
“At that DAY (Pentecost) you shall know that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.” It is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me, and he is LORD.

QUOTE = The word in the Greek language that is translated Church is “Ekklesia” which in Strong’s Concordance means, a gathering of citizens called out from their homes into some public place, an assembly of the people forming a council for the purpose of deliberating. If we go back to the history of the days of the Roman empire, who knew and used the Ecclesia to control the many countries that they had conquered, we get a very clear view of how it functioned. The Roman authorities called out a people from the population to form such an Ecclesia.

This company had nothing to do with religion but was appointed to form a council to establish the Roman constitution over the people on that country. Rome would send a delegation to this group instructing them on the Roman rules of Government that would control that country from now on. They were given certain authority that would allow them to see that the people acted according to the rules and regulations, and so were responsible to establish the Roman authority over that country. The idea behind this arrangement was that over time the people would become familiar with the form of Roman Government and so would become good Roman citizens.

This is what the true Church was intended to do in the world. We have been given the constitution of the Kingdom of God, and the Ecclesia or Church is intended to establish that constitution bringing the world under the dominion of the KING Jesus Christ.

However, instead of the Church fulfilling its true function as the Ecclesia, we have spent our energy and time building a religious structure that has divided the world instead of unifying it under the KING. We are the SALT of the earth designed to have a dynamic effect upon society, but if our salt has lost its savor, how can it be seasoned.

When Jesus sent out his disciples he told them to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and heal the sick. Today there are just as many sick in the Church as there are outside. There are no sick people who are citizens of the Kingdom of God. When God released Israel from Egypt about two and a half million people walked out of Egypt, the greatest military power of its time, and they never had a sword or a spear. It is recorded that there was not one sick amongst them. The Church is powerless to stop aggression, depression, marriage break ups, abuse of children, or any other crime. Those in the world often fare better than Christians and many times are more righteous than those in the Church.

Why are these things so, for it is evident that there are forces at work in the religious world that are exercising a control that is keeping many of God’s people blind, to the things of the spirit, and DEAF to the voice of God, thus cutting them off from eating of the tree of LIFE.

The Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos as a prisoner, was given a wonderful insight to the hidden powers that have affected humanity all over the world. In Revelation 17 one of the messengers from God shared with him what was happening behind the scene in the world. John was shown a WOMAN who is referred to, as the great whore that sits upon many waters. She is a HARLOT who has cast her spell over the peoples on the earth. Then we discover that the KINGS of the earth, referring to God’s people all of whom are KINGS and PRIESTS unto God, have been seduced by her. They seem to be the target of this woman whose effect upon them is likened to drunkenness, where these kings cannot function coherently, and their thoughts and function are seriously affected. We are speaking here about God’s people being brought under the spell of this woman causing them to think and act out of character, for a child of God.

In the next scene, John sees this same woman in a wilderness now riding upon a scarlet colored beast which she is guiding and directing. The beast does not refer to a literal animal, but to mankind who is under the control of the carnal mind that can only manifest the animal aspect of man. The Woman is dressed in purple and scarlet which are the colors of Kingship and authority, as well as being adorned with Gold, precious stones and pearls. So the woman (which was taken out of Adam in Gen 2) who functions as a Living Soul, under the authority of the CARNAL MIND, now has a vehicle through which to carry out her mission. The beast is the collective company of those who still function under the Carnal Mind, and have committed fornication with the WOMAN bringing them under the spell of her intoxicating influence.

Many people who love the Lord and are found on Sunday morning in praise and worship in Church, subscribing to Christ’s authority mentally, but are unaware of the insidious influence of this WOMAN. The reason that is given for her ability to manipulate God’s people is because they have been made “DRUNK,” through the wine of her fornication which is “Using your body for an illegal purpose.” Remember that Paul declares that “Your BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF GOD and does not belong to you. Spiritual fornication is therefore using our BODY for any purpose that is not sanctioned by God. The purpose behind everything she seeks to do is to trick us into activity that is not part of the will and purpose of God, and therefore is illegal for us. The power of EVIL in this world is totally dependent upon a person functioning out of their natural carnal MIND. ---END OF QUOTE---

Them that see surly understand this verse--->And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Revelation 18:4

Des Walter


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