Lover of my soul


I can recall the battle of doctrines when I came to see and understand 'predestination.'

The word 'predestination' means = God has eternally chosen those whom he intends to save.

So God is very selfish in that He tends to only save certain people and well the rest shall spend forever in some flames of fire.

No wonder there is a doctrine war in churches over 'Predestination.'

I see Predestination as 'sonship' NOT saved and unsaved. See not everyone will die to themselves to allow the Christ within to be birth. See most to many in some way love themselves more then the Lord.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh yea they may sing that song 'I love you LORD' as they work at pleasing their flesh. I know I was one and being one I saw so many as me that on Sunday morning would sing, dance, wave our hands in the air, to only think about the sin that holds on to the soul as the master.

Many times my carnal mind would dwell upon what burdens lay upon my shoulders. Yet I stood with the many telling the Lord I loved Him. That lifestyle would not last long in a marriage, nor world it support a marriage. For a marriage is the laying down of self so that the two would be ONE.

Not today though. Marriage is more a pleasure ride that only pleases the one in the driver seat. Many times arguments will break out when the other wants the steering wheel, but the majored of marriages are two carnal minds rather than one given to the other.

As I sit here I hear in my spirit the Song of Solomon and how the soul was not pleased by worldly desires; but wanted to find the her true lover.

"Beautiful woman, where has your lover gone?
Which way did your lover go? Tell us so that we can help you look for him.

She Answers the Women of Jerusalem

My lover has gone down to his garden, where sweet-smelling spices grow.
There, like a sheep, he will eat the grass, and he will enjoy the lilies.

I belong to my lover, and my lover belongs to me. He is the one feeding among the lilies. 6:1-3

You be hard pressed to tell me your carnal mind is the lover of our soul. See the carnal mind only uses unforgiveness and condemnation as it means towards the troubled soul. The carnal mind only points to another direction in order for the soul to look. Not paying heed to the truth that the carnal mind is no true love.

There is only ONE true lover of the soul and to find Him is to let go of the carnal mind and take the mind of the lover of the soul. That would be the laying down of self and picking up the cross.

After all this, one wonders what it has to do with 'predestination.'

The will of the Father was set into motion when He looked at the living soul. Before the foundation of the world the Father had already a plan to love the soul. The Father knew there be another lover, but the Father knew that He is  love and love will prevail no matter what.

So before the world was to be the Father's purpose and plan was set in motion as He formed the soul, the soul that He was to be the true lover of.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. For He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in His presence. In love He predestined us for adoption as His sons through Jesus Christ, according to the good pleasure of His will, 6to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us in the Beloved One.  Ephesians 1:3-5


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