The Cross 03

The Cross - Des Walter 03

Here is the answer to all our struggle, it is through the INDWELLING CHRIST, the NEW HEART and the NEW SPIRIT that the change will take place. This is the Gospel. "I'll save you from all your uncleannesses: and I will call for the corn, and will increase it, and lay no famine upon you. And I will multiply the fruit of the tree, and the increase of the field, that ye shall receive no more reproach of famine among the heathen". I am going to leave it there, but you can read the rest of the chapter.

Can you understand what the spirit is saying to us today through the Prophet Ezekiel. God says I will replace the "control" within you by raising up the CHRIST. This is your true IDENTITY and with that new heart and spirit, your will walk in my ways and you will be clean. In Christ you will discover the inexhaustible supply capable of meeting every need.

I want you to understand that God does not need the shedding of LITERAL blood to set you free. Christendom has tried to convince us that God has always demanded BLOOD Sacrifices. But remember what Jesus said when he came into the world. "Sacrifice and offerings and offering for sins you did not desire and neither did you have pleasure in them." Heb 10:5 & 8. (See also Jer 7:22)

But there are some who will quote Heb 9:22 to support the necessity of BLOOD SACRIFICE. " And almost all things are BY THE LAW purged with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no remission." Now if you are still UNDER THE LAW then, YES, you will need a blood sacrifice. But we are under a NEW COVENANT of GRACE and physical BLOOD has no place there. The idea of blood sacrifice came from the Hebrew concept of God under the Old Covenant. Christendom has just continued the Hebrew concept, thinking that God still demands PHYSICAL blood before he can forgive us.

What would you say if I asked you, "What is the blood that cleanses you from sin?" Most Christians would say, "Well, it would be the physical literal blood of Jesus when he died on the cross". Do you mean the blood that was in the veins of that man called Jesus'"? "Yes". But he was a mortal man and the blood of a mortal man cannot save you from sin. Anyway that blood fell to the ground, so I don't know how he would pick it up and take it into the Most Holy Place, according to the analogy of the tabernacle. It had to be something else.

In John 6:53 Jesus said, "Except you eat the FLESH of the Son of man and DRINK HIS BLOOD you have no life in you." Do you think Jesus was asking us to be cannibals? I don’t think so and therefore he was not speaking about LITERAL BLOOD or LITERAL FLESH. The "Flesh" of Christ is the SUBSTANCE OF WHAT HE IS and the "Blood" of Christ is his LIFE. Whatever I eat in the natural is assimilated into my body and becomes "ME." So in the spiritual sense, as I eat the substance of what he is, that is what I become.

Jesus says finally regarding eating his flesh and drinking his blood, "He that eats my flesh and drinks my blood, dwelleth IN ME and I in HIM. As the living Father has sent me, and I live by the Father, so he that EATETH ME EVEN HE SHALL LIVE BY ME."

We began this study by discovering man’s origin. WE found that man was created SPIRIT with no physical body, for that was to come later in Gen 2.

Now, I want you to turn to John's gospel, chapter 3, and verse 14. And this is Jesus speaking now about the cross. And he said, "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up". As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, in exactly the same way, the Son of man had to be lifted up. So, I want to know now, what is this serpent that was lifted up in the wilderness and what was it all about?

Let's go back and see. Numbers 21:5 says, "And the people spake against God, and against Moses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no bread, neither is there any water, and our soul loatheth this light bread'. They were saying to God that they had enough of eating this bread they had to scrape off the leaves of the tree every morning. I mean we would like to get back to normality with a choice of some kind. Surely Lord, you can give us something better than this, and while we are at it, we would like to mention that we are getting tired of banging on this rock to get a drink of water. They really were arguing with God.

In verse 6 it says, "The Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much of the people of Israel died". This is not a history book. Can you hear this? This is not recorded here just to tell us that Israel did this and Israel said that, and you know, a bunch of snakes came in amongst them. See, we consider the things we read in the Bible are like children's stories, because this is what we tell the children in Sunday School.
We tell them the story about the serpents in the wilderness, and we tell them about the baby Jesus born in Bethlehem. We tell them about Noah and the ark, but we never tell them what the truth is behind all of these things, because we don't know ourselves. So, let's have a look at this.

Now this is heavy stuff, I mean, here are these people arguing against God, and God sends a bunch of deadly snakes that bite them and kill them. Wow! What a God we've got. I thought my Father loved me. I thought God IS LOVE. Well then, surely there must be something more behind the words we read. First of all, if you want to do a little study, you will find that the word for snakes there, or fiery serpents, is the word "seraph" and more than one is "seraphim", the "im" is the plural suffix in the Hebrew language.

