Lilies Grow.

Consider how the lilies grow: They do not labor or spin.d Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory was adorned like one of these. .... Luke 12:27

QUOTE = “There is a field, a very lovely field, where the lilies grow. They stand tall in the sunlight and dance freely in the wind; white trumpet-shaped flowers with the fragrance of a rare perfume. They neither labor nor toil...they are free from things like that. They simply do what they were created to do; they grow and become beautiful and are admired by every passerby.

But sadly there comes a cold gray day when the flowers fade and all of their loveliness is gone. Yet deep within the cold dark earth they rest, until summer’s sun. I have often wondered if the lilies know that someday the sun will rise to set no more, and that they will bloom forever in the Father’s lovely field. Ah, then shall they be free from change and decay. They will be free to live on and on, and be a thousand times lovelier than they were before. I must share a secret: I know that they know...for they moan for the hour of the Manifestation of the Sons of God.

“There is another field...the earth which we are. And deep within that cold harsh earth there is hidden an inner son. Within this son dwells all the mysteries of the ages. All the wisdom and knowledge of the Father dwells in him. He is the ‘inner being’ out of which the River of Life shall flow. He is the emancipator that the whole creation cries out for. He is a son of God’s Christ. And now he rests within the body of flesh...till the call of the Rising Son.

This, my beloved, is the unrest which you feel. The earth which you are is being shaken by the knowledge of the inner truth. This is the feeling we have of something breaking forth. The stone of flesh is soon to be rolled away. The light of God is swelling within you and His Kingdom is being prepared to come forth. Even now the Rock is grinding to powder the kingdoms of the world. Even now we can hear the songs of the Kingdom as we dwell in the presence of the Father. Even now the Kingdom Light is shining forth from our eyes (understanding). Even now upon the horizon we can see the coming of the Manifestation of the Sons of God...and they shall live on and on, and be a thousand times lovelier than they were before. They will be the eternal glory of the Father, the pillars of His House, and the joy of all creation. They, with their Elder Brother, form the Son of God by whom all things were created, redeemed and restored.

Who can be compared to these Holy Lilies of the Field? Hallelujah!”


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