Kingdom of God Expressed

The subject of the Kingdom of God has little exposure today because the religious world has muddied the waters, destroying the truth by teaching the doctrines of men. Confusion reigns over the relevance of the Kingdom to our lives today and how it is to function. In Matthew 3:2-4 we find John the Baptist, the forerunner of the Christ saying, “Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven IS AT HAND, for this is “HE” (Note This) that was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah saying, This is the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the WAY OF THE LORD, and make his paths straight.” Isa 40:3. & Matt 3:3-4. It is very interesting that the Scripture says that the Kingdom of God is A PERSON, CHRIST, and not some organization!

It is worth noting that when the subject of the Kingdom is raised by the Prophet Isaiah in chapter 40, he begins by saying, “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.” The introduction of the Kingdom of God comes not with harsh words of judgment and punishment, but as a Father expressing love and concern for his children. This is an important issue that we need to take note of. The word of the Lord through the Prophet comes as words of “Comfort” to a people who ought to have been living in the “Promised Land,” but instead they have been in a wilderness. They should never have any lack in their lives after 40 years of divine provision for them in their wilderness journey, but they drifted back into idolatry.

There is no question that the days in which we are living could also be described as a wilderness for most of God’s people. Outside the Garden of Eden, Adam had to earn his bread by the sweat of his brow, in stark contrast to living in the Garden where everything he needed was freely available to him to enjoy a perfect life. How relevant the Scriptures are to every generation, but especially to this generation on the earth today. There was the river of PURE WATER clear as crystal in Eden, speaking of a continuous flow of life available to Adam, but today our water is polluted causing sickness, disease and finally death. In Eden grew the Tree of LIFE, freely available so that Adam could live forever, but today in the wilderness of human experience even our food is affected, as the soil is depleted of the minerals our body needs, and so much is contaminated by poisons used to control pests.

But there is a VOICE being raised out of the wilderness of our experience saying, “Speak to the Heart of “Jerusalem,” which is a name of Hebrew origin, interpreted as the "possession of peace" or "foundation of peace." It is one of the ironies of history, that a city that in all its long history has seen so little peace, and for the possession of which such rivers of blood have been shed, should have such a meaning for its name. However, the name Jerusalem became linked with a PEOPLE for in Matt 3:5 we read, “There went out to meet him, “JERUSALEM’ and all Judea and all the region round about Jordan.”

Many Christians are today searching for answers to many problems and diffic ulties that they face. Problems in marriage, children that defy their parents, health problems for which there seems very little help. These and many other issues confront God’s people in this world today. In Heb 12:18 the scripture says, “For you are not come unto the mount as the Israelites did in their wilderness journey, to a physical material mountain that could be touched, a mountain that is ablaze with fire, and to gloom and darkness and a raging storm. To the blast of a Trumpet and to a VOICE that spoke words that caused those that heard them, to beg that the voice would not speak again to them. They could not bear the command that was given, that if even an animal touched that mountain it shall be stoned to death. In fact, so awful and terrifying was the sight that even Moses said, “I am terrified, and trembling with fear.” (Amp)

Unfortunately so many Christians come to the wrong mountain even today, and their hope is turned to despair. Mount Sinai was Israel’s first real encounter with God on their way to the Promised Land, just as Moses was told at the burning bush, that this would be a sign unto him that he would SERVE GOD on this Mount Sinai. Because of their willful disobedience, Israel found that this introduction to God was a truly frightening experience. They had just spent 400 years in servitude under Pharaoh, and walked out of Egypt in a mighty deliverance under God, but they remained a stiff-necked people as they revolted against the Lord and flatly refused to enter into the Promised Land. This was in spite of the twelve spies reporting the wonderful quality of the Land that God had given to them.

In many ways God’s people today are not much different to Israel, in that they have ignored the glorious promises of God, and made light of the heavenly reality that has been made available to us. The Apostle Peter explains this dilemma in his Epistle, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fades not away, but has been taken care of in the heaven realm for you.” The inheritance is available upon the death of the testator, so our inheritance in Christ has been available for 2000 years and is not something that will be given to us after we die.

To ignore our inheritance that belongs to our BIRTHRIGHT, puts us in the same category as Esau who despised his birthright selling it for a mess of pottage. He had to bear the pain of that experience for many years until he was finally reconciled to Jacob. So many Christians today have visited that same Mount Sinai and are living under the same judgment and condemnation as did Israel. But when Jesus Christ came ni to the world he told us, not to be worried about what we shall eat or drink or wear or even for the future but, “To seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added unto us.” Here there is a different mountain in view with better promises and a better future.

The introduction of the Kingdom of God has changed the picture altogether as we read of another mountain called ZION. “But ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, and to the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven.” Here we do not read of smoke or fire and there is no threat of death, nor is there any VOICE of condemnation to fill our hearts with fear as at Mount Sinai. In fact John, a prisoner on the Island of Patmos was given an amazing vision, which he shares with us. “And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.”

Therefore Jerusalem must have always been linked to the people of God, but the distinction has NOW been made between the literal and the spiritual. Gal 4:25-26, “For this Hagar which represents Mount Sinai, stands together with Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. But Jerusalem which is ABOVE, IS FREE and this is THE MOTHER OF US ALL.

However, it is interesting that when Jesus came into the world and began his ministry, the Kingdom of God was the central theme of his teaching. The prophet Isaiah speaking the word of the Lord for this our day says in, Isa 40:2, “Speak to the heart of Jerusalem,” which is a people who represents the city, that is the visible capital, in the Heavenly Kingdom that Abraham looked for. So this prophesy is for us who live today, whose heart is tuned to hear this “Voice” that is crying out of the wilderness, therefore we need to look closely at what the prophet had to say.

Isaiah continues his prophecy saying, “Tell my people who are birthed through Christ the King, who are the visible expression of the heavenly kingdom, that the time of her affliction is over and her depravity is no longer an issue, for instead of shame which she deserved, she has received eonian rejoicing upon her head.” In the light of this announcement we are to establish a walk in holiness and purity that allows us to enjoy communion and fellowship with God. However, to do this we must abandon eating from the tree of the Knowledge of good and evil, which knowledge does not originate in God. The reason for the highs and the lows of our Christian experience is our consciousness that involves the knowledge of good and evil. To be conscious of “Good and evil” we must have lost our place in the Garden of Eden, and believe that God is angry with us, casting us out from his presence into the wilderness. There was no evil in Eden until the authority of God had been questioned and then abandoned, and man became his own God.

