God is Love

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God ... Romans 3:23

Let us look at Romans 3:23 this way 'for all have missed the mark and fallen short of the glory of God.'

So we see that we missed the mark and that mark is the glory of God. Now ask yourself what is the glory of God? That we come up short on?

I know the glory of God can be summed up in this "...God is love."

God is love and we miss that mark for in the world our love is according to what others do towards us or our love is in categories.

Through out the Bible on display is His love. It is seen from the beginning towards one that turns from God's love to a selfish love and the greatest display is when love sacrifices itself for others and in doing so others see His great love.


This God's love is His glory and when sons see this love they will love as He is love!

I know in my hEARt I could fill this blog for hours, days, weeks, months on His love. AND they who experience His love love as He is!!!! See the world live according to a SELFish love, even creation shows forth a selfish love. The earth-man forfeit God love to become SELF love! Love will conquer this world of SELFish love. Love was seen when the Son of God walked this world and His love was the Father's love for He said "You seen me you seen the Father!"

Our mind can not even GRASP the love of God.

When the Son of God walked this world the love on display drew many to Him. It was NOT his speech, His looks, His style, BUT IT WAS LOVE!

His love was alive and seen flowing from flesh that they who seen Him never knew what drew them to Him.

Through out the New Testament we can see how this love on display was a pure as God. Look at Mary, Lazarus sister and her cold heart display of love "...Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died." COME ON NOW! She in a sense said Jesus what happened to you we sent word to you that Lazarus was sick. For we knew he was your friend and being your friend we thought you come right away and heal him. But noooooooooooo you stayed away for 2 days and now you are here when we morn that he died. Great .... thanks a lot Jesus."

That is the display of a STONE HEART. That is what the earth-man has!

They who are born of the Spirit have the stone heart removed and receive a flesh heart! One that beats out the LOVE OF GOD!


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