now dwell. Too many saints are weak, frustrated, troubled, and defeated. Many run to and fro seeking someone to deliver them out of their distresses and problems. May the dynamite of God's Spirit blow us all out of the low places of lethargy, discouragement, oppression and defeat into a vibrant walk with Christ in the high places of joy, peace, faith and triumph of His Kingdom within.

"Strengthen yourselves in the Lord and in the power which His supreme might imparts. Put on the complete armor of God, so as to be able to stand firm against all the stratagems of the devil. For ours is not a conflict with mere flesh and blood, but with the despotisms, the empires, the forces that control and govern this dark world -- the spiritual hosts of evil arrayed against us in the heavenly warfare. Therefore put on the complete armor of God, so that you may be able to stand your ground in the evil day, and having fought to the end, TO REMAIN VICTORS ON THE FIELD" (Eph. 6:10-14, Weymouth).

Once the believer embraces the truth that he is now seated with Christ at the right hand of God in the higher than all heavens, his heart will find rest and joy and confidence in the face of all situations and circumstances. The right hand of God is the place of omnipotent universal power and dominion -- FAR ABOVE ALL THINGS! Such all-embracing majesty is far too vast for my feeble understanding, yet I know by the Spirit that the body of Christ is being formed and prepared for the explicit purpose of UNIVERSAL DOMINION!

Yet, how can a man rule over principalities and powers and universes if he cannot rule his own spirit? If my mother-in-law, my boss, or my neighbors get me down, how can I handle nations? It is my deep conviction that what happens in your life and mine is a result of the use or abuse of the principles of the Kingdom of God. Learn this, beloved, and you will know one of the fundamental principles of reigning with Christ in the heavenlies: OUR AUTHORITY IS OVER SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS FIRSTLY IN OURSELVES!

I never think of the glory of reigning with Christ without remembering an incident that happened many years ago. In 1966 three brethren and I made a mission trip from Florida to Central America by automobile. We arrived late one night in Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. From there we were scheduled to fly to the island of Roatan for a series of meetings. Three things needed to be done the following day before our departure. The brakes on the car must be fixed, we must find a place to leave the car while away from the capital, and we must locate the Embassy of El Salvador and secure visas for our return trip through that country.

After breakfast at our hotel the next morning we inquired at the desk for the address of the El Salvadoran Embassy. The desk clerk courteously gave us directions and we set out to accomplish our business. But there was no Embassy at the address we were given. Driving around the block we found nothing in that area that resembled an Embassy. Finally, inquiring of a man on the street, we were informed that the Embassy had moved to another location. But when we arrived at the new address, there was no Embassy there, either! I entered a small shop nearby and introduced myself to the owner, a well-dressed, distinguished looking business man. He said, "Oh, yes, I know exactly where the Embassy is; in fact, I have business in that part of the city and will be most happy to accompany you." He climbed into our vehicle and happily we sped away. An hour later we were driving around in circles and our distinguished guide still could not find the building he was quite certain he had seen a hundred times before!

Disheartened, we dropped that project, concentrating instead upon getting the brakes repaired. In a matter of minutes we discovered a large garage and were motioned in. We stated the problem, whereupon a mechanic proceeded to jack up the car, take off the four wheels, and disassemble the brakes. Once the parts were laying out on the floor an attendant informed us that it would be three days before they could fix the brakes! Astonished, we instructed them to reassemble the brakes, and made our departure.

I was aware of an American church in the city and thought perhaps we should seek help from the pastor. We did find the church rather quickly. Leaving the brethren in the car I made my way to the door of the residence attached to the sanctuary, and rang the doorbell. A young American girl answered the door. I asked if she could direct me to the pastor of the church. Her response was that she didn't know the pastor, neither did she know his name, where he lived, or how he might be contacted. By this time I was completely confounded! We had spent the entire morning accomplishing absolutely nothing! Our efforts to locate the Embassy were fruitless. The attempt at getting the brakes repaired ended ridiculously. And now here we sat atop a hill in front of an American church in a Spanish-speaking capital in the heart of Central America, and an American girl in that American church denies any knowledge of the pastor of that church!