Now what is the function of the seraphs? Well, in Isaiah 6, you can read for yourself, that when the prophet went into the temple he saw the Lord high and lifted up with his train filling the temple. The sight so overcame him that he cried out, "Lord, I'm a man of unclean lips, and I dwell among a people of unclean lips, and Lord have mercy on me". At that very moment a seraphim flew across to the altar and they picked up a live coal and brought it over to Isaiah and touched his lips and said, "Your iniquity is cleansed and you are purged from your sin." Your lips are now clean and you are clean, and there wasn't any sacrifice there, because the seraphim are the guardians of God's holiness, and they also take care of the fire of God. They were in charge, if you like, of the fire department, not putting it out, but keeping it burning. You see, it was the fire that cleansed him. Again, please notice there was no blood sacrifice. He was cleansed by fire, not by blood sacrifice.

So, the Lord released these seraphs, and they began to bite the people and as a result something in them began to die, because they represent the fire of God. However, the fire of God is not destructive. The fire is God's means of transforming you. So, these people needed a little clean up, so what better way of doing it than by God's sending his fire. It was not to destroy them, BUT TO CLEANSE THEM, and to make them to be what God intended them to be. In answer to the cry of the people, Moses turns to the Lord, asking for direction.

The Lord said to Moses, this is what I want you to do. You see those things, whatever they are that are biting the people, causing them to die, well I want you to make one of those out of brass. Now brass in the Bible always speaks of the judgement of God. What does the word "Judgement" mean? Well, it comes from a Greek word "KRISIS." If you put a "C" in place of the "K" you are very close to the meaning, "CRISIS."

A crisis is something that happens in your life causing you to pause for a moment. You are going along in a certain direction at about 100 miles an hour and suddenly something happens in your life, and God pulls you up. That is a CRISIS. And in that crisis, you are given time to assess the situation and say, "Hey, where am I really going." Is this the direction I want my life to take? It's a CRISIS. It allows you to reconsider your direction, and to think about where this pathway that you are on is leading you. From the spiritual point of view it means a "setting right" of that which is wrong, or a correction if you like. Again let me say, God’s judgement is not destructive but is positive in its purpose.

So, you see, these people needed to find an answer to their problem. Not just the problem of the snakes, but the problem of why do we keep griping against God. Why do we keep getting angry with Moses for bringing us out here? Is there an answer? Yes sir, there is an answer. God said, "Moses make one of those things out of brass, and then put it on the top of a pole. Then erect the pole right in the middle of Israel, and anybody that has been bitten by those serpents, all they have to do is LOOK at the brazen serpent on the pole and they will live."

SALVATION, beloved, is LOOK and LIVE. That's what Jesus is telling us in John 3. "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, in the same way must the Son of mn be lifted up." Oh, well then who does the serpent on the pole represent? The answer must be, "The one who died upon the CROSS who was lifted up just like the serpent in the wilderness." This is Adam from the Garden of Eden. What in the world is it that makes you sin? What is it, that every time I want to do good I can't do it, but I find that I am doing the thing that I don't want to do. What is causing me to live like that?

NO, it is not some external entity called the devil, but it is the Adamic consciousness that functions out of the NATURAL or CARNAL MIND. It is that Adamic nature that has come to us through our natural generation, because we look back at our parents and say, "Well, that's where we came from." But when we say that, we are denying our true identity, that we came out of God. Remember God did not create a MAN OF FLESH AND BLOOD. We were created as SPIRIT and even today we are still spirit in the reality of our being. So, this Adamic consciousness remains in us. That is what is killing us, the Adamic consciousness or the carnal mind, that Paul tells us IS DEATH.

1 Cor 15:45, "And so it is written. The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a life giving Spirit". They are both Adam, but one is a LIVING SOUL and the other has the ability to GIVE LIFE or is a LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT. So, as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up. What has been killing us? ADAM or the Adamic consciousness that tells us we have come from Adam and so we believe we are sinners and under the curse of God. That's what has been killing us? Now we need to know what provision has God made to remedy our situation?

2 Cor 5:21. "For he (that is God), hath made him (that is Christ), to be sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him." He made him, TO BE SIN, or the MAN OF SIN. NO, God did not make him TO SIN, because remember Paul said, "It was not Adam that sinned, it was Eve". She was deceived and she took that fruit in rebellion against God, but Adam had his eyes wide open when he ate that fruit, and he did it deliberately, because he knew the consequences of his eating and HE had in mind YOUR SALVATION AND MINE. So now God has made Jesus Christ, to be that LAST ADAM. The MAN OF SIN who is the cause of all our problems, ultimately bringing us into DEATH, now willingly embraces the CROSS.