We have heard the voice of Men, with their learning and education and followed the direction they provided, but there was no consensus between them. There is a voice from the heavenly realm that is being raised today in the wilderness of our experience that differs greatly from every other voice we have ever heard. It is the, “Voice of one (making a regal declaration) crying in the barren waste-land of Babylon to a people who have been robbed and imprisoned, to turn and take a new direction that will lift them into the Kingdom of God on this earth.” This voice is being heard by a people whose heart has been tuned to discern the difference, between the voice of man and the voice of the King, and are responding to it. This sound is heard, not in the white halls of higher learning or religious wisdom, but out where most people liv e, in the wastelands of human endeavor.

The Prophet Isaiah 40:3-5 records for us the message for this hour in which we live,

“The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain, and the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.”

The Prophet Isaiah tells the people of God to “Prepare the Way of the Lord.” This suggests that a new direction has to be taken after following a well-worn path marked out by the religious world robbing us of our true identity, and relationship with our heavenly Father. Today, every man is doing what he considers to be right in his own eyes, believing they have been opened by eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Now the clarion call is going out, “Prepare ye the Way of the Lord,” for the King has spoken and clear direction is coming forth. However, we are living in a time when many of God’s people have never heard, “The Voice of the King.” So many other voices all carrying a message have filled the hearts and minds of God’s people creating confusion, but today there is a very distinct sound that is being heard, carrying a divine authority that is being recognized.

This is not just the voice of a man even though it may come through a man, but its authority has been established within the person, through the “Still Small Voice,” of the Spirit of God. This voice is of such a character that it challenges every other authority that we have ever bowed to, rising above them with a regal power that cannot be ignored, by all who hear it. This concept of, “Preparing the way” is drawn from the oriental custom of sending persons before their kings as they traveled, to level the roads and make them passable. His ministry is said to be, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness,” because the people had lost their way and wandered from God, no longer walking in his ways.

You will notice that this introduction to the entrance into the world of Christ as King, makes no mention of sin or punishment but speaks of repentance that is the translation of the Greek word, “metanoeo.” This word has to do with a correction in our MIND changing our thinking, and therefore gives us a new direction for our life. The concept of the Kingdom concerns a manner of living that is submition to the authority of the KING under whose reign we are to function. The announcement of the Kingdom brings with it a totally new concept of Life and the way it is to be lived.

Jesus said, “I am the way,” he did not say, “Come to me and I will tell you the way,” as many people believe. Jesus Christ was in himself the true manifestation of the Way. In the early days of the “Christian era,” the followers of Christ were commonly known as “The people of the Way.” Jesus declared,“I only do what I see my father do, and I only say what I hear my Father say.” He was perfectly obedient to his father so he manifested to the people of his day the principle of the Kingdom. Obedience is based upon LOVE, so Jesus said, “If you love me you will keep my sayings.” The most important one is to be in obedience to the voice of the King.” The traditional Church has presented God as a monster who is willing to burn the majority of his children forever, because of their disobedience, so how can we expect people to LOVE such a Father.

Once you hear this voice you will never follow another, just as Jesus said, “My sheep hear MY Voice and they follow me.” The difference between this voice of the King and other voices is that there is a power in the words of the King to accomplish what he desires to be achieved and give expression to what he says. This “Voice” appeared in this world at Bethlehem in the form of a baby called JESUS. His regal status was declared by the fact that “Wise Men” from the east were divinely guided by a star to the place where he was, in search of the one, “Who is BORN KING OF THE JEWS.” His birth signaled the beginning of a new generation of people who would be birthed into a theocratic nation through him, not only as their progenitor but also as their King.

At the time of his birth mankind had lost its true identity in God and reverted to their natural human identity. Even Israel no longer recognized their miracle birthing through Abraham and Sarah, but functioned as a natural people under a human government. They have tried to retain what they believed to be their natural inheritance, which has cost the death of many thousands over the years, and still involves conflict.

We now are reminded of what God said to Adam in the Garden of Eden, “Of all the trees in the Garden you may freely eat but the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you will not eat of it, for in the day that you eat of it, in dying YOU WILL DIE.” What God said to Adam in Eden, he said to the whole of mankind including us today. The most common fault among God’s people is that they have embraced the concept of good and evil as truth and as a result, it has destroyed the purity of our relationship with our heavenly Father, who becomes the God of EVIL as well as GOOD. Immediately, we walk in a duality that destroys our relationship with God he becomes the author of all evil as well as good. It is not possible for us to get rid of the valleys, and the mountains in our lives while we embrace that duality, and neither can we walk in perfect fellowship with him every day.

Once we establish true spiritual consciousness, good and evil no longer exist, for we realize that God is ALL and IN ALL, filling the universe with himself, and beside him there is no other. This consciousness is essential if we are to, “Prepare the way of the Lord, and to make straight a highway for our God.” There are so many people today who claim to be walking in the Kingdom of God, but who have never understood that the KING has established the conditions to which we must adhere , before we can become a citizen of his Kingdom. It is not possible to graduate from the Kingdom of DARKNESS into the Kingdom of Light under any circumstances. Nicodemus was told that, “Except a man be “Born from above,” he cannot SEE the Kingdom of God.” Natural birth does not give us eyes that can see into the Kingdom of God, for that Kingdom is not physical but spiritual, and we can only see with our spiritual eyes when we are conscious of our true identity as sons of God through creation.

Remember that Jesus told the people of his day that the Kingdom of God is WITHIN YOU. However, the KING who represented that Kingdom was external to the people of his day in their natural state of mind, so they did not understand. Neither did Nicodemus understand what it meant to be BORN FROM ABOVE. The same ignorance persists today even among those who claim to be Christians, because the theologians who have supplied the doctrines that are taught by most of the Churches, have not understood the truth themselves.

Babylon has produced a formula that if anyone desires to enter into the Kingdom of God and partake of its blessings, this is what you must do. You must repent of your sins, by telling God that you are sorry that you broke his law, and tell him you want to be good. Then you must say the sinner’s prayer asking God to forgive you for all the things you have done wrong, and that you believe that Jesus Christ died so that we could be forgiven. Finally you must ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart to cleanse it, then having fulfilled these conditions the preacher will declare you to be BORN AGAIN and a son of God with eternal life, and you will go to heaven when you die.

Having studied the Bible for many years I have never found such a formula anywhere in its pages and certainly it cannot be found in the teachings of Jesus. First of all in John 3:3 Jesus speaks about being BORN FROM ABOVE, which is a spiritual realization, and not something physical that we can do. We have all been BORN on this earth through an egg and a sperm, which constitutes the birth of our natural BODY formed in our mother’s womb. Most people believe that Jesus was telling Nicodemus that we had to have a SECOND BIRTH like unto our first birth, which in some mysterious way would change us into a son of God. The TRUTH is that Jesus was saying that our physical birth only constituted us as MORTAL HUMAN BEINGS, and flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. So he was speaking about something far beyond our physical birth that looked back to the BEGINNING when MAN was created, in Gen 1:26-27.