I related this news to the brethren, whereupon one brother, especially sensitive to the Spirit, exclaimed: "The Lord shows me that this city is RULED BY SPIRITS OF CONFUSION. We must agree together and bind these governing spirits in Jesus' name!" We joined hands there on that hilltop and spoke to the spirits of confusion reigning over the city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, commanding them to loose their hold. After several minutes of praise and rejoicing we drove down that hill, saw a Texaco station, and were impressed by the Spirit to pull in.

We met the proprietor, an English- speaking gentleman. In the conversation that ensued we found that he knew where the Embassy was, and he graciously offered to park our car by his station while we were in Roatan; furthermore, he would fix the brakes while we were gone -- and then the icing on the cake -- he picked up his phone and arranged a free night's lodging for us at a Bible School on top a mountain just outside the city. Within forty-five minutes after we took our position in the higher-than-heavenlies and bound the spirits of confusion that had us (and the entire city) running in circles, every problem was solved, every need met, and all our business accomplished! Furthermore, we were convinced in spirit that not only had we personally triumphed in Christ, but something tremendously glorious had transpired in the heavenlies that would redound in blessing to that city and country for years to come. And the subsequent history of Honduras in relation to events in Central America over the past thirty-five years proves that we were right!

Simply speaking, the purpose of God is that we might reign for Him, and to reign is to exercise authority for God -- to rule all things. All who in Christ appropriate the fullness of His life and glory and exaltation are destined to exercise that awesome dominion by the Spirit, seated together with Him, far above all principality and power. This is the blueprint and strategy for the triumph of His Kingdom in all realms, from the lowest hell to the highest heaven. Ah, beloved, we shall reign throughout the age and the ages to come until all enemies are conquered and Christ is All in All.

Let me give you another example of how we are called to rule and reign over the nations at this present time. In 1983 the Lord spoke to me in a dream. In the dream I was standing on a wide boulevard at a busy intersection in the city of Moscow. At this intersection was a large vacant lot, and erected on this lot was a tall pole on the top of which was affixed crucifixes and religious emblems of the type used by the Russian Orthodox Church. I stood in transfixed wonder, astonished that in a nation ruled by an atheistic government which harshly suppressed all outward expressions of religious faith, this religious symbol should be planted in such a prominent place with no connection to any nearby church edifice.

As I marveled, I turned and saw to my left a vast throng of people coming, marching down the boulevard. The street was completely flooded with this crowd of demonstrators, and those at the head of the parade (who I presumed were priests) held out in front of them a great number of crucifixes and religious emblems identical with those on the pole. Again I was amazed that in an atheistic nation where public religious demonstrations were forbidden, this multitude of people should be uninhibitedly parading their religious symbols through the thoroughfares. At that moment I started across the side street, but the demonstrators turned toward me and I found it necessary to run in order to keep from being trampled.

Immediately the scene changed. I was in the same city, but found myself in a storefront building. There was nothing in the large room where I stood except a number of folding chairs. I was aware that this building was used by certain believers who met for prayer, counsel, preparation and planning; for from this place teams of ministry were sent forth throughout the length and breadth of Russia. Suddenly I was transferred to a small room at the back of the building. The room was furnished only with a single cot with a small table at its head, upon which lay a book with a dark purple cover, and embossed across the front in gold letters was this title: THE UNITED STATES IN PROPHECY.

The next scene was back in the larger room where several people were congregated. I knew that a meeting was soon to begin, with prayer and a strategy session for sending out the ministry teams. In connection with this activity I was shown a massive intervention of God's power accompanied by a dramatic move of the Holy Spirit across Russia, by which the nation would be stirred with the manifestation of the glory of God. With this electrifying knowledge planted within my consciousness, I awoke.

Immediately the interpretation of the dream flooded my spirit. It was clear that a new condition of RELIGIOUS LIBERTY was to come to the people of the Soviet Union. Remember -- this was 1983. At that time Yuri Andropov was in power and Mikhail Gorbachev was unknown to the Western world. We had not yet heard the words GLASNOST and PERESTROIKA. And the imminent collapse of the Soviet Union was the farthest thing from anybody's mind! In 1984, first at a Convention in Daytona Beach, Florida, I commenced to proclaim the word the Lord had given me; following that in meetings in El Paso, Texas and in other parts of the country. The Spirit revealed to me that the advent of religious liberty (typified by the pole) would be followed by a revival of religion (represented by the parade). This we have seen come to pass! Late in 1989 as I watched the NBC Evening News, suddenly -- THERE IT WAS!