So now, let's go back then, to Luke 22:37, which says, "For I say unto you, this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, and he was reckoned among the transgressors". So this is what still had to be accomplished in him. He was reckoned among the transgressors for the things concerning me have an end, or have a predetermined expectation, if you like, probably would be a better translation. And they said, Lord, behold here are two swords. And he said to them, that is enough. And he came out, and went, as he was wont, to the mount of Olives; and his disciples also followed him. And when he was at the place, he said to them, Pray that ye enter not into temptation.
And he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast and kneeled down and prayed, saying, "Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done". What is the cup that he is drinking? Well, back in the Garden of Eden he took the fruit from Eve, and he ate it, not in rebellion nor in deception, but with his eyes wide open. He knew the consequences both of eating that fruit of good and evil, and also he knew what would be the result of abstaining from eating the fruit. Do you realise what would have been the result if Adam had not shared the fruit with Eve? Let me tell you. If Adam had refused to join Eve in eating of the tree of good and evil the soul would have been eternally separated from the Spirit and there would have been no salvation for any man!! Think about it!

Now God is saying, to the LAST ADAM I want you to carry this through now to its final conclusion and take that LIVING SOUL into death. That is the "cup". Now, I want you to lay down your NATURAL SOULISH LIFE, because if you do you will release all humanity from its power. You will release humanity by destroying the power of death. So Father says, "My Son, are you willing to lay down your physical soul life now?" Are you willing to become at this moment a LIVING SACRIFICE? NO, not a dead sacrifice as they all were in Israel’s history.

And in the agony of that moment it says he sweat as it were, great drops of blood, falling down to the ground. The agony - for the salvation of all men is here at stake. Because God said the day in which you eat that fruit, you will die. Well, Adam's physical death didn't accomplish anything for us 930 years after he left the Garden, except in type form, so we read, AND ADAM DIED.

But NOW we are looking at the reality of what we read concerning the FIRST ADAM in the Garden of Eden. Adam’s death is not a punishment as religion suggests, but MANKIND’S release from the POWER OF DEATH. Adam had to die before Christ could arise in us constituting us LIFE GIVING SPIRITS. But here he is now, as the LAST ADAM.

So, of course, when Christendom preaches the cross they say, "Now this is God's lamb, the Lamb of God, which is the sin offering for all mankind". But we already read that Jesus said, "Father, you didn't want sacrifice and offerings and offerings for sin." You didn't want that. That wasn't what you wanted at all. How can we then make him a sin offering? HE IS NOT A SIN OFFERING. He doesn't have to be a sin offering. I have already showed you how God can make you perfect, and it has nothing to do with literal physical blood. Because the blood that will make you perfect, had already been shed. When Adam took the fruit of that tree, he slew the Lamb of God.

The LAMB OF GOD is not a woolly creature with four legs and wool on its back. The LAMB OF GOD is the NATURE OF GOD, because a lamb is a defenceless creature. It says, "What do you want to do to me? You want to hurt me, you go right ahead. You want to shear me and take the wool off my back, you go right ahead, I can't stop you. You want to kill me, go right ahead". That is what the "Lamb Nature" of God says. There are many people in this world today, maybe thousands, who have mocked God and defied him to destroy them. But God did not destroy any of them. Could he have done so? Of course he could!.

Those people bring retribution on themselves, because whatever a man sows, that is what he reaps. Sow to the flesh and you will reap corruption. Sin and its consequences have nothing to do with God. But Christendom considers that SIN has outraged God, demanding that he give his only begotten son as a sin offering, instead of destroying mankind. It's like God says, "I'll tell you what I am going to do. I can't forgive you unless I have a BLOOD SACRIFICE so here is the deal. This time an animal sacrifice is not sufficient, so I will kill my only SON on the Cross of Calvary. Then when he is dead and his blood has been poured out then I will be satisfied, and forgive only those who repent.

This is what the Church has taught for centuries and Christians have believed it, even though in so doing they have defamed the character of God. But this cannot be our God of LOVE! Would you kill your son to provide salvation for somebody else? I don't think so. But let us just think about what we are saying for a moment.

