Everything unfolds by a process

QUOTE = Everything unfolds by a process!  And all things move inexorably forward.

Remember — it takes nine months to grow a baby. It takes four months to grow corn. It takes one month for the moon to circle the earth.  It takes SEVEN SEALS to bring about the unveiling of Jesus Christ!

The book of Revelation reveals to our wondering spirits that Jesus Christ doesn’t have to come crashing down through the clouds from outer space in order to be revealed on earth! He is here — covered up, His glory concealed in this world by a fleshly, religious mind; His grace and mercy are concealed by a harsh, legalistic mindset that thunders right out of mount Sinai, and is full of death; His love is concealed by the false church doctrines of divine vindictiveness, judgment, damnation and eternal torture for billions in hell fire; His righteousness is concealed by human good works, self effort, and outward laws and traditions of men; His truth and purpose are concealed by natural, carnal understanding; His power is concealed by soulish religious exercises, rituals, ceremonies, programs, and promotions; His holiness is concealed by the corruption of the human heart which is the man of sin.

To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life! The Lord is the Spirit! The Lord, the Spirit, dwells within us! To uncover the real Christ has nothing to do with Christ coming from heaven, or us going to heaven — He must be UNCOVERED WITHIN US! “But…it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb (the old-order religious system), and called me by His grace, to reveal (unveil) His Son in me…

The veil that hides Him is upon the mind and the heart. It is not something apart from us or away from us. The veil must be removed from where the Christ is concealed from us within ourselves, for we are the body of Christ, the fullness of Him that filleth all in all.

The Lord is not hidden in some far-off heaven somewhere! Those who are walking with the Lord in the light of this new Day know that the unveiling is the uncovering of the full reality within ourselves of Him who is our life. The veil has been upon our minds, when we saw Him we looked through all the distorted trappings of religion and concepts of men who know Him only after the flesh. The veil is also the flesh itself, the outer man with all his carnal-mindedness, worldly wisdom, and fleshly desires, ambitions, actions, and propensitiesaa for corruption and evil.

The mystery of Christ is the greatest mystery of all the ages, this mystery which is “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” HIS LIFE, which is our life, shall not forever be concealed within, for I testify to you that we are soon to see it unfold! “When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in the splendor of His glory” (Col. 3:4, Amplified).  Ah — there shall be a revelation, an unveiling of His life, His glory, His people, and because we have long been hidden in Him,



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