The reporter was giving a report from Moscow. Down the broad avenue I saw them coming...a vast throng, literally hundreds of Christian believers marching on the forefront of the crowd marched the Russian Orthodox Priests holding out the crucifixes and icons -- the exact scene I had witnessed in my dream six years prior! I shouted through the house to Lorain, "Honey, come, look! That's it! There is the procession I saw in my dream!"

Exactly as the Lord said, much of what is happening in Russia today is taking place within the precincts of religious Babylon. The Russian Orthodox Church has had a dramatic increase of people, priests, seminaries, and restoration of power and prestige. Thousands of new churches have opened representing many denominations and groups. The Lord has opened doors -- tremendous avenues for the gospel of salvation. Teaching services in Russian churches are now diverted to evangelistic messages in deference to the masses of unbelievers (most first-time attendees) flooding the meetings. Invited by friends or attracted by a printed invitation, many Russian people come to churches seeking an answer to their great spiritual hunger.

Evangelical churches are filled with new inquirers, and many newcomers are converted to Christ. Most have dramatic and emotional experiences -- all are life- changing. Excitement permeates Russian churches as believers have the joy of leading unbelievers -- people who have never prayed before in their lives -- to the Lord. And there is a very significant revival in the cities, especially among the youth. But for the most part this is all an elementary move of the Spirit within the context of the church systems of man.

The sovereign move of God in miracle working power that the Lord showed me in 1983 HAS NOT YET BEGUN -- but it looms upon the horizon. There was to be a revival of religion first, then the mighty move of the Spirit of God. Since 1984 I have had a ministry to Russia in and by the Spirit and through that saw the collapse of Soviet Communism there just as the Lord had moved me to proclaim. Everything that has happened there has been according to that word of the Lord and the proclaiming of it! That is what it means to be given power over the nations and to reign over them from the heavenlies! By prayer, by faith, and by the revelation and proclamation of the word of the Lord we have heavenly governmental power and authority to change things! The sons of God are beginning to reign in the heavenlies, and earth is being impacted by their authority and dominion!

When the present distress in Russia has run its course, there will be an unprecedented, sovereign move of God in that country that will bring the glory and honor and power of the Kingdom of God in a new and higher dimension, and bringing multitudes into living relationship with God beyond the religious systems of man through the power of the Holy Spirit! I was made to understand that the book I saw -- THE UNITED STATES IN PROPHECY -- indicated that American ministries were destined to play a pivotal role in this move of the Spirit in Russia. But beyond that, America represents to the whole world the concept of LIBERTY, and God is about to PROCLAIM LIBERTY to the captives of communist ideology, sin, darkness, bondage, hopelessness, poverty, sorrow and death throughout Russia!

The groundwork is being laid. The preparation is in progress. The stage is being set. And regardless of what events, positive or negative, may yet transpire, the mighty God, in due time, will utter His voice from the heavens and great shall be the sound of abundance of rain. Can you comprehend, dear reader, what effect you can have upon creation by REIGNING FROM THE HEAVENLIES? There is no need to board a great airliner and fly to far-away nations with strange sounding names and quaint customs in order to bless the world. I have never set foot on the soil of Russia, yet I do not doubt for one instant that the faith and prayer in my heart and the declarations of God's word through my mouth aided in some mysterious and divine way the amazing events that have unfolded and are unfolding in that land.

The sons of God are now arising on the world scene. It will be MORE than revival this time, my beloved, IT WILL BE THE KINGDOM OF GOD WITH POWER! There is a fresh move of the Spirit, a new ministry from the Holiest of all, and a new work of God in the earth that transcends by far anything that has ever been seen or known. We are nearing the hour of the full manifestation of the sons of God. The long awaited liberation of planet earth is near at hand. The greater works that Jesus told us of are ready to begin. The hour is at hand when THE GOVERNMENT SHALL BE UPON HIS SHOULDER and the enduring Kingdom of God which shall never be destroyed shall consume and destroy forever all other kingdoms. The sons shall reign in the power and authority of the Spirit over all dominions from pole to pole, from sea to sea, and from galaxy to galaxy, and all nations and peoples and entities shall know and serve the Lord. There shall be peace on earth and goodwill to men, with justice and judgment and equity and LIFE ABUNDANT FOR ALL.


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