The Identity of the KING

Now to confirm the identity of the King, Jesus Christ who was born in Bethlehem, John 1:1 tells us that, “In the Beginning was the WORD (Christ the first man Gen 1:26-27) and the Word was WITH GOD and the Word WAS GOD.” This was “The WORD,” that God spoke into existence, calling him “MAN.” This is the same one that was birthed through the Virgin Mary, that was in the beginning with God and was God, and John calls him, “THE WORD”. However in John 1:14 we read, “The W-O-R-D BECAME FLESH and we beheld his glory, the Glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth!!”

When he appeared as flesh and blood we called him JESUS just as the angel said, but HE WAS STILL THE WORD that was created in the beginning, the one who God called MAN!! According to Paul all of mankind came out of this one having been created in him. Eph 2:10. “You are God’s workmanship,” speaking of the formation of our body by our heavenly Father in our mother’s womb, but as spirit we were “CREATED in Christ Jesus.” This speaks of the SPIRIT of our true identity, which is CHRIST. The birth of Jesus Christ was prophesied by Isaiah in ch. 9:6, “For unto us a CHILD IS BORN, unto us A SON IS GIVEN, and the Government shall be upon his shoulder.” Notice carefully that the child is BORN but the Son is GIVEN. Why is there a distinction between the Child and the SON? Because a “SON OF GOD” could never be BORN of a woman, he must be CREATED out of God, but the CHILD can be born for his body is associated with the earth having come from the dust.

So we can see that the KING who governs the Kingdom of God was the one created in Gen 1:26-27, who was in the beginning WITH God and WAS GOD. That one is CHRIST that is SPIRIT, and the messiah of the Old Testament. Being ignorant of the truth, the Church has declared that JESUS IS GOD, but that is a lie. First of all, God is not flesh and blood, he is SPIRIT, and when Jesus was born he was a little BABY. How could GOD be a flesh and blood BABY that is born of a woman, helpless and needing to be cared for? The very idea is unthinkable for God is eternal without beginning and without end.

Now remember that in Jn 10:30, Jesus made a dynamic statement that almost got him killed, for he said, “I and my Father (God) are O-N-E.” In their ignorance the religious leaders of his day thought he was saying, “I AM GOD,” and even today so many are convinced that is the truth. Ever since then the multitudes in the Churches have been taught the same error through the Trinity teaching. Jesus referred to Psalm 82:6 in his defense, “I have said you are GODS and all of you are children of the Most High.” There are some Christians today who run around telling everyone that, “I AM GOD” Absolutely no one who has a flesh and blood body could possibly BE GOD!! For GOD IS SPIRIT.

However Jesus did declare that he was a SON OF GOD. So what was he saying when he said “I and my Father are one?” The “I” that he was speaking about was not his physical identity as Jesus, but his TRUE created Identity that is SPIRIT, which is CHRIST. Christ always was and always will be THE WORD for that is what he is in CREATION. But the WORD BECAME FLESH in manifestation, but why was that necessary? Because GOD (spirit) needed a BODY to become manifest in the World. Jesus Christ could say, “If you have seen ME, that is my true spirit identity, you have seen my Father.” Jesus was the CHILD BORN through which the invisible God could become known in this world. The Christ (Spirit) is the life that is imparted to every fetus born into this world in pregnancy, and remains as the LIFE of every man. In DEATH the SPIRIT returns to God who is the only spirit in the entire universe, and the Body having no life apart from the Spirit, returns to the dust from which it came.

So to make it clear as to the identity of the KING who is to rule over God’s Kingdom, we have discovered that Christ the Son of the Living God is the KING. So when Jesus began to preach about the Kingdom of God he makes it clear the KINGDOM IS IN YOU. Now the Greek word for Kingdom is “Basileia,” which refers not to the realm over which the King rules, BUT TO THE AUTHORITY of the KING. So when Jesus Christ told the people that the “Kingdom of God is IN YOU, he was saying that Christ the KING was already within them. Therefore all that is needed for the Kingdom to function in us today is for us to acknowledge “JESUS CHRIST IS LORD.” The Prophet Samuel made a very clear statement when he said, “TO OBEY is better than Sacrifice.” When Christ is crowned King over our lives, we will begin to experience the benefits and blessings of the Kingdom.

The Cross and the Kingdom

Now we must face the issue that “Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God.” It is important to know that God never created a flesh and blood man!! Man had a “Body” in the Garden of Eden but it was a body of Light, in which God dwelt. But when man embraced the knowledge of good and evil, he experienced a “Death” that manifested itself first of all as a sense of separation from God, causing Adam to believe he was naked, and that God was angry with him, and so he found himself living in exile in a wilderness. However, at the same time the only part of Adam that could be affected by “Death” was his BODY. Now the body that once was SPIRIT in manifestation became, “Flesh and Blood” under his “New” consciousness.

It was “Death” that robbed ADAM of his true consciousness, and it is through the “Death, Burial and Resurrection” of Jesus Christ, the LAST ADAM 4000 years later that saw his flesh and blood body restored to its original spiritual state. The word “Resurrection” is the translation of the Greek “anastasis,” speaking of a restoration to a state of living. Those words of God must have rung in the ears of Adam for a long time, “In the day that you eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, YOU WILL DIE.”

But Paul puts it all in perspective when he says, “For since by MAN came death, by MAN came also the RESURRECTION of the dead.” 1 Cor 15:21. So the ALL who died IN Adam, the first man in the Garden, are the same ALL who are made alive IN CHRIST JESUS in the resurrection. Because everyman died with Adam in the Garden, this means that in the same way, EVERY MAN was raised when the second man, CHRIST rose from the dead at Calvary.

When the Christ appeared outside the tomb no one recognized him for that body was in some way different, so that not even Mary recognized him until he spoke and called her MARY. Remember that Jesus told the people, “My sheep H-E-A-R my voice and they follow me, and a stranger they will not follow but will FLEE FROM HIM, because they do not know his voice.” If hearing the voice of the Lord within us is the criteria by which God’s people can be recognized, then maybe there are not as many as we thought. Jesus said the sound of any other voice would immediately alert his “Sheep” and they would run for their lives from that one. How sad to see God’s people blindly following OTHER VOICES being convinced they are following the Master’s voice.

We can see that man’s experience in the Garden of Eden must have an answer in the plan and purpose of God, for what took place there was not Adam rebelling against God as the religious world teaches. Paul makes it clear that “ADAM never sinned,” in 1.Tim 2:14, saying that it was EVE the woman who was deceived and so she was in the transgression. Adam was put into a deep sleep by the Lord God, but not of his own volition. While he was in that sleep the female part of his being was removed and formed into a separate entity which he recognized as “Bone of his Bone and Flesh of his flesh,” so that she was actually an integral part of himself. In other words the Lord God had formed a body for her as she had the womb, and could not reproduce without a body. Adam says that she is Bone of his Bones, meaning that she was the same substance as he was and flesh of his flesh indicated that her body was also from the dust.

