Do you know who you are in Him

Bless Father that we are His glory!

Yes, I read a lot. I've been this way since Father woke me up and showed me I am His son.

I read this 'Do you know who you are in Him?' and will say simple and to the point so I tell you read it and again read it for the TRUTH WILL MAKE YOU FREE!

Quote =I wonder if we ever take the time to ask ourselves, what we are searching for. What is this drive, this hunger, and thirst, that has driven me all my life? There is in every soul a searching, an unrest, never completely satisfied with its circumstances. Always searching for something but not knowing what it is. Regardless of their wealth, or fame, there is still a hunger for something more. Something which always seems evasive.

Ever since the eyes of Adam and Eve were open and they saw their nakedness and were ashamed, and fearful, man has been searching, for what they lost (their true identity) We want to be clothed, with that which we had in the beginning, when God created Man. Man was male, and female, in one body, a Spirit Body. He was created in the image of God. (This is the Man dominion was given to, not the dust body) The Image of God is Christ Jesus. When Jesus came forth from the grave he appeared in a body. Different from the one that went into the tomb. The body that went into the tomb was a human body.(Adams body) The one that came out of the tomb was the Spiritual Body. (Christ body)

1 Corinthians 15:49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.

So there is an earthly image, and a heavenly image. The first man Adam was in the heavenly image. He was all of mankind. He is the image of God.

2 Corinthians 4:4 “Christ who is the image of God should shine upon them.” (note here it is Christ who is the image of God)

Hebrews 1:1-3 God who at sundry times spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets. 2. Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the worlds, 3. Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged (cleansed thoroughly) our sins sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.

The Church is cleansed by the washing of the water of the word (Eph 5:26)

Also in 1 John 1:7 If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

Jesus had a flesh body, however it was controlled completely by the Christ Spirit. Just as Adam’s body was controlled by the Spirit, when he was created. When Soul (Eve) was deceived and separated from the Adam (Spirit) When He partook of the tree I believe that was when blood became life for their body. And in order for life of the Spirit to come back to them the blood had to be shed, This was done by Jesus Christ

When He shed His blood it was the life of all mankind that was taken. Now we live in newness of life which is once again the identity of the Christ Spirit giving us life. When we come to this understanding we are changed. We do not see the change with the natural eyes. But we see it with the eyes of the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass, the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image, from glory to glory even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

2 Corinthians 4:18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

2 Corinthians 5:1 For we know that if our earthly house (physical body) were dissolved, (destroyed) we have a building of God, and house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven: If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked.

We may not understand sometimes why we are groaning about our circumstances, one thing for sure we will continue to groan until we are clothed upon with the clothing we had in the beginning. We have always had our eternal house as long as Christ has been, We were created in Him and chosen in him before the foundation of the world. Our identity has always been in Christ. And we will again be conformed to His image. We are foreknown, predesignated to be conformed to the image of Christ, we are called, justified, and glorified. We cannot be separated from the love of Christ. Just as Christ is in the Father and the Father is in Christ. So are we one with the Father and Son. Not by our works or will but by the grace of God. Now we can better understand why we can never be content while we are in the earthly, We will continually groan, until we are changed to be in His image. This is why we must look to that which is unseen. Seeking the truth, which will make us free, from the bondage of sin, and death. Just as quickly as Adam’s natural eyes were open, when he disobeyed and ate from the forbidden tree. So shall our Spiritual eyes be opened and we will be clothed upon with the house our Father built for us, before the foundation of the world.

When we speak of Adam being unclothed, we also must note he was ashamed, and fearful of God. Oh my, we see Adam now as flesh, and blood, unable to inherit the kingdom of God. Why did all this happen to Adam? Now remember Adam was a son of God. The only life Adam had was given to him by God. The day you eat from the tree you will die. We must understand what death is Psalms 6: 5 “In death there is no remembrances” We also remember we are listing to what the Spirit is saying. When Adam ate from the tree, He had no remembrance of his identity. He hid from the God who he had walked with in the garden. So we see a spiritual death which we can better understand why Adam lived 930 years but in reality he was spiritually dead, not because God left him, but because he was now subject to decay, and would return to dust. A natural death where the heart stops, and the breath leaves the body. This is physical death. So in order for Adam to live again, His eyes must be opened to the Spiritual life he had when he was created. The last Adam Jesus Christ, the only human to live a sinless life. Took the nakedness of Adam, with all its fears, and loss of identity, to the cross. If you can receive it, “now you are the Sons of God,”

“Now you are justified.” Now you are glorified.” Now you have your heavenly house, and now you are sitting down with Christ in the heavens. You see the Son of God came in a flesh body and in that body he took all of mankind to the Cross. Because all men were in the same type of body. Now hear this, life is no longer in the blood. Our life is in the Spirit. Death where the body decays is swallowed up in victory. Jesus Christ came forth out of the tomb, with every member of his body glorified, justified, and resurrected. Don’t you know “your body” is the temple of God. Don’t you know you are bone, of His bone. and flesh. of His flesh. You are complete in Christ, As he is in the Father, and the Father is in him, we are one in the Father, and Son. I can hear the mumbling when we say Jesus was mortal (Human) if he wasn’t he would not of died. Who was this Jesus He was the last Adam isn’t that right? If He was the last, then there wasn’t any more after him. When you reach the last of something there isn’t any to follow. So the question must be ask, who are you? You were born after the death of the Last Adam, therefore you must be something other than Adam. You are a new Creature in Christ, not from Adam, but born of God. We are made the righteousness of God, we are reconciled to God, in Christ. Can we understand when we look at a person, we are seeing the dust body, not the real person. When we view a dead body, the person is no longer there. There is a dust body, this is not the image of God. The image of God cannot die, because he inhabits it with Spirit, life, and Glory. Death has no power over Him. In reality, when Christ came forth in a flesh, bone, body at the resurrection, that is the real you. This is where you life is this is the body you are a member of. Not the dust body of Adam.

When God created man Power and dominion was given to him, God gave Him authority over His creation. This was the Spirit man authority was given to. He never gave the man formed from dust that authority. Praise God through the Blood of Jesus Christ, we are once again complete in Christ both male and female. And are given the authority over Father’s creation.




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