Let this mind

 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: ... Phil 2:5

When Father reveled that verse unto me it was reveled in a immature way. Now when I say that I mean its fullness, its maturity was not reveled for I had to grow to know what it means to have the 'mind' that Christ Jesus had reign in me.

 Now let us ask ourselves ....What mindset did Christ Jesus have?

Really .... What was the mind that was in him?

Father reveled unto me this mind that I am to have when He showed me what Jesus the Christ reveled unto others. Jesus the Christ not only said "if you have seen me you have seen the Father." He walked it!

 Jesus the Christ also said "The Father and I are One." Now to be One with something is to be it!

Come on now lets not the carnal mind of religious teaching hold back the mind of Christ from being ours.

When Jesus the Christ asked the disciples who men say he is, Peter answered, "You are the Christ". Peter might just as easily said, "You are God", for Christ IS God, for the Son and the Father are One.

Now grasp what Jesus the Christ said unto Peter, "flesh and blood hasn't revealed this to you". In other words no man has taught you this truth, in fact you can only SEE this truth by revelation of the Holy Spirit.

What Father has taught me came not by word of mouth or a relgious group. BUT by His Spirit, His Truth that I am ONE WITH!
Jesus the Christ goes on to teach us as well as His disciples, "You have received this truth directly from my Father, and upon this revelation I shall build my church".

What revelation?

The revelation of man's divinity, for Peter saw this for Jesus the Christ and for himself.

Come on now you think Jesus the Christ is not building his church on the revelation that Jesus alone is Christ, but rather that man IS Christ also.

"For we are His workmanship, having been created in Christ Jesus ..." Eph 2:10

You think a dog can be born in a cat family? A monkey in a ephlant family?


Flesh is born of flesh, but spirit is born of the Spirit. John 3:6

AND "And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven." Matt 23:9

My Father is Spirit and as so I am spirit also and one with Him and one IN Him.

Time for us to awake from this sin and see Him for who He is and to see our selves as He is

For Jesus Christ is a corporate Christ, not a single individual who lived some two thousand years ago. There is only ONE Christ but this Christ appears in many forms. Much like the rays from the sun express and are the sun. Or the waves of the ocean are the ocean.


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