Trees in the Garden 1

 QUOTE = One day Satan came disguised as a snake and spoke to Eve, convincing her to eat the fruit from the tree of good and evil. Eve told the serpent that God said they should not eat it and they would die if they did, but Satan tempted Eve to eat saying that she would become like God if she did. Eve believed the lie and took a bite of the fruit. She then gave some to Adam for him to eat. Adam and Eve, now knowing that they had sinned, immediately felt ashamed and tried to hide from God. ---END OF QUOTE.

A fable, make believe? Ohhhhhhhhhhhh it is easy now to think that after reading the above quote but before the light of His Word I pretty well taught that. A angel so awesome that he was God's right hand angel but one day the created angel said "Gosh I can be God." So he gathered up 1/3 of the other angels and went to get his throne from the one who created him.

Yes sir there was a big war in heaven (up there in the sky somewhere) God sent His chief army angel to fight the devil and his angels (Like God could not speak any longer). A hugh battle broke out angels where fighting angels with heaven weapons and well the devil just was not strong enough so he got booted out of heaven to the earth. See he was this big ball of fire falling down from the heaven and crashed into the world. He stood up looked around and realized he was doomed to hell (I mean the world). He ran around and gathered his other commands and knew God had a hiding spot on this world called Eden.

Yup, in this place God hid a man named Adam (Yes God named him) and a woman named Eve (well Adam named her). However, the devil stood at the gate of Eden and knew God would see him if he went in so he jumped into a serpernt and crawled in under God's radar. When he found Eve alone he stood up walked to her and talked with her. Eve never seen a walking talking serpent before so she is so dumb founded she listens to him. The serpent goes on to tell her that God is keeping a secret from her and if she wanted to be like God and know the secret she must pick the fruit from the only tree of knowledge of good and evil and get Adam to have a bite to.

Well Eve never heard such a awesome word before she stands under the tree just amazed at the fruit. Al the while she didn't notice the serpent put a ladder in front of her so she could climb up it and get that taste looking fruite for her and her husband.

So she does. She plucks it from the tree and takes a bite out of it but nothing happened she is still Eve. So she runs to her husband and tells him the story and he takes a bite. Well nothing happened and all of a sudden .... poof ..... God is in the garden. God is walking around in a garden daze calling out "Adam" "Adam" Where are you. See God thought they were playing the game hide and seek and God had no time for it at the moment so Adam calls God from behind a tree. See Adam did not change to this God as he was told by Eve who was told by the serpent. Instead Adam and Eve were naked and did not want God to see them naked.

So God asked Adam who told him he was naked. Well maybe who told him he was not god. Adam pointed to Eve his love and in a lack of love said "Her God the one YOU gave me. Well God is pretty mad now so He ask Eve who told her she was naked, I mean not a god. Well Eve not dumb she can play the blame game to so she says God you know that walking talking serpent You made? Well it told me.

By now God is steaming mad. So mad He about to release His wrath. He turns to His created walking, talking serpent and curses Him that he shall crawl on his belly and eat dust all his life. Yes! The curse was so wrathful the serpent lost his ability to talk and even walk so bam down on his belly he went only to eat dust the rest of his days. (hmmmmmmmm he was allowed to get up and fly around to deceive many more afterwards and even work at the Son of God).

God so big so powerful turns to woman and curses her with pain. I mean real bad pain. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh pain so bad every woman will feel it and know their mom Eve brought it upon them by her action in eating the forbidden fruit. Well now God was mad and he cursed the ground to be bad and not grow food anymore and Adam now had to work harder to get something to eat.

God even madder yet grabbed some poor animal, killed it skinned it made clothes so Adam and Eve were not naked anymore and kicked them out of the garden. Wait that is not all! God did not want these cursed people to be living for ever (as gods) so He put angels around the tree of life (which was to come IN the future) and a flaming sword to swing at any that would approach the tree for a fruit of life.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sweet story indeed and a fable if ever AND YET I TAUGHT THAT 😞

For days, weeks and months the Holy Spirit kept me in Genesis 1-3. I saw light slowing getting brighter that I knew the fable of the religious world was nothing more than that .... A FABLE.

See I was taught there was two trees in the garden and God told Adam not to eat of the one called the knowledge of good and evil BUT God never told Adam he should eat the tree of life, See I found that odd. Why before sin came to be would not God want His son to live for ever? Why would He not tell Adam to eat the fruit.

