
 Bless Father.

For some time now I've been reading Noah and seeing it from Father's Truth, rather than what so called religion says.

See in Noah we are confronted with "regeneration", which is the way by which one is already quickened and possessing spiritual life, by being borne through the waters of judgement to a new world.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh trust me I know what religion says ... “Repent and be sorry for your sins believing Jesus died instead of you on the cross. Then ask Jesus to come into your heart, and you will be saved, born again and have eternal life, and you will be a Son of God, and go to heaven in the sky when you die." Or “Repent and be sorry for your sins believing Jesus died instead of you on the cross. Then get water baptized in the name of ' ' and ' or the name of ' and you will be saved, born again and have eternal life, and you will be a Son of God, and go to heaven in the sky when you die."

Time Truth awakens us from the corruption that is taught by the carnal minded ones IN religion.

In Adam ALL die .... so in Christ shall ALL be MADE alive. ....1 Cor 15:22

MADE ALIVE or “Regeneration”

“He that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me, HAS EVERLASTING LIFE (a new quality of life) and shall not come into condemnation, BUT IS PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE.” John 5:24


It is time we see that Noah represents the spiritual mind that comes to the point where it is convinced that there is nothing in the “old creation” (Adam) that can benefit anyone. Noah is a representation of one that sees the old creation as a constant threat and an enemy to his walk in righteousness. Therefore as Noah many by Truth are convinced that it (Adam) must be brought into death or it will continue to oppose every righteous step one will take.

We must see that the animals Adam named are the nature/attitudes that spring forth only to corrupt one. In the ark no animal nature/attitudes ruled only PEACE!

For it is ONLY by the Seed, the Word of life, that one will be MADE FREE from the corruption that has all creation in bondage! (Rom 8:21)

Being born again, NOT OF corruptible seed, BUT OF incorruptible, BY THE word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. 1 Peter 1:23

Notice, we were once born OF the corruptible seed and for that seed to NOT have a hold in our life .... IT MUST DIE!

It had to be submerged in the flood waters or else it will still be the seed that controls us.

Therefore we are buried with him by BAPTISM (NOT WATER BUT Spirit) into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should WALK IN NEWNESS OF LIFE. Romans 6:4

Again "newness of life" or "regeneration"

Father’s purpose in regeneration is to restore to us the glory that covered us in the beginning; therefore our old identity in Adam MUST be removed before we can express our true identity in Christ.

That is where religion has failed. No longer is it Father who does it all, but one can do it by a prayer, a formula or even water baptism.

Again "... in Adam all die, .... "corruptible seed" WHICH HAS NO LIFE! ....  in Christ shall all be made alive .... "incorruptible Seed" WHICH IS LIFE!

See and know that the "incorruptible Seed" has LIFE and the "corruptible seed" has NO life!

When one plants a seed the first part of the process is that the Seed that contains LIFE must die. If it does not die but seeks to preserve its own life, then the life that is within that seed which holds the power to produce a whole harvest will have NO purpose. So Father's Truth of regeneration is that the seed must die, BUT OUT OF THAT DEATH will come not just life .... but ABUNDANT LIFE.

The next Truth we MUST know is that the LIFE that develops out of the death of that seed is NOT THE OLD LIFE THAT WAS PLANTED, but a NEW LIFE.

Therefore if any man be IN Christ, HE IS a new creature: old things are PASSED away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Cor 5:17

Just as Noah was IN the ark the old world passed away and the new world was revealed by Truth (dove).

Let us look at a question the Apostle Paul asks--->“How are the dead raised up, and with what body do they come?” Then the Apostle answers the question, “Thou fool, that which is sown does not reproduce life UNTIL IT DIES.” (1Co 15:36,37)

Father's will is not life out of life, but LIFE OUT OF DEATH.

Time again for Truth to make one free of the corruption taught by religion!

See religion teaches that Father made Jesus TO BE SIN for us.

COME ON NOW .... Religion has made Jesus to be the SIN OFFERING ..... this is not true.

Jesus the Christ was made to be the MAN OF SIN and that is ADAM, who is the natural identity of every one. It is Adam that is the power behind sin and produces death in all of us. In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus the Christ sweat as it were great drops of blood, as he thought on his final act to release all mankind from the law of sin and death.

He was made to be the LAST ADAM taking with him all mankind into death as flesh and blood.

