As a Thief in the Night


QUOTE = Christians have been trained and taught that the world is getting worse and worse, and that finally the church will be evacuated off the planet, and the devil and the antichrist will take it over. What a shock it will be when the sons of God suddenly appear on the scene bringing salvation and transformation to all the ends of the earth!

"For the creation was subjected to frailty -- to futility, condemned to frustration -- not because of some intentional fault on its part, but by the will of HIM who so subjected it. Yet WITH THE HOPE that creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and corruption and gain an entrance into the glorious freedom of God's children" Romans 8:20, 21 Amplified.

"the whole creation waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God's sons to be made known -- waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship" Romans 8:19 Amplified.

The blood, the sword, the fire, the cross, and the deep dealings of God have not been working in us through these many years in order to make us ready for a harp in heaven. Oh no! God is preparing us to set creation free!

"How much longer must the sons be silent? How much longer must they remain hidden? How much longer until they are clothed upon with the garments of immortality?"

"It will be in the twinkling of an the sons are taken beyond the barriers of time and distance, and the lightning of His great glory penetrates the stronghold of their flesh, and the fire of God consumes the remaining marks of Adam's curse...that the sons of God shall stand in the awesome majesty of their Father's presence as He proclaims to a waiting creation: 'These are my beloved sons, hear ye them.' We shall stand with our Elder Brother upon the highest regions of Zion, and all mankind shall hasten to the mountain that glows with the Light of God's fullness."

The manchild company, the sons of God, will be born, literally and dramatically birthed upon the stage of this world, in a blaze of earth- shaking supernatural power and glory. They will be the total, corporate incarnation of God upon earth.


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