Why did God NOT put Adam under that tree?

Well it turns out that tree "the Word of life" had NOT yet come for God had not sent His only begotten Son. But that would be another post to share this awesome Word of life that took upon Himself flesh and blood and said--->Then Jesus (Word of life) said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. John 6:54

I want us to look at the Word of life concerning the garden of Eden and the trees.

And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: BUT of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Genesis 2:16,17

Now do we notice "EVERY TREE!" As in more than one tree. See Adam was allowed to eat of every tree in the garden but Adam was told to NOT eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil AND the tree of life which where in the MIDST of ALL the other trees.

To see this and prove it look at Woman's reply to the serpent--->And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: Genesis 3:2

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm what just happen. I was told by organized religion there where two trees in the garden and Adam could NOT eat from one of them. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm what is it about these TREES?

See Adam was allowed to eat from the fruit trees in the garden but Adam was told not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which was in the MIDST of the trees and Adam was never told to eat the fruit from the tree of life.

I started to see the light by the Holy Spirit that I was being deceived by the serpent that was standing next to organized religion.

But now I fear that you will be tricked, just as Eve was tricked by that lying snake. I am afraid that you might stop thinking about Christ in an honest and sincere way. 2 Corinthians 11:3

Let me share and quote some awesome light on the trees in the garden.

First off to understand God’s plan, we must be completely clear about these three (YES 3) kinds of trees and what they represent. See the trees can be listed this way ....

(1) all the trees of the garden
(2) the tree of life
(3) the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

As seen in Genesis 2:8,9,16,17

Let us repent from the lie of only two trees in Eden, the tree of life and the tree of knowledge and turn to the Word of life and see why the many TREES in His light!

The fruit of the trees in the garden where for eating in that eating is receiving, and receiving is the basic function of the human self.  To EAT is to receive and EAT! Receive!

“RECEIVE ye the Holy Ghost” John 20:22

“Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye EAT THE FLESH of the Son of man, and DRINK His blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso EATETH My flesh, and DRINKETH My blood, hath eternal life” John 6:53-54

“But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God” John 1:12

Before Adam ate of the wrong tree he was eating of the other trees in the garden. YES! Adam was doing what he was told to do concerning eating from the fruit of “all the trees of the garden.”  We must understand the great truth that the tree of life represents a realm of life, the tree of knowledge also represents a realm of life (or death), and “all the trees of the garden” likewise represent yet another realm of life.

Deep calleth unto deep and Father we deep can only come out as You open the eyes of our understanding!

The trees show us of three realities within man, three dimensions of being in which he could walk.

Even the Apostle Paul knew this when he by the Holy Spirit penned---->And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23

Now the spirit is the deepest part of man, the inward life derived from God, and the spirit is the realm of God consciousness and divine life.

But Moses and Aaron fell facedown and said, “O God, the God of the spirits of all flesh, when one man sins, will You be angry with the whole congregation?” Numbers 16:22

".... and the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. ..." Ecclesiastes 12:7

The soul was the most prominent part of man’s life when he was placed in the Garden of Eden. The soul is the realm of SELF consciousness, of identity as humanity, and the connecting link between the visible world of creation and the invisible dimension of spirit. The soul comprises the conscious mind, will, emotion and desire of man.

The body was the most outward part of man, the visible and tangible which identified man with the earth and the visible creation.

“all the trees of the garden”

These trees of the garden show us the life in which the Adam (man) lived before he fell. The perfect human life, the living soul, which was a place of life which far above the realm of corruption and death which passed upon man through the tree of carnal knowledge.  However, it was also a place of life which was lower than, and inferior to, the realm of life which was available to Adam in the tree of life.

So we can see that, “all the trees of the garden” signify the place of the perfect, sinless, LIVING SOUL.

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7

However, the fruit from the trees in the garden had no power to give Adam DIVINE NATURE or the INCORRUPTIBLE LIFE of God. For the Word of life WAS NOT manifested IN THE FLESH YET! And yet these trees did not put into Adam the power of death, corruption, darkness, which is ONLY found in the tree of knowledge.

So, “all the trees of the garden” shows us a place of the living soul in which Adam first had his being.


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