Jesus taught us in Mark 11:25-26 that when we pray we must forgive all those who have wronged us. In fact he goes further and says that if we do not forgive others then our Heavenly Father will not forgive us. But now we are saying that this same "Heavenly Father" will not forgive mankind unless there is a "BLOOD SACRIFICE," and that sacrifice is his only SON. In Matt 18:24-27 Jesus spoke about a man who owed his master much more than he could every pay back but his master FREELY FORGAVE HIM THE DEBT.

These parables all display the character of God and are very instructive, but we have taken little notice of them choosing to believe the distorted character of our God presented to us by preachers and teachers, rather than the Truth Jesus revealed. Notice in this passage of Scripture it was the UNFORGIVING MAN who had himself been freely forgiven that was cast into prison, not because of any debt but because he failed to reflect the same grace that had been shown to him. In this he defamed his Heavenly Father before others. How many times in the New Testament did Jesus tell people that their sins were forgiven. It was not on the basis of the Cross, for that was still in the future. The woman taken in adultery was condemned to die under the LAW but Jesus said, "Neither do I condemn you."

Christendom has presented such a harsh demanding God to the world who demands Blood Sacrifice before he can extend forgiveness to anyone, and even then only if certain conditions are met. Failure to comply with these conditions results in this God burning you forever and ever in "hell." This God is presented to mankind as "YOUR LOVING HEAVENLY FATHER." Who in the world could LOVE such a Father, and be proud to be his children?? No wonder the heathen are multiplying far more than Christians.

JESUS CHRIST WAS NOT THE SIN OFFERING. He was made to BE THE MAN OF SIN or the LAST ADAM which is responsible for our mistaken identity, and the illusion of our physical mortality in and this physical material world. The Adamic consciousness has locked us up through the carnal mind to believe we are just mortal human beings born in sin, cast out of the Garden of God, and living under the law of SIN AND DEATH.

And so, you will notice a change after Jesus was arrested by the soldiers in the Garden. He has accepted the will of the Father to take "mortality" into death thus releasing the SPIRIT (CHRIST) to be manifest in all mankind. So now men were able to subdue him which they were not able to do before this. Now they mocked him by putting a robe on him and a reed in his hand and a crown of thorns on his head, and announcing this one to be the KING of the Jews. But notice there was no retaliation.

He was made to carry his cross up the hill to Golgotha and there they nailed his hands and feet to the cross, and he did not resist. He was led as a LAMB to the slaughter and as a sheep before its shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth. Just as he took the fruit from Eve, so now he willingly yields his will to God NO NO beloved, this is not the SON OF GOD for it is impossible for a SON OF GOD TO DIE. This is the Last Adam, tasting death FOR EVERY MAN, and in so doing he is destroying that which has the POWER OF DEATH, the CARNAL MIND, setting us free. There is no substitution involved here, Jesus Christ is not dying on this cross INSTEAD of you and me. NO, he is dying there AS ME, and as every member of the human race, for that is what he represents in the Garden of Eden. This is where ADAM the "LIVING SOUL MAN" dies, and the LIFE GIVING SPIRIT which is C-H-R-I-S-T comes forth out of that death.

Many times I have surveyed that scene on Golgotha’s Hill as the Spirit brings the truth into clear focus for me. My whole life and destiny are to be found here so I watch every movement with great intent. And, I am watching this one on the cross, because you see, this is so very important to me personally. Jesus told us clearly, "If the SON shall make you free, then you are absolutely free!"

So I am determined to walk free from the enslaving influences that are in my life. So I am looking at that cross, and there he, but even in his hour of suffering he takes care of his mother, and says to John, "See this is your mother, and Mother, I want you to see John, who is going to look after you". I mean, that is how much grace he displayed even at the time of death.

Then I see him speak so graciously to one of the thieves who were crucified with him. But the time of his departure was at hand, and I hear that victorious cry come from his lips, IT IS FINISHED! Then he surrendered his spirit unto the Father as he died. I stood there trying to contemplate what it was that was FINISHED. Like a soft vesper blowing across the meadows, I heard a voice within saying, "The power of sin is broken, and also the power of death, for here DEATH is swallowed up in victory, and you are free indeed."

The spirit can never be released without death, for it is death that releases the spirit. As in the natural, so in the spiritual. Can you hear this? The "Alabaster Box" of precious ointment must be broken to release its perfume. The BREAD (Body) must be broken so that others may eat and live. ADAM the man of dust must be brought into death before the LIFE GIVING SPIRIT WITHIN, CAN BE RELEASED. The TRUTH begins to unfold before my eyes not from the lips of some preacher, but as the Spirit of God lights up the scene before me to reveal all its sacred treasures.