Adam had nothing to do with the forming of the woman, for he was asleep so the deep mysteries of the divine creativity were withheld from him. It was said that it was not good for man to be alone, but this obviously had to do with this change that had taken place while he was asleep. With this changed situation, Adam now became a duality, which never was part of his creation. However it must have been in the plan of God for man to be lowered into the realm of humanity because once Adam was introduced to a separate entity of his being, the whole picture changed and life began on a different level. The first man of Gen 1:26-27 never appeared on the earth being the prototype of all mankind but in spirit form, that was destined to appear on the earth to bring redemption to all mankind.

It was the man from the Garden of Eden that populated the earth through the Woman that appeared while Adam was asleep, for man became that LIVING SOUL, which was expressed through the woman. As a result of Adams duality the Lord God declared that there would be a duality in the seed, and this would result in enmity between the SEED of the serpent and the SEED of the woman. All the trouble and strife that has taken place on this earth is the result of the enmity between those two seeds. The seed of the snake is the seed that is fertilized by the carnal mind that was polluted by the serpent in the Garden of Eden, producing that which is antagonistic to God, and these are those who live out of their humanity.

But God has made provision to deal with the serpent who represents the Carnal mind, for he said that the seed of the woman would bruise the head of the snake and the snake would bruise his heel. What then constitutes this “Seed of the Woman?” The prophecy given in Gen.3, was that the SEED OF THE WOMAN would bruise the head of the serpent and this would incur a corresponding bruise to the heel of the woman’s seed. Who then is the seed of the woman referred to here.

First of all it was Mary, the Woman who was a virgin in Israel who was seconded to bring forth a child whose name was to be called Jesus, the Son of the Living God. However, she represents a people both male and female, all of whom are LIVING SOULS (the Woman) and therefore they have the womb, which unknown to them is actually the WOMB OF CREATION, and therefore possess the ability to reproduce, “The GOD kind of people.” Until they have been released from the deception induced by the serpent in the Garden of Eden they will simply bring forth “After their Kind.” But those who open their hearts to the truth to see that they have never been separated from God, or taken out from ADAM, for Gen. 2-3 is an allegory enabling us to understand the function of the “Female” aspect of mankind that we call the SOUL. (Refer to booklet “Let us make man.”) These having been divinely apprehended of the Lord have also the ability to bring forth the Christ just as Mary did, and under the same conditions. This is the birthing of the Christ of our true identity who is to rule over us as the King, and then over the nations. However, there is also the “Seed of the Serpent,” who can never submit to the authority of God, but would be set in opposition to him.

From the account in Genesis, God has decreed these “Two Seeds” would interact together, not on the basis of LIFE and DEATH, but one would be stronger than the other. The fate of the seed of the Serpent would be to have its head bruised or crushed, by the seed of the woman. To understand this TRUTH, will remove the erroneous doctrine of “Predestination,” that teaches that God arbitrarily has chosen some people to be destroyed in hell, and some are chosen to be saved and Redeemed. The Seed of the WOMAN and the Seed of the Serpent are BOTH produced by the “WOMAN” who represents all of humanity. We have ALL become the WOMAN of Genesis 3, who is the LIVING SOUL. 

 The difference in the offspring is in the SEED.

Since creation CHRIST is the spirit and life in every man, but not all know or understand this Truth. Paul takes the matter further by identifying the SEED in every man as CHRIST in Gal. 3:16. Speaking to Abraham God said, “Your seed shall be as the ST ARS of Heaven, and that SEED will inherit all the promises I have made to you.” That “Seed” was identified by Paul as CHRIST, and he is also the one who is designated as the inheritor of all the provisions of the COVENANT made to Abraham. So Jesus Christ told the people that “The Kingdom” or, The RULE and AUTHORITY of God over you is the “Christ,” who dwells within you.

The identity of the Serpent has been generally determined by the Theologians as SATAN disguised as a snake, who had the power to speak and to seduce EVE which led to their expulsion from the garden of God’s presence. But this is based only upon a supposition that, “This character was created by God, during the creation of the heavens and the earth.” This cannot be substantiated from the scriptures. When God inspected all that he had made he states that everything is VERY GOOD, and there is no mention of anything evil that was present. The word used in Gen 3. is a Serpent or a snake, being the translation of the Hebrew word “Nachash” which is used 31 times in the scriptures and is a generic term for a serpent that is not necessarily poisonous, but sometimes it is used in that way.

Most of the Biblical references to serpents are of a figurative nature, and they usually imply qualities that are in jurious to mankind. The wicked in Ps 58:4, the persecutor in Ps 140:3, and the enemy in Jer. 8:17) are likened to venomous serpents. The effects of wine are compared to the bites of serpents in Prov 23:32. Satan is referred to as a serpent (Gen 3; Rev 12:9; 20:2). The term, "offspring of vipers," is applied by John the Baptist to the Pharisees and Sadducees in Matt 3:7, and to the multitudes in Luke 3:7, who came to hear him; and Jesus used the same term regarding the scribes and Pharisees in Matt 12:34 and 23:33. The “Serpent” spoken of in Gen 3:1 certainly does not refer to a literal snake, for the Garden of Eden is not literal, but speaks of the place of fellowship and communion that God has prepared within every man where we can enjoy his peace and presence. Jesus Christ said, “If any man hear my voice and opens the door, I will come in and sup with him and he with me.”

Rev 3:20. Let us discover what the Serpent is in our reality. It appears in connection with God’s direction to Adam regarding the trees of the Garden. God said, “Of all the trees you may freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it, for in the day that you eat thereof, in dying you will die.” The conversation began not with EVE but with the serpent, who challenged the authority of God concerning the tree of the knowledge of good and evil with a question, “IS IT TRUE that God has said, you are not to eat of every tree in the Garden?” The serpent begins his intrusion into the life of EVE with a question challenging her understanding of what God had told them.

This is not a debate over what is right or what is wrong, but a direct challenge to God’s authority over the man. The challenge is not to do evil but to use her ability to think and reason to explore a realm of knowledge that God knew would destroy their relationship with him in the Garden. The serpent represents the “Carnal Mind of Man” that had hijacked the woman, the Living Soul, (The Mind the emotions and the will of mankind) that began to function as a separate being from Adam, so that she has no input from the spirit. The result was that Eve pursued a knowledge that destroyed her relationship with God, because she now tried to attain what she already had as a part of Adam, through her own mind. This resulted in her eating of the tree of knowledge, and according to the reasoning of the serpent, her eyes were opened to a new world in which good and evil functioned side by side. This is the condition in which every man lives today, until his eyes are opened to see that his place and being in Christ has never changed, except in the false concept of our being that is introduced by the carnal mind, which is the product of the serpent.

