Qualifying for Kingdom Dominion 6

THE KINGDOM OF GOD -Part 60 - by J. Preston Eby

That there are different levels in the Kingdom of God, from the least in the Kingdom to the greatest in the Kingdom, Jesus clearly taught. He told His disciples, "Verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there has not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he" (Mat. 11:11). And again we read of Jesus' disciples that "they disputed among themselves who should be the greatest. And Jesus sat down, and called the twelve, and saith unto them, If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all" (Mk. 9:34-35). Christ Himself was the greatest among them. He said, "I am in the midst of you as he that serveth." He was the humblest, and, therefore, the greatest, but had He no authority? He had authority in heaven and on earth! Because He takes the place of deepest humility, does that strip Him of His kingly authority? No! It intensifies and magnifies it. "And whosoever would be first among you shall be your servant." "Bondservant" is the meaning of the word in the Greek. The man who is to be the greatest among God's kings and priests must be the slave of all. The man who will be the greatest, the primus, or first, will be the man who is, as it were, the very bondservant; willing to serve his brethren as if he were their slave with a deep and true humility. Jesus Christ died the death of a slave. Amongst the Romans, crucifixion was the death reserved for a bondservant. No Roman citizen could be crucified, but the slaves were punished in that manner. Christ was the greatest, yet He took the place of the lowest. He who stooped from the highest heaven, not only to earth, but to the deepest hell, who went into the deepest depths to seek for sinful men, is greatest. That is why He exercises authority today in the heavens and on the earth. He now takes the highest place as the Head of the body, the High Priest of our profession, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, and the Head of all principality and power. He is the greatest!

He that would rise to be the highest,
Must first come down to be the lowest,
And then ascend to be the highest
By keeping down to be the lowest.

It is only when you keep down to be the lowest that you can be a power.

The following words by brother Paul Mueller clearly express another aspect of this same beautiful truth. "What does it mean to rule and reign with Christ? The Greek word poimaino is translated rule in some New Testament passages, and means 'to tend as a shepherd.' This agrees with the prophecy of Isaiah, 'See! the Lord is coming with might, His own arm having won Him the kingdom; See! His reward is with Him, and His recompense before Him. Like a shepherd He tends His flock, with His arm He gathers them; the lambs He carries in His bosom, and gently leads those who give suck' (Isa. 40:10-11, Smith-Goodspeed). 'Like a shepherd He tends His flock,' this is the manner of the Lord's dealings with mankind. He cares for each one, observing them and supplying their individual needs. He gathers them with His arm so that not one is lost (Mat. 18:12). Some He carries and still others He leads, but all will be gathered into His kingdom, for He is a faithful Shepherd.

"The story is told of a person who saw himself walking in the sand as he was going through a very difficult trial. Suddenly another set of tracks were seen in the sand next to his. He knew instinctively that the other set of tracks were made by the Lord, who was faithfully walking by his side. Then, just as suddenly, he saw that there was only one set of tracks in the sand, and fearfully he thought the Lord had left him. But then he was made to realize that there was only one set of tracks in the sand because the Lord had picked him up and was carrying him through that most difficult time. Indeed, the Lord had not left him after all, but was carrying him in His bosom. And these are the ways of the Lord that must be imparted to all who will rule and reign with Him. The love of the Lord for all mankind is as the love of a faithful, loving shepherd. The kingdom of God shall be established in the earth by the omnipotent and sovereign power of the Lord. He shall rule and reign in union with all His sons in the spirit of a loving shepherd who gently leads his subjects, yet His power is mighty.

"The same Greek word is used for rule both in Matthew 2:6 and Revelation 12:5. It is the Greek word poimaino which means to tend as a shepherd. What does it mean to rule and to reign in the kingdom? All who are chosen for this high calling will shepherd the people into the kingdom of God. Each one of them will be like a hiding-place from the wind, and a shelter from the storm. They will cover and protect their subjects, sheltering them until they are firmly rooted into the life of the kingdom. They are like streams of water in a dry place, and like the shade of a great rock in a wearisome land. Their new Life, which is the very Life of Christ, flows from them like streams of water in the desert. They are that mighty Rock which has smitten the image of the nations, causing them all to fall (Dan. 2:34), but which now gives forth shelter and protection. They are entrusted with the ring of kingdom authority, the best robe of kingdom righteousness and life, and the royal scepter of the kingdom of God. Indeed, when one rules over men as a righteous one, when one rules in the fear of God, then it is as the light of the morning when the sun rises, a morning cloudless and clear, after rain upon the tender grass" -- end quote.

God has called a people aside in this hour and brought them to a place of brokenness, humility, and nothingness in the eyes of the world and the church systems of man. We have obeyed the word the apostle Peter admonished, "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time" (I Pet. 5:6). God is about to exalt His sons, but it shall be the exaltation of humility.

The following prophecy from the late Norene Nicholls has come into my hands at this time, and it surely speaks for this Day. "A strange and wondrous thing is about to come, for the Lord has spoken to those that will hear, and their ears have been sharpened. There is a gathering of the royal family, and the shepherds of Israel shall become rulers on the thrones. They have stood in desolate places and listened to the low sound of the sheep -- even a little flock in a wilderness place, but now it shall change. The shepherds who have proven their worth in aloneness shall now come forth to be acknowledged of those who would not have Me to reign over them in times past. Behold the thing is at the door. Some have chosen high places for themselves, but others have allowed the Lord to choose for them, and thus have they been separated from their brethren and lost to sight. But now shall events bring forth the deserted ones and show them before kings who are really not kings at all. The scepter of these kings shall be righteousness and the girdle of faithfulness shall be upon their loins. They shall be recognized, not because they are of great stature nor commanding of personality, but they shall be recognized because the Spirit of the Lord is upon them.

"Men shall no longer gather to men, but the men of God shall gather to the establishment of truth where the angels activate the holy ground. There shall strange but wondrous things take place, for instructions from the presence of the Lord shall be heard, and kings shall lift their voices in confidence and courage at the declaration. And, there too, shall be that peculiar anointing reserved for kings come into being; and that anointing shall teach you all things. Then from that pillar of truth shall the kings issue forth to do exploits and turn the aliens back from the shores of the land promised. Be not afraid nor amazed, for the Lord has spoken in verity and truth and shall bring it to pass. No longer shall you stand idly by and wait for another day, but there shall be activity of a new source -- yet activity that is effortless and quiet. You shall slip quietly into palaces and judgment halls and speak a word in season. You shall stand before prelates and counselors, but not one of your words shall fail. You shall see the manifestation of what you have spoken, and men shall shut their mouths nor argue the point. This is a strange work to be done, but it shall come by the decree of God and stand unmovable before heaven and earth. The closing of the day is also the opening of the Day, and to this time have you been called. See to it that you be not discouraged, for you shall stand in the land and turn the enemy from the shores. So it is and shall be" -- end quote.


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