So, I'm watching and looking at this man dying on that cross and I say to myself, "There is something familiar about him. I don't know what it is, but I think I know that man that is dying on that cross". So I step a little bit closer and I'm looking, and suddenly I say to myself, "I know who it is.... that's ME." That's why I could recognize him. THAT IS ME DYING ON THAT CROSS"! I do not just see Jesus Christ dying on that cross, but I saw myself identified IN HIM. Of course, now CHRIST the ANNOINTING has been released through death, because that is SPIRIT.

Now Jesus bows his head and all movement stops, he is dead! BUT THAT IS ME! HE DIED AS ME!!! So if YOU died in him YOU must also be dead. ADAM IS DEAD! The one who prevented me from being free, by enslaving me to sin IS NOW DEAD.
But this is not the end of the story. I am very interested to see what is going to happen now? His voice remains etched in my memory as he cries, "IT IS FINISHED". But the depth of meaning in these words has yet to fully dawn on me, but I believe it. Loving hands come and take that body down from the cross and they wrap it in the grave clothes, and they take it away. They go down the hill and I follow them, because remember that is me, and I want to know what will happen to me.

Over the years I have been asked many times about, "what happens after we die?" Well, if you will follow with me we will find out together the answer. The people carrying the body come to a burial cave on a rich man’s property, and they lay it gently on the rock shelf inside. Then in deep reverence, they walked out. And I am still looking because, that is ME! That's ME lying there in that cave.

Now I am outside, because the soldiers are rolling that big stone over the mouth of the cave and they are sealing it with the Roman seal! I remembered Jesus spoke about the THIRD day being the day of resurrection so I settled down to wait because I must know what happens to me. So as it dawns toward that third day I am watching. Suddenly I notice the stone has been rolled away already. And I look inside, and there is two angelic beings sitting there. These are like the "cherubim," one at each end where the body of Jesus had laid, the same as the MERCY SEAT ON THE ARK. And they say to me, "Who are you looking for"? Without hesitation I reply, "I'm looking for Des Walter". They reply, "Why seek ye the living among the dead"? I stand there trying to grasp what I am hearing, so they repeat it. "Why seek the living among the dead? This is the place for the dead and not the living".

So I go outside with my head is spinning and I am confused. I don't know what's happened now, because there is nothing there. I know I saw that body laid there on the rock shelf, and the cave sealed with a great Rock, but now, there is nothing there except the grave clothes. I mean, I thought there would at least be a little heap of dust there, but there is not dust! If there had been it would have been in Rome by now, and they would be charging you for a look! I want to tell you, I've looked in that tomb, and THERE WAS NOTHING THERE! Jesus and Des Walter has gone FOREVER, NEVER TO RETURN.

But my search is not finished yet, because I must know what's happened to me. I'm still looking, and I hear voices. Here comes Mary and she is talking with the gardener, and says, "Listen, I know we buried Jesus of Nazareth in there, but his body is gone. Did you take his body away, or do you know who took it? And do you know where it is now, because I want to know?" And this man looks at her and he says, "Mary", and she knew who it was immediately. She knew that it was the Lord. I heard that conversation so I know he is alive but I still do not understand. By this time others have come and the whole town is talking about the empty tomb.

The questions are still in my mind about what happened to ME. Notice that it was the women who first discovered Jesus Christ was ALIVE. Eve (the soul) had been searching for her beloved down through the ages, and now she has found him! Of course they told the disciples who were not convinced so Peter and John decided to run to the tomb and see for themselves. They also found the empty tomb!

A little later I am walking along the road to Emmaus with a few of the disciples and I am listening to them talk as they journey. Along that road a man joins the group and they walk together. He begins to talk to us and we get to talking to him, and all the time he is talking I am looking at him, and I am thinking to myself, "I know him from somewhere. I am certain I have met him before. But I can't remember who he really is. Finally we come to our destination and we ask him to come in with us and have a meal. The stranger was given the honour of breaking the bread.

At that very moment It was like a light was turned on within me and to my amazement I discovered who that person is. THAT'S ME! THAT IS ME! FOR I had RISEN IN CHRIST! And, CHRIST HAD RISEN IN ME. Des Walter, that character that was born 70 odd years ago in Atherton, in North Queensland, that had failed so many times along the road of life, no longer existed.

My life up to that point now seemed like a DREAM from which I had been suddenly awakened. There was a real sense of unreality about my past life just as if it had been some ILLUSION.NOW the whole experience of the Cross burst upon my consciousness in stunning reality. The person I thought I was that was a mortal, physical human being expressing soulish life, had made me a prisoner of a false identity.