Having experienced the so-called “benefit” of eating of the forbid den tree, Eve takes the fruit to Adam to share it with him. Now Adam had a choice, either to partake of the fruit with Eve, or to reject her offer and abandon her to whatever fate awaited her, according to what God had said. Remember that Adam never spoke to the serpent, so he was never deceived, but he took the fruit and ate it with his eyes wide open knowing full well what the consequences would be.

Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputa tion, (he emptied himself) and took upon him the form of a servant, (a slave to his commitment to the will of the Father, to endure the cross) and was made in the likeness of M-E-N, (Mankind as mortal humanity). And being found in fashion as a (HU-MAN), he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. In those three days of the, “Death, Burial and Resurrection,” the LAST ADAM of our false sense of identity was finally and fully exposed, Jesus Christ having been made to be the MAN OF SIN even though he knew NO SIN, he could finally present us, AS THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN HIM, WHO IS CHRIST. 2 Cor 5:21. This is the MAN who walked out of the tomb, unfettered and unlimited, “THE NEW CREATION MAN who is CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD,” incorporating all of mankind.

An incident in the life of Israel that must be connected to this study is found in Numbers21, when Israel rebelled against God and fiery serpents began to destroy the people. In the Hebrew they are called “Saraphs” that are connected with the “Saraphs” in Isaiah 6 that administered the fire of God to the Prophet to cleanse his lips. The Hebrew name is the same, so we understand that these “Serpents” were sent to clean up the mess created by the rebellion of the people against God. The fire of God is not destructive as Moses found at the burning bush, but will only consume that which is not of God.

However, the people cried out to Moses to do something, and Moses was told what to do. He was told to make a BRASS image of the Serpent that was causing the people to fear death and put it on a pole, so it would be visible to all of Israel. God declared that if anyone who had been bitten by the serpents LOOKED TO THE BRASS SERPENT on the pole, then they would LIVE and not die. Let me ask you a question, “Who does the “Brass” SERPENT on the Pole represent?” The theologians will tell you that it represents the Devil and Satan. But the TRUTH is that the Brass Serpent on the Pole represents the ADAMIC consciousness introduced by the serpent in the Garden of Eden through Eve.

What the religious world would call the “FALL,” is actually a glorious prophecy of redemption for all mankind. The function of the serpent or carnal mind in us today, results in a deception that is presented to us through the natural mind, that we are sinners and separated from God, having been cast out of the Garden and God is angry with us. Therefore we like Adam, are hiding from God because we believe that what the serpent told us is the TRUTH. Christianity has taken the deception of the serpent and called it the “GOSPEL,” preaching it all over the world as “Truth.”

But there is a glorious prophecy that the SEED OF THE WOMAN would crush the “HEAD” of the serpent. What “Seed” is this that is spoken of here? Mankind had to wait 4000 years until an angel visited a WOMAN in Israel who was a virgin, and told her that she would have a son, and would call his name JESUS, and his name shall be great and he would be called the Son of the Most High God. The Lord God would give unto him the THRONE of his FATHER DAVID, and of the increase of his Kingdom there shall be NO END. BUT the woman said, “This is impossible because I am not married and I do not have a husband,” for she was a VIRGIN. But this child cannot be conceived through the carnal mind, through an “EGG and a SPERM,” but only through the “CHRIST Mind” and the Spirit of the LIVING GOD.

Mary was told that the Holy Ghost would come upon her and that the Holy One that shall be born will be called, THE SON OF GOD. This was the woman that would change the course of history on this earth, just like Sarah at 90 years of age, whose MIND was renewed by the same spirit, allowed her to also birthed the Christ, who was at that time called Isaac. (Matt 1:1) The mind in Mary, as she brought forth that child Jesus was revealed as she began to worship the Lord saying, “My “SOUL” (Mind, Emotions, and the Will) does magnify the Lord, and my spirit doeth rejoice in God my Saviour, for he that is mighty has done great things, (restoring and making me whole) and Holy is his Name.” Beloved, this is the outcome of what people call the “Fall” of man, for the “Seed of the Woman” which is CHRIST, would crush the HEAD of the serpent (the Carnal Mind) so it could no longer perpetuate the lies that have bound humanity for 2000 years.

We need to understand that every one of us are the product of that WOMAN (Eve) and have all subscribed to the deception that we are no longer what God made us to be in the beginning, “IN THE IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF GOD”. That WOMAN (the Living Soul) from the Garden of Eden no longer exists having been set free, by him who broke the illusion and the deception both in his LIFE as well as in his DEATH. It was not just “A MAN” that walked out of the tomb of the illusion of life, but the CHRIST of every man’s identity, saying :-

I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am ALIVE FOR EVERMORE, AMEN, and in my hand I hold the KEYS OF THE GRAVE AND DEATH.

Every man who walks out of the tomb in Resurrection caries those KEYS with him, to release every other man on the face of the earth from the death of the deception. All of us have been instructed to be fruitful and fill the earth, but not with the seed of the serpent, (Carnal mind) but with the seed of the “woman who has found that she was never separated from her beloved, who is CHRIST.” Gen 2 & 3 is not to be considered literal, but is an “Allegory” helping us to understand the truth that makes us free. The whole experience of that woman (Eve) is part of the Adamic “Dream World” that has become the established reality of all mankind. Those who believe there is a literal “DEVIL” that somehow got into the Garden of Eden and deceived Eve, condemn all of mankind as sinners who need to be “saved.” It is interesting, that God never mentioned anything about sin to Adam in the Garden, nor was he angry with him. “For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved,” meaning, “ To be Made Whole.) Jn 3:17.

The problem with mankind is not that they are bad, but that they are D-E-A-D because they have no established relationship with God, believing they are separated from God and have been cast out of his presence. Jesus Christ said, “I have come that you might have LIFE and have it more abundantly.” Now these things must be made known to the people in this hour for the Gospel of the Kingdom must be proclaimed in all the earth. The religious notion that, “All we need to do is to get “Saved” and go to heaven when we die,” is not the Gospel that Jesus came to preach. The Gospel of the Kingdom depicts a manner of living, in which a man is required to totally submit to the only divine authority that God has established on this earth, which is the WORD of the KING, JESUS CHRIST.

Most people have never known what true obedience is because there are so many “Authorities” in the religious world that all demand their obedience. So in truth no one really could practice true obedience to the Lord, for he is but one of the many who claim man’s obedience. Every Pastor expects obedience and submission from the people, and acceptance of his doctrines and teachings, and if that is not given freely there will be little fellowship there for you to enjoy. Every religious organization also expects obedience and submission to their teachings and ideology, but if that cannot be given you will not find acceptance. So how can there be true obedience and submission to the King, Jesus Christ, if men demand our obedience at the same time.

