
Bless Our Father.

Religion .... When I speak on religion I am NOT speaking of Truth! Religion has been the chains of most falsehoods that have been so hard to get out of and has and is keeping so many in darkness.

See religion has been more of a controller, then Truth that is LIFE!

Truth for me has been a pathway out of religion into His LIFE and NATURE!

All religion has mainly taught me was that I can do nothing, even though Father has given unto me everything that is required to be His son.

Religion was nothing more then a whole lot of rules and regulations imposed upon me and made me to think and say 'My religion or hell.'

Don't read this; don't read that; don't associate with those that do this and those that do that; fight against this and fight against that, OR THE DEVIL WILL GET YOU; worse yet, GOD WON"T LOVE YOU.

Yes, for years I cried unto Father asking why in religion did I feel like I was nothing more then scum under His foot.

I know all this sounds a little strange, but, religion has been such a part of me that IN THE NAME OF JESUS, I say things to others that believe differently than I believe, that the things said are pure death.

There is only ONE WAY and that way is to SPEAK LIFE .... NOT DEATH!

Oneness .... ONENESS! That has been the word that has been so heavy upon my hEARt.

Oneness is true and WE ALL are one in Father!

"And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, ..." Acts 17:26

So from ONE MAN Father made everyone!

I was sharing with my Sister, my Wife, how in our body is many different parts that work together as a whole! If a certain part decides not to work with the rest, then the body will break down.

See a child is a process of learning. When a child learns we say "The child is maturing." Jesus the Christ grew up to know He came to be sin for us.


See the Word of life put on mortality and took that
mortality to the grave so that we can BE the sons of Father (LIFE).

It is all a 'PROCESS' a Regeneration ....


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