I believed I was born and that I would die. I believed I came from Adam and so was a sinner and God was angry with me. My Sunday School teacher told me one day to kneel down and repent of my sins and ask Jesus to come into my life which I did. But life was a constant battle with me wanting to do good but evil was always with me. I believed what the preachers told me, that I was Born again and a Son of God, but I had little evidence to convince me. But now I have found my true identity and that is CHRIST.

What about Jesus, what happened to him? Well, he died because he was flesh and blood also just like me. There was NO physical JESUS that rose from the dead. How glad I am for that, because otherwise I would also have gone through the cross and remained the same mortal human being I was before.

Flesh and blood do not exist beyond death, for they are a part of the illusion of life in the world of good and evil. Beyond the grave the only reality is SPIRIT. That spirit is eternal and is Godthat fills the universe. The "Grave" strips away the illusion so that all that fills the universe. The "Grave" strips away the illusion so that all we have left after that, is R-E-A-L- I-T-Y. Heaven has nothing that is physical or material attached to it, for it has no physical location and is not a place to which we can go. The "City Foursquare," and the "streets of gold," are simply parabolic language, just as are the 12 gates of Pearl.

We have been deceived into believing that the FORM is the reality. Our body beloved, is not the reality of what you are, for you were created as SPIRIT in the image of God. This is where the concept of "God being a MAN" comes from, bringing many Christians into IDOLATRY. For the Commandments tell us that we are not to make any GRAVEN IMAGE or any likeness of anything that is in heaven or on earth or even in the water under the earth. Jesus tells us that "GOD IS SPIRIT and those who worship him MUST WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH."

Beloved, the truth is that we do not have to CONTINUE IN SIN ANY LONGER. Can you hear this? The MAN OF SIN, Adam was crucified on the cross? The L-A-S-T ADAM died 2000 years ago. We were created in Christ Jesus in the beginning as SPIRIT and that is the reality of our being. Christ is the Seed of God in every man but for so many the illusion of reality remains centred in the body of dust, and so they continue to live as sinners and under the law of sin and death, instead of the "Law of the spirit of Life in Christ Jesus."

Thus for many the CROSS brings no release from the bondage of our mortality. The best Christendom can offer is that in the cross there is forgiveness for sins, but no power to keep you from sinning. Beloved this is not the Gospel that is the POWER OF GOD unto Salvation, for Sin continues to reign denying the Lordship of Christ and allowing death to exert its authority over us. Religion’s focus on S-I-N has distorted the message of GRACE, keeping us in bondage.

Do you still have problems trying to do the things you want to do? And saying, " I can't do the things that I want to do, but the things that I don't want to do they are the things I am doing". Do you still have that problem? You can't blame Adam anymore - HE'S DEAD. But, he's fooled so many people in the world that he is still here. I want to tell you, you have been listening to Christ today, not because its Des Walter writing this, but because Christ dwells in me expressing himself through me. HE LIVES IN ME. And you see, He has redeemed me with his precious blood, HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD! What is the blood that has saved me? IT IS HIS LIFE! FOR THE LIFE IS IN THAT BLOOD! That's the blood that saved me - IT IS HIS LIFE.

Beloved, I do not want you to worship the cross today. I want you to worship the Christ that has risen from the dead. And, as you worship that Christ, I want you to understand who you will be worshipping? You will be lifting up the saints, which would include yourself for CHRIST is you identity. It is Christ in you, which is the HOPE OF GLORY. This is God dwelling IN YOU, having removed that false identity that you thought you were, which is Adam.

Having cut the umbilical cord that linked you to humanity and mortality. Believing that you was born and would one day die, that you came from the dust, and you are going back to the dust. He cut that cord for me, and showed me that my ORIGIN and identity was IN HIM. He will do the same for you as you open your heart to the truth we have shared together.

Paul’s testimony is now my testimony and the testimony of all those who have been raised from the "dead."
"I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I LIVE, yet it is not I that live, but CHRIST THAT LIVES IN ME, and the life that I now live I live by the faith of the son of God who loved me and gave himself for me." Gal 2:20.

And, I lift up my hands now, to the Everlasting Father, full of grace and truth, Who now dwells within me, expressing Himself as Des Walter. THAT'S THE GOSPEL!

May God bless you, and help you understand in your spirit, that which God is saying to you today. Be encouraged and be blessed, Des Walter Jan. 2001


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