You will notice in Gen. 1:26, that MAN was given DOMINION OVER the fowls of the air, the animal Kingdom and the fish of the sea as well as over the earth, BUT we were never given dominion over MANKIND.

The Kingdom message presents a single VOICE and a single authority to the entire world, regardless of nationality or culture, for Jesus Christ is the King, and of the increase of his Kingdom THERE IS NO END. There will not be a country or Kingdom on this earth that will not be incorporated into the Kingdom of God, and the scriptures declare that there is a day when EVERY KNEE shall bow and EVERY TONGUE will confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD to the glory of God the Father. Under that ONE authority there will be no divisions, for the Kingdom of God is not built upon dogmas or doctrines, but simply upon the rule of the King over his entire Kingdom, which involves every man.

The benefits of the Kingdom will change the way life is lived on this planet under a single authority, instead of the complex and irrational divisions that presently affect people’s lives. Religion has continued to divide and separate people all over the world because each group considers they are the only ones with the truth and everyone else is wrong. It is at this point that fanaticism involves God, believing they have been given divine approval to destroy everyone who does not agree with them. Today, people volunteer to go to war with bullets and bombs to rid the world of those who do not agree with our democratic form of Government, killing and maiming thousands.

All this will disappear under the sovereign authority of Jesus Christ the King, for those who are citizens of the Kingdom discover that the rule and authority of the King is established IN THEM, for Christ is IN EVERY MAN. In fact the actual KINGDOM of God, is simply the authority and rule of the KIKG, that is already established within man. There is no external law, nor a Law that is interpreted by the religious world that we must obey. Such laws have only brought mankind into bondage but produce no true spiritual results.

]But to those who acknowledge the authority of Jesus Christ in their lives, the benefits are wonderful. For the Citizens of the Kingdom of God will always have sufficient food and clothing and can live in peace on this e arth, with no wars and no sickness or death.

The Gospel of the Kingdom has ramifications that cover every aspect of society and hope for the future. It presents God to the people as our “Father” who is not angry with humanity but who loves us with an everlasting love. He invites us to seek first the Kingdom of God, which means to bring our will and desires into subjection to the King, acknowledging his authority in every aspect of our lives. The response of the King is to assume total responsibility for the needs of every citizen, assuring them that there will be no lack in their lives and they will live in the Peace and Security of his abiding presence. This is the Kingdom of Light wherein there can be no darkness at all, and there is no condemnation for the Lamb of God has already taken away the “Sin of the whole world.” Jesus stated on the Cross, “IT IS FINISHED,”

The Prophesy of Daniel

In Daniel 2 the Prophet declared the sequence of events that would prevail from creation, as he interpreted the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar, who had taken the children of Israel captive. Only Daniel was able to tell the King concerning the dream he had, as well as the interpretation of the dream. Nebuchadnezzar saw an Image of a MAN in his dream but it was very unusual in that, different metals represented the composition of the image. Daniel began by telling him the HEAD of the image was fine GOLD, followed by the breast and arms of Silver. The belly and the thighs were of Brass with his legs of Iron and the feet were of Iron mixed with Clay.

In the Bible Gold speaks of divinity and obviously represented the MAN who is Christ Jesus in Gen 1:26, for he was the head of the whole of mankind that would fill the earth. In the New Testament Christ is referred to as the HEAD in Colossians 1:18. “And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, and the firstborn from the dead; that in everything he might have the preeminence.” He is also the HEAD OF THE MAN, having authority over the man.

The King was told by Daniel, that he was this head of Gold. By this he meant that in creation Nebuchadnezzar came forth as Christ, who is God. It is interesting to note that he was given the same dominion as was given to Adam in Verse 37-38. Furthermore Daniel continued by showing him that there would be inferior authorities that would take over his Kingdom in the coming years. The next one that would follow would be the PERSIAN Kingdom that would be inferior to the first one, in dignity, ambition, cruelty and vice. This would be followed by the 3rd Kingdom of the Macedonians that is represented by the BRASS that would be much more wicked and cruel. Then finally the 4th Kingdom shall be strong as iron: “Forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.” At this time Rome expanded its empire taking over much of the then known world. Part of the strength of the Iron would remain but the CLAY would be shattered. There would be marriages between the iron and the Clay and agreements, but there would be no real union during this time.

Daniel prophesied that during that time of these Kings, the God of Heaven would set up a KINGDOM which shall never be destroyed, for it will function FOREVER. However the Kingdom of God shall not be left to other people, as the previous Kingdoms on the earth have been. God’s Kingdom will break in pieces and consume every other Kingdom on the earth. There will be no opposition to this Kingdom, so it can never be destroyed as the Kingdom’s of men, both religious and political have been overcome through the years. The description of this Kingdom is very vivid, taking the form of a STONE that is divinely formed and predetermined, in the will and purpose of God without human intervention. This “Stone” represents Christ of whom the Prophets spoke saying, that he was rejected by those who were supposed to be the builders of the Kingdom of God in the Old Testament times. This rejection set the stage for the greatest rebellion that would affect all mankind from that time until the consummation of all things.

This rejection is spoken of in Psalm 118:22. “The STONE the builders rejected is become the HEAD OF THE CORNER.” We know that the “Stone” represents Christ and in Israel’s history , they rejected his leadership and instead wanted a King like all the Nations. (1 Sam 8:5). The builders were Israel, a divinely generated nation not birthed by human endeavor, but through a woman 90 years old who had no human capacity to bring forth a child, but by divine intervention birthed the one who would be KING. This was just a step in the purposes of God to establish a KINGDOM on this earth for his SON Jesus Christ who was ultimately BORN A KING in Bethlehem. Israel was to represent that Kingdom of God on this earth but were disqualified when that rejected God’s ordained King, Jesus Christ.

Israel was divinely protected in Egypt increasing in numbers even under the harsh treatment of Pharaoh, and protected during the plagues that were sent upon Egypt. They walked out of Egypt, the greatest military power on the earth at that time, having no weapon of warfare, taking with them the wealth of the country. But even more than this, their position in God as the representation of the Kingdom of God was demonstrated by the fact that two and a half million people walked free from Egypt, AND THERE WAS NOT ONE SICK PERSON AMONG THEM. What a testimony to the blessing and benefits of the Kingdom of God. They are available to everyone who submits totally to the divinely appointed King, Jesus Christ. Even today, Christianity does not promote the Kingdom of God, for our allegiance and submission is directed towards the CHURCH, the PASTORS and the LEADERSHIP, having convinced the people that such submission is equivalent to submitting to God.

