
Bless the Light, Life and LOVE indeed for His Truth we are.

I was listening to a teaching on sin and was blessed to see the Light of Truth.

Now sin define by religion means '... nothing else than a morally bad act..."

Another meaning is 'Sin is any lack of conformity unto or transgression of the law of God or not being or doing what God requires.'

Well first off will anyone show me what "LAW" I or any are under that tells me .... YES tells me I am not doing what Father wills.

To save time I will tell you "There is NO LAW!"

Let us look at 2 verses--->Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come. Romans 5:14

Ohhhhhhhhhhh and --->To be sure, sin was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not charged (imputed) against anyone’s account where there is no law. Romans 5:13

So without a law there is no such thing as 'sin' and I being a Gentile was NEVER under the law Father gave to Moses so hmmmmmmmm .... under no law hmmmmmmmm what sin?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh frankie how about ---> For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; ....Romans 3:23

Ahhhhhhh yes but notice we come up "SHORT" of the GLORY (character/image) of God?

So in the Light the word "sinned" in Romans 3:23 implies we in flesh character comes up short of Him who is Spirit character!

Ok, might not tip the scales enough let us notice first off the word "sin" occurs in the book of Romans 37X.

However looking at the word and it usage is where the Light is seen.

Two words are translated as "sin" in the New Testament, but have different meanings. The two words are hamartano (verb) and hamartia (noun).

Harmartano (verb) means "to miss the mark" in the sense of actual sinful behaviour ("a thing you do from time to time").

Hamartia (noun) can also mean "to miss the mark," but in a different sense. It's the inward condition (not the action) that is off the mark. Hamartia can also mean "a governing principle or power," which I'll touch in a bit.

So when one is born into the world does that one do a sin or because that one is born of flesh does it come up short of the GLORY of Father?

Good chew indeed. Let us press on.

Now the word 'Harmartano' or sin as many bible version puts it occurs ONLY 6X in the book of Romans where as 'Hamartia' occurs 48X. Yes 48X.

Let me put it this way. Most of the time we see the word "sin" in Romans, Paul is not talking about sinful behaviour, but about the sin sickness (condition).

Now let us see and know that sinful acts show that the sin sickness (condition) is there.  But... the law didn't come to charge (impute) the acts to us.  It came to make the sickness (condition) known and to charge (impute) the sin sickness (condition) to us.

Sin is a SICKNESS .... "WHAT" some may think.

Ohhhhhhhh Trust me I went "WHAT!" As soon as I did though I hEARd this verse in my spirit--->For the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes— so their eyes cannot see, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me and let me heal them.’ Matt 13:15

"HEAL THEM" .... I knew right there that 'sin' was a sickness, a condition we needed to be healed FROM!

So the law of Moses shows me I have a sickness that I need to be healed from "SIN!"

This sickness was death and that death IS NOT THE GRAVE, but the death of NOT BEING IN LIFE (LIGHT)!

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light .... Eph 5:8

Yes the sickness of sin kept me in darkness, not abiding in LIFE (Light).

I was born of the flesh and as so I was born IN darkness. Now that I have been born from above I abide IN the Light as He is the Light!

See the problem was never "sinful behaviour" for "sinful behaviour" is a thing you do from time to time and really is a symptom of the actual problem - the sin sickness (condition).

Because I was born of flesh I NEVER KNEW LIFE and as so I only lived out of the darkness of my environment!

Father needed to heal us of this condition so He sent forth His only Son to be our HEALER! What needed to take place was that the SICKNESS itself needed to be exposed for what it really was, and condemned for what it was, and then it could be dealt with once and for all.

So we see the law came to expose sin sickness and to condemn it for what it was, but the law didn't actually take away the problem.

NOPE .... The law or any sacrifices NEVER took away the sin sickness, For--->It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. Hebrews 10:4

The ministry of the law (Old Testament) led TO the ministry of Christ. The ministry of the law was that it charged (imputed) sin to all of mankind - from Adam to the very last person ever born on earth!  The law doesn't keep doing this on an ongoing basis, for each individual person at some point in their life.  It did its job once, charging (imputing) sin to all of mankind once and for all, and then it died.  It was nailed to the cross, making way for the ministry of Word of Life ( Jesus the Christ).

"But the Scripture (the law) has confined all under sin, that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe." Gal 3:22


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