

Bless the Light, Life and LOVE.

Today I was chewing on this Truth concerning 'The devil made me do it.'

Let me quote what religion teaches and what many believe = The devil is the personification of evil who rebelled against God in an attempt to become equal to God himself. He is depicted as a fallen angel, who was expelled from Heaven at the beginning of time, before God created the material world, and is in constant opposition to God.

So I was taught that and taught that and made it a doctrine, a belief and found it very common among most religious people.

Now let Truth be SEEN--->
I (God) form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Isa 45:7

Ohhhhhhhhhhh God created darkness and evil. hmmmmmmmmm yet so many say the devil does that. Now whom am I to have trust (faith) in?

What tripped me up later in my journey was always hearing preachers, pastors and teachers rebuking a devil IN Jesus name and yet the following service again going through it.

I begun to wonder hmmmmmmmm either the name of Jesus is NOT powerful enough or this devil belief is a lie.

I new in my heart NOTHING is impossible for Father to do so this devil belief has to be the lie.

Again in another bible version--->I create the light and make the darkness. I send good times and bad times. I, the LORD, am the one who does these things. Isa 45:7

So hmmmmmmmm Father sends the good times to us AND the bad times. So since He does that how do I justify saying it is a devil.

I remember seeing this verse IN the Light "
And lead us not into temptation...."

WHAT .... In that prayer I am asking Who to NOT lead/guide/direct me into temptation.

COME ON ..... No devil doing what the religious world calls EVIL .... DARKNESS ... It is Father bring us through evil, darkness so that we would mature to be His sons!

In my looking into this Truth I see that Father has taken something of Himself AND made something. See Father IS Light! AND all that He shows of Himself is LIGHT! and that Light He has put into a physical body (John 1:4,5) and that Light is in ALL! Not those that prayed some prayer or was water baptized some way or even just found a place called church and attend.

No! that Light that He is is in everyone that cometh into the world!!!!!!

Now it is a Light Hid in darkness! Yes Father has taken something of Himself and has put it into ALL and in that ALL is the Light of Him!

Now when you read about darkness it is Father taking nothing and making something!

YES 2 different things and 2 different ideas.

You know without darkness, without something that is restricting us, we would be NOTHING!

I AM darkness with Light INSIDE of me!

Now what is the restricting? It is the Light wanting to COME OUT OF THE DARKNESS!

Look at any child born, you will see restricting and LIFE come forth out of darkness!

Gosh ..... how long did I abide in the lie of some devil. I tell you long enough that there was NO GROWTH in me .... No maturing!

I remained as a baby blaming something else when I was the one creating my own world of darkness by my words and actions!

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: .... Pro 23:7

I was my own worse enemy! My mind always judged my actions and I was in bondage to that carnal mind. I did not KNOW any other mind.

Ahhhhhhhhhh BUT BLESS Him!

I was woken up to know the Christ was within me and in that resurrection I have PUT ON THE MIND OF CHRIST!

Without the darkness I would never have known that Truth and by the darkness I have seen the Light, Life and LOVE coming forth OUT of this darkness (body).

Now I await for the redemption of my body!


Frankie Welder
Lethbridge, AB. Canada
For in the things of Father a tender conscience &
a surrendered will are more than the highest intellect.


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