However, the Scripture says, “The gates of (HELL) which is “THE GRAVE AND DEATH,” will have no power at all over the Church.” But this has never been true in reality, for any one who believes that this statement has been fulfilled in the Church today must be living in deception. Look around and see how many people are SICK in the Church, and the empty seats of the many saints who are absent having succumbed to DEATH that has simply taken LIFE from them. We are not speaking about wicked people but about the SAINTS, everyone of whom are candidates for citizenship in the Kingdom of God on the earth today, but were persuaded to request another KING to be like all the other “nations” on the earth, thus denying the true KING our full allegiance and submission.

We sing with great gusto, “HE IS LORD HE IS LORD he is risen from the dead and HE IS LORD, every knee shall bow, every tongue confess, THAT JESUS CHRIST (THE KING) IS L-O-R- D.” The word “LORD” means “THE OWNER,” but he is nevergiven total authority over us. What we believe must be sanctioned by the Church, and if it does not agree with their doctrines then it is considered heresy, even if the spirit of the Lord that dwells within us spoke it into our heart. What we do must also be conformed to the teaching of the Church that says we must attend services every Sunday in order to worship God, even though we have never been told by the Lord to “GO TO CHURCH!,” for God does not dwell in temples made with hands, but our bodies are the TEMPLE of God according to 1 Cor 6:19, and divine service is conducted there twenty four hours a day and seven days in the week. Jesus Christ said, concerning the Temple that Israel took 46 years to build, “Destroy this Temple, and in three days I will raise it up,” but of course he was speaking about the TEMPLE OF HIS BODY,” that walked out of the tomb on the THIRD DAY. That was, and still is GOD’S TEMPLE for all those who form a part of that BODY OF CHRIST.


Daniel saw the “STONE” that was not the product of MAN but divinely begotten, cut out and prepared for its heavenly mission that concerned the IMAGE King Nebuchadnezzar was shown in a dream. Daniel told him that he was that HEAD OF GOLD, representing Adam, that first man of Gen 1:26 out of whom came all of mankind. Man was also given DOMINION over all the earth so in that sense Nebuchadnezzar represented all of mankind. However, this King was sent by the Lord to make Judah his servant for three years during Jehoiakim’s reign, after which he rebelled, and God sent the Chaldees and bands of the Syrians, Moabites and the children of Ammon to defeat Jehoiakim.

All the treasures of the Temple were eventually taken and the only people that were left, were the poor of the land to be vine-dressers and husbandmen. All the rest of the people were taken into Babylon. Certain of the Israelite captives who were of the King’s seed, were trained to serve the King in his palace, and Daniel was one of them and they had a part to play in the events that were to come to pass. As one of the king’s advisers Daniel became the divine interpreter of all that God wanted to say to the King. So when none of the wise men of the King could tell him what he had dreamed, Daniel saved their lives as God showed him what the King had dreamed and also its interpretation. The vision caused the King to tremble, so great was the impact that it had upon him.

Daniel explains that during the time of these various Kingdoms that there would be a STONE that would appear, that was not produced by any man, nor was it being directed by any man on the earth, but like a missile it was directed towards the feet of the image which represents the foundation upon which the whole image stands. That foundation upon which the Kingdoms of men functions, is the authority that governs it. Over the generations man’s inhumanity to man has increased until for many, the heinous crimes that take place on the earth are too gross to even think about. Nations invent weapons of mass destruction that can wipe out whole cities and kill thousands. Biological weapons are almost too frightening to even contemplate. Nations can hold other nations to ransom under threat of Atomic destruction, that does not just kill but will also make the land itself unusable to mankind for hundreds of years.

Terrorists generate fear of what may happen next in various countries, so that there is a power and an authority that has developed among mankind that now is not limited by reason, nor tempered by love, or even concern for their fellow man. Marriage has become very fragile and relationships are constantly failing among families so that society is not longer based upon LOVING one ANOTHER. The “Church” that is supposed to represent that mind and will of God to the people, itself divides and separates families and even marriages. Those who fall into “Sin” can rarely find any GRACE among Christians to rescue them, but only judgment and condemnation, pushing them further into perdition. Many Pastors are simply building their own Kingdoms today and not the Kingdom of God. Christians pray for peace in the world, but continue to fight with each other over doctrines and ideologies, which becomes an exercise in hypocrisy. Only those who are at peace with themselves and others can help to bring peace among the nations.

So what is this “STONE that causes the FEET and foundation of the Kingdoms of this world to disintegrate, separating the iron from the clay which have very little bonding power at all. We read of the “STONE” that the builders rejected, has become the head of the corner. Psalm 118:22. In this Psalm the writer speaks, “I shall not die but I shall Live and declare the works of the lord. The Lord has corrected me sore, but he has never given me over to death. Open to me the gates of righteousness and I will go into them and I will praise the Lord, this open door made available by the Lord into his presence. SO I will praise thee for you have heard me and delivered me from my trouble. FOR the “Stone,” JESUS CHRIST which the Builders rejected, (speaking of Israel and particularly Judah) has now become the HEAD or “CAP-STONE” that ties the entire building together and completes the structure. The word “Head” actually means the GOOD NEWS that the work of redemption is totally complete.

So now having discovered that this STONE is JESUS CHRIST, once rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, we need now to discover what the “Stone” was designed to accomplish. Daniel reveals that the “Stone” represented a Kingdom that would never be destroyed and that it is to swallow up every other Kingdom on the earth. In Daniel 2:44 The prophet says, “In the days of these different Kings the God of Heaven would set up a Kingdom that would never be destroyed, and it would not be left to other people , but it would break in pieces and consume every other kingdom and it shall stand forever. ” In the dream that God gave to Nebuchadnezzar he was made to see the divinely prepared “Stone” was not the product of man, nor was it under the control of man, but it smote the “IMAGE” upon its feet which caused the destruction of the entire image. It broke in pieces the iron and the clay and the brass, the silver and the gold. The King was told that the “Great God” had made known to him what shall come to pass in the days ahead.

The head of Gold represented the function of Adam in the Garden of Eden under the absolute authority of God who was the King. In the Garden, everything Adam needed was supplied by the fruit of the trees, including the “Tree of Life,” without any effort on Adam’s part, and the spring of “Living Water” provided all the water he needed. This is a true representation of the Kingdom of God for the King accepts responsibility for all the needs of its citizens. Adam fellowshipped with God every day in unity and oneness and he never had a single need in any area of his life. However that condition did not last for the Lord God caused a deep sleep to come upon Adam without his approval, indicating that this is a part of the “Mystery of God.” Adam was created Male and Female in creation functioning together as one, but now the Female part of his being was removed and began to function as a separate entity from Adam. As the Woman was brought to Adam he said, “You are bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh for you were taken out of me, so I will call you “Woman.”

