
Showing posts from September, 2023


ALL blessings unto our Father who is the ONLY POWER of ALL! I woke up to this thought today 'The right attitude of heart' That for me is a mouth full for Father has been speaking to my hEARt concerning having His "attitude." Now bear with me concerning what we call pure breed dogs. A pure breed dog is one that has not been crossed with another breed and if it has we call that dog 'in pure' or  mongrel . Now when we came forth in this world we are pure breeds and by that I mean our mind/attitude is pure. Right off we learn from them who are over us. For me it was my parents. I grew up learning attitudes from them and also what I saw and learned in the world. So what I did was groom all the attitudes I saw and came out with who I am. I was ..... well 'in pure' in my attitude! See the very first 'attitude' was Fathers and it...

Heart Thought

Truly Father is a blessing for His IS love and no matter what one is searching for in this world ... LOVE can not be found here. Today I was chewing on that thought 'hEARt' and Father took me to Acts 14:1-20 and as I read it Father showed me the hEARt and how it can be 'turned from Truth to once again acting out of its darkness.' Paul sees ..... YES Paul sees one that was crippled all his life and Paul sees '... he had faith to be healed..." WOW ..... hmmmmmmmmm So Paul --->Said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked. GLORY ..... he LEAPED or you can say he jumped up for JOY! (Luke 6:23) His hEARt heard the good news of how LOVE desires ALL to be WHOLE again so this crippled one leaped for JOY! W0W Now the crowd saw the man healed they began treating Paul ...


Received a email .... Quote- 2 Corinthians 4:1-2 Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.  Hello Brother .... and bless the Father for His Spirit (Holy) will reveal Truth that we are. As soon as I read your email I went to look it up so I could look at its context and as I did Father showed my hEARt the word "THEREFORE" .... So what was written before is now therefore! Let us look at what was written before. I use the word 'funny' meaning I was just chewing on this--->Your lives are a letter written in YOUR hearts; everyone can read it and recognize our...

Couple of Thoughts

I always bless Father for I see what He reveals unto me and I strive not to look at Him with the natural mind. I woke up to this---> For this my son was dead , and is alive again ; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry. Luke 15:24 So hmmmmmmm the son that left Father's house was dead. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm Yet he reminded a "son!" WHY? I know any person born in this world has within them the Christ (life/Father), when that person walks out of his carnal mind that person is dead/lost. When that person has a change of mind (repents) he/she is IN Christ and as so is alive again! Now think about it. We ran around saying/thinking 'Christ WITHIN' (Christian) and never hEARd that we needed to BE IN Christ to be IN His life (Light/knowing). Are you IN Christ or do you still run around with Christ within? For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Roma...

Noah's Ark

Bless Our Father for He is waking His called ones to see how religion has been keeping the darkness of lies over their eyes. And ye shall know ( understand, perceive, have knowledge of) the truth , and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32 Today as I was chewing with the Father concerning His Truth that I AM, He took me into Noah's ark. His Spirit (Holy) brought me to the size of the ark and He showed me its ' height .' And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of : The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits . Gen 6:15 So the ark of Noah was thirty cubits high ..... That is roughly 14 meters high or 45 feet tall. OK Father .... Than He took me to---> Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered. Gen 7:20 WHAT ..... The flood waters went ONLY 15 cubits high (7 meters/22 feet) AND it covered the mountains! First off the...


Bless the Light, Life and LOVE indeed for His Truth we are. I was listening to a teaching on sin and was blessed to see the Light of Truth. Now sin define by religion means '... nothing else than a morally bad act..." Another meaning is 'Sin is any lack of conformity unto or transgression of the law of God or not being or doing what God requires.' Well first off will anyone show me what "LAW" I or any are under that tells me .... YES tells me I am not doing what Father wills. To save time I will tell you "There is NO LAW!" Let us look at 2 verses--->Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come. Romans 5:14 Ohhhhhhhhhhh and --->To be sure, sin was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not charged (imputed...

3 Hearts?

Bless our Father for His Word of life matures one into being His image! Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart , and with all thy soul , and with all thy mind . Matt 22:37 For the last couple of days I've been chewing on "Do we have 3 hearts?" I know the body has a heart which is always pumping our blood and if it stopped we be dead. I also know our soul has a heart! For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires (a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart). Heb 4:12 What is the heart of the soul? The heart of our soul is our inclination and affection toward things. All our incl...


Glory unto Father for our daily bread .... It is the spirit that quickeneth ; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life . John 6:63 Quickeneth, What an old English word and really not used much today. Quickeneth means = "to give life," or "that giveth life," or "that is the source of life." Jesus the Christ was saying, "It is the Spirit that giveth life," or "It is the Spirit that is the source of your life." GLORY To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: ... Col 1:27 Let us look again at that verse ... To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is LIFE (Christ) in you, the hope of glory: YES ... Life is in me and...