Jesus the Christ died AS us NOT for us!

Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; .... Heb 2:14

Religion teaches Jesus the Christ was a sacrifice for our sins ...... LIE!

“God made him (Jesus) TO BE SIN FOR US, who knew no sin, that WE might be made the righeousness of God in him.” 2 Cor 5:21.

Again, this religious lie concerning Jesus being a sacrifice for sin .... “Sacrifices and offerings you did not require.” (Heb 10:5)

Then Jesus the Christ repeated it again saying, ”Father you did not want sacrifices and offerings and burnt offerings and offering for sin, neither did you have any pleasure therein which are offered by the law. Then Jesus the Christ said, “I come to do thy will O God.”

What was the will of God?

That Jesus the Christ offer his BODY, ONCE FOR EVERYONE!

That is what "regeneration" is all about! That is what we MUST know and believe or we will abide under the corrupted teachings of religion!

Regeneration IS the pathway INTO resurrection life.

So the Truth is “If you want to LIVE then be prepared to DIE, for your only salvation is in a resurrection into a NEW LIFE.

CHURCH in the new testament is the CALLED OUT ONES .... THAT IS WHAT CHURCH IS.

I DON'T GO TO CHURCH ..... I AM THE CHURCH. For He has called me out of life lived as Flesh through the death, burial, and resurrection, of Christ Jesus.

Let Truth be seen "that this only becomes reality for any when they identify with the death, burial and resurrection of “Jesus the Christ on the cross."

I bless Father for MAKING me free from the lies that corrupted my ways.

We and yes I mean WE must be clear on this, and understand what is the reality of this “Christ.” In the new testament, the Greek word is CHRISTOS and means, “ANOINTING.” The Anointing is the manifestation of the invisible Father, made available to us to allow us to make that invisible Father known to mankind. The anointing is the “WORD” that was created in the beginning that was with Father and was Father, and has the power to assume the form of flesh, and so manifest the image and likeness of Father on the earth.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh I've heard so called Christians say Christ was Jesus last name 😕

Let Deep take you out further in Him and know that Christ the anointing, had to be made visible to all mankind and so a BODY was formed for him in Mary.

Why Mary ...... and by this I mean the name Mary  = "their rebellion"

Mary represents the female part of man, and since the days of Adam in the garden of Eden, all of mankind have waited for the “Seed of the woman” to be born, that would bruise the head of the serpent.

But there is a mystery in the birth of that Seed that we must understand.

Father you did not desire sacrifice and offerings for sin, BUT you prepared me a BODY.” (Heb 2:14)

Now the body that Father prepared for Jesus (Word of life), was born of a woman and was flesh and blood.

Come on now ...... he shall be called "Son of the HIGHEST (Most High God), and the Lord God shall give unto him the Throne of his "father" David, and he shall rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his Kingdom there shall be no end.”

The mystery has NOW been revealed unto his called out ones (CHURCH).

To know this is to be His "regeneration."

For to be IN Christ is to be bonded in a holy union with the Almighty God. In that union there is no “God and I,” or “Christ and I,” but “I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE.”

I've have heard from a Dear Brother "The Seed is in everyone, just the Seed is NOT the life of everyone!"

The ark of Noah is the only means of raising ABOVE the flood for there is no other. It is also figured as a type of baptism, not as some ordinance to be kept literally, but in its expression of the DEATH, BURIAL AND RESURRECTION of Christ.

To enter into the ark is to bring the Old Creation (Adam) into death thus ending its ability to express itself through us.

Now Adam is dead. I repeat "Now Adam IS DEAD."

So we bring him into burial so that he is put out of sight to become but a fading memory. Finally to discover in the process of death and burial a NEW LIFE has now sprung forth out of the Christ Seed that possesses our body as its expression.

The New Life rises out of the ashes of the old.

The flood water was released to crush and destroy the old Adamic nature.

It is not a cute story to tell children during bible school. It is a representation of Father bringing a NEW LIFE to His creation!

Our salvation is in the ARK that lifts us up above the earthliness of the old creation, into resurrection life, over which death has no power.


Therefore, Truth shows us that we stand on resurrection ground elevated to heavenly places IN Christ, having been regenerated through death, burial and resurrection.

NOW we MUST .... MUST .... reckon ourselves to be DEAD indeed unto sin, and alive unto God.


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