This “Woman” represents the “Female” or Soul aspect of man that began to function apart from Adam (spirit) who represented Christ. The Soul comprises the “Mind, Emotions and the Will, that discovered it could operate independently of the spirit. The only change that took place was that the MAN lost his relationship with God having no input from the spirit. In other words God and the man no longer were united as one in creation. Man had removed himself from the care and supply of all his needs that had been provided by God up to this time. However, God did not reject him but looked for him as he always did to share love and fellowship, but now he was found hiding from God. Adam responded by saying that he was “Naked.,” and this was the reason why he hid himself from God. This resulted in God asking him a question, “Who told you that you are naked, have you eaten of the tree whereof I commanded you not to eat?” Adam’s reply simply put the blame on the woman, who in turn passed the blame on to the serpent who she said beguiled her. Instead of accepting responsibility for what she had done she blamed the serpent, who she said deceived her.

The religious world considers the “Serpent” to be satan who is a physical entity who causes people to sin. The Garden of Eden is not a literal garden and no one has ever seen a tree of the Knowledge of good and evil. No one can tell you what a tree of Life looks like, so it also has no physical existence, so why should we believe that the serpent in the Garden is literal or has a physical form? This account in Genesis is an allegory for the truth here revealed could never be communicated to us in any other way. For the same reason, Jesus always taught the people through PARABLES, which were spiritual truths expressed through nature and natural issues. This allegory presents truth in the only way in which we could ever know or understand these divine principles.

It was necessary to go through these things, because we needed to know why Nebuchadnezzar’s image had a head of Gold but then it changed to Silver when it came to the chest and his arms. Silver is next in value to gold yet inferior to it, so it must represent this change that took place in the Garden of Eden as the “Soul,” which was a part of the Spirit in creation, were separated and began to function independently. In the beginning the man was MALE and FEMALE, Soul and Spirit, functioning together as ONE. As Daniel relates the dream, there is a change that takes place as another Kingdom, inferior to the first arises and takes over from the first Kingdom. This refers to the Persians who were not inferior in dignity, power, or riches, but were worse with regard to ambition, cruelty, and every type of vice, showing that the world would grow worse and worse, until it is restored by Christ.

But this picture of heavenly bliss in the Garden of Eden, was shattered as a sense of separation took place between God and the Man when man became a LIVING SOUL. Eve was beguiled by the serpent and ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This brought about a disruption (Greek Katerbole or a Casting Down) which resulted in the glory of God fading from view and man now finding his body to be flesh and blood. In this process Adam saw himself as “Naked” and his knowledge of God changed, seeing him now as an enemy to be feared.

Adam now sees himself outside the Garden, and he has assumed the role of god for himself and this represents in the Prophetic dream the second Kingdom of SILVER. Silver speaks to us of Redemption and this ended with the flood and Noah was called of God to build an ark. The Third Kingdom is represented by Brass, and this is the Kingdom of Law that was instituted at Mount Sinai, and continues until the coming of the Messiah. During this time the rule of law demanded that the soul that sinned shall die. Death became the symbol of this Kingdom as millions of animals were sacrificed to appease God as well as whole nations being wiped out for their transgression.

The Iron and the clay, in mixture symbolizes the rise and strength of Nationalism as Rome brought many nations under her power and among them Israel. This Kingdom is marked by “Mixture,” starting with the Exodus of Israel who were released from the bondage of Egypt, and led by Moses, began a miracle journey through the wilderness. But the display of power by the God of Israel caused many Egyptians to join Israel and travel with them, eating of the bread from heaven and drinking from the water that flowed from the rock. But this created a problem for Israel and introduced impurities into the nation. Others also joined them even in the Promised land. This Kingdom saw Israel brought back into servitude because of their unfaithfulness and idolatry.

A number of Prophets prophesied during this time each one warning the people of judgments to come and the consequences of their lack of obedience. The duality of mankind continued to become evident, in the division between Israel who considered themselves the CHOSEN PEOPLE of God, and the Gentiles who were referred to as the HEATHEN. But amongst the Prophets were those who prophesied of one who was to come who would ultimately “RULE THE NATIONS.” They spoke of this one who would be born of a virgin in a town called Bethlehem, and the date was given so that those who followed the Lord were expecting the child at the time of his birth. He was born into the world of division and fragmentation, and yet he was Born a KING to rule so that the Prophet Isaiah said, “Of the INCREASE of his government there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his Kingdom to order it and to establish it with justice and judgment from henceforth even forever.”

But these prophecies were not very well understood by the majority in those days. But for us today we know that the King has arrived, and has taken up residence in a people, providing them with an INTERNAL AUTHORITY SYSTEM that would constitute them as a Theocratic Nation, governed from within. This is something that is really unique in this world. Daniel says, “You saw O King a STONE being cut out of a mountain without hands, and that it broke in pieces the IRON and the CLAY, the BRASS, the SILVER and the GOLD, until the entire image was like the chaff of the threshing floor. The wind carried the pieces away and no place was found for them, but the STONE that smote the IMAGE BECAME A GREAT MOUNTAIN AND FILLED THE WHOLE EARTH. This is the KINGDOM OF GOD that is being established today on the earth in the lives of many of God’s people.

This is probably one of the most significant prophecies in the whole of the scriptures that affects every man on this earth. There is only ONE TRUE IMAGE and that is the “CHRIST who is the brightness of God’s Glory, and the express image of his being, holding together all things by the word of his power.” Every human endeavor that has tried to produce this image is to be completely destroyed. The myriad number of religious images that are purported to represent Christ on this earth will become stubble before this final FIFTH KINGDOM which is the Kingdom of God. What is this stone that is cut out of the mountain that is to consume that which man has established on the earth? Psalm 118:22 tells us, “The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.” The “STONE” is Christ that is cut out of the Mountain of the Lord, so this Kingdom would begin as a stone, but would grow to envelope all the other kingdoms of the world, causing them to become the Kingdoms of our God and of his Christ.

Each successive Kingdom portrayed in the Image that Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream degenerated until mankind became fragmented, as power and force replaced the power of love and relationship. The Kingdoms of men represented the broken relationship between God and mankind leading to “Everyman doing that which was right in his own eyes.” But God had a plan and Daniel revealed it to the King in the form of a “Stone” that would destroy the foundation of every image, that is not built upon the foundation which is Jesus Christ. All authority has been vested in man who had lost his true sense of identity in the Garden of Eden but has been reunited with CHRIST. For when that which is brought to completeness IS COME then that which is just a transient part will be removed.

Only Christ could restore what man had lost and he did so wonderfully constituting us as King and Priests unto God.

Des Walter


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