
 ABLE .... What a thought.

Now unto him that is ABLE to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, ... Jude 1:24

hmmmmmmmm ABLE ....Why does it not say "will‟ rather than ABLE?

My mind would think it should read, "...now to him who will keep you from falling‟? Why ABLE.

When the word ABLE is used we are presented with the possibility that we could fall, but at the same time offered a chance to not fall, because of the ability of being kept from falling.

Don't get me to say that again, better off if you read that for it is a mindful indeed.

Father is ABLE to KEEP one from falling. Father is more willing to keep one from falling than one can grasp. The word ABLE implies there is a greater law that is able to keep one from falling under any other law and that law is only found IN Christ!

For the word ABLE shows that Father is the only power source and the one that knows that abides in the only power source that is capable of keeping one from falling.

No fall is more powerful than Him and no fall is greater than He is.

YET .... Let us ask ourselves this question "What could we do that would cause His power to not function in keeping us from falling?"


Could the answer be 'ourselves trying' .... trying to be a god and preventing ourselves from falling?

Well so many work at trying to do good, trying to please Father with good works and yet in their heart it is by their own strength.

naaaaaaaaaaaaaa Brother that is foolish ..... Is the reply of some hearts. YET Jesus the Christ said “For whosoever will SAVE his life shall lose it: and whosoever will LOSE his life for my sake shall find it”

Ohhhhhhhhhh save hmmmmmmmmm. YES SAVE!

It is the nature of the beast or shall I say the nature of the carnal mind to save one's self? To preserve one's self?

As I look about me in this world I see that displayed almost EVERYWHERE and in pretty well EVERYONE!

Its my body I have the right to do what I want to it ...... cough cough yea cough cough.

Today in the USA many are fighting for that right and when I say many I mean any side that says something concerning the body being theirs ARE WRONG!

Father did not put us (spirit) into this body to run around playing gods by saying "It's my body!"

Father put us (spirit) into this body that we would be a vessel for HIM TO FLOW THROUGH!

Time to offer up our bodies unto Father as a living sacrifice so that the world will see Him AND NOT OUR SELVES!

Ohhhhhhhh trust me I have not fully come upon the altar of sacrifice, but I know I am bowed to it!

"...According to your faith be it unto you." Matt 9:29

Jesus the Christ is saying that your faith will not fail you, it will bring forth the evidence of things hoped for and YET Job said, “For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me”.

What you fear is what you believe IN! What you fear is what you will fight against! And as so it makes it impossible for one to abide in the power of Father.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I see it so much. One can go and do harm to self and hid it from others FORGETTING FATHER SEES.


Come on now how many times have we done something and hid it from others about?

Actions bring strength to fear and the actions that strengthening fear also diminishes faith in the saving power of Father!

Look at our Brother Peter when he took his eyes off the Word of life and looked at the circumstances--->But when he SAW the strength of the wind, he was AFRAID, and beginning to sink, ....

BEHOLD the encouraging Word--->“You of little faith,” He said, “WHY DID YOU doubt?”


YES! When you allow fear to rule, you will .... you shall ... doubt the power of Father! For the FEAR of sinking overcame the power of walking on the water in our Brother Peter.

NOW UNTO HIM that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, ... Jude 1:24

You are IN Christ so I can tell you "You are IN that power that is able to KEEP you from falling!"


As one abides in Him that one faces nothing that can overcome him!!!!!!

Be not a Job and fear, but be the Christ identity and know you are hid in Him! For I can tell you that the power of self effort is no real power at all!!!!!!! It is just darkness ..... NOTHING!

Grasp it and see it is the Father's will to keep one in His power so that one will abide within His Kingdom!


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