Do good

Now here in America people keep dogs as pets. Some though will treat the dog as family and sometimes better than family. I've had a few pet dogs in my life and let me tell you I have learnt much from them, that today when I see a puppy I think of the DOG.

See a dog knows not good or evil, its nature is just that DOG. No one tells the puppy to bark and no one tells the puppy its a DOG. It is the life Father gave to it. Now I'll tell you pretty well all the pet dogs I've had not one of them was a saint. By this I mean they acted out their God given nature ... DOG.

As a puppy they sure left some nasty messes for one to clean up, as a young dog they sure liked to chew on things that were important and let me tell you as a dog they sure knew how to bark. Gosh! Did they bark!!

No matter how loud one screamed at them that dog would bark. Heck you can go out to that barking dog and pull on its leash and yes that dog would lower itself down and stop barking and turn on the saint look. BUT 5 minutes later it be barking again. AND one would again give that dog a look, a yell and yes that dog would lower itself down and give that saint look.

Well let me tell you that dog pretty well is no different than most to many that call themselves Christians. See when the lusts of the flesh raise up that one would do the Sunday morning boo hoo. By that I mean they will cry and lower themselves down and confess their faults AND afterwards put on that saint look.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh trust me in today's world I see that saint look. that GOOD saint look. Ohhhhhhh its not a look of TRUE REPENTANCE but that good saint look. So humble and so nice one wonders who they are! Ohhhhhhh of course they are good Christians.

Yes! Some after a good boo hoo hoo will put on that humble saint look. Ohhhhhhh by they way did I mention PUT ON! They will walk around looking so humble, so saintly you swear they seen the face of a HOLY God!

YET many in times past have also put on that humble saint look and tried to use it before Jesus the Christ and He said--->“Woe to you, [self-righteous] scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which look beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and everything unclean. Matt 23:27

Ohhhhhhhhhhh I know I have put on that humble saint look after I boo hoo hoo to my Father. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh God forgive me for again I am doing it. OHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhh God help me for again I am doing it. OHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh God I will be better, I will be good. God I will be like Jesus .... Ohhhhhhhhh God help me. Ohhhhhhhhh God I will pray more, I'll read more, I will be better God. Up off my knees and poof on goes that humble looking saint mask.

Yes I am now the good dog on a leash that has heard myy Father bark. I am the good dog that has lowered myself so that Father sees how good I am.

Cross defeated

Yes I'll repeat that again 'Cross defeated!'

See Christ Jesus came to destroy death and that death He destroyed was the BODY OF SIN!

Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." John 1:29

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh let me tell you His time in the garden of gethsemane was one of knowing He must give up LIFE to put on that body of sin. BUT let me tell you He knew that when He put on that body of sin and took it back to where it came from, Father was NOT going to let Him rot in the ground.

For you will not leave my soul among the dead or allow your holy one to rot in the grave. Psalm 16:10

See ... They who know that Christ Jesus took death (body of sin) upon Himself so that the many who believe (faith) would not be a slave to that body of sin are they who are MADE FREE!

If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36

They who do the daily, weekly, monthly boo hoo are they who DO NOT KNOW.

Ohhhhhhhhhh yea your mind can say it knows but your actions will speak for you.


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