I and my Father are ONE

In the World where we are always trying to get something—then we’ll be happy. However, the world is a place of separation where one is always looking "out there" for fulfillment, and not LOOK IN FOR FULFILLMENT.

Father sees the world as the temporal realm, where NOTHING IS ETERNAL!

For sometime I asked around a question that froze many .... "When did Adam wake up?"

The answer came back to me from Father concerning my question "...AWAKE THOU THAT SLEEPEST." Eph 5:14

WHAT cried my hEARt .... Would do you mean AWAKE? Are You Father implying that I sleep?

Than a rhyme came to mind "Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream, Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream"

I in awe wondered if my world was but a dream.

At times it was like a night mare and at other times it was merrily indeed. AND YET I never felt my life was a dream, but that it was in a different place.

YES... No matter how low I crawled, no matter how low my carnal mind took me I always looked outside IN ... IN TO HIM!
In I John 2:16, the world is defined as "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (EGO)."
I looked at my world as a man, washing dishes, doing laundry, cooking and cleaning up after others. Where is my pride of life, I wondered at many times; hearing others call me a maid, a servant rather than a man.
I groaned within wondering why I was and through my tears I hEAR His Word speak unto me "You are who I wanted you to be in this world!"

That is when I knew we all must leave the world of touch, taste, feel, hearing and seeing; and to walk as Kingdom sons.

"When the day dawns (in our understanding...not waiting for another day) all the shadows must flee."

This world is but a shadow that I now no longer walk under.

I stand now as a son of the DAY!

It is TIME for me to move out of mother's house into Father's house!

In the Old Testament age, the son lived in his mother’s tent until he came of age, at which time he moved into his father’s tent where he began to learn his father’s business.

Another way of looking at this is the priest hEARing the Word of life and moving from the holy place to the MOST HOLY PLACE. Into the very presences of Father and taking a seat in Christ who is SET in the Father!

No more duality .... only ONENESS! I and my Father ARE ONE!

In Father's house we come to know that everything we need is given unto us! Nothing is left to chance, but all things are ours because we hEARd the voice of Him calling us in!

"I have written unto you, fathers, because you have KNOWN Him who is from the beginning..." 1 John 2:14
We are not in Father’s house to learn about Him, but to KNOW Him.
No longer playing church but knowing we are the church!
And we KNOW that the Son of God HAS COME and has given us understanding, so that we may KNOW him who is true; and we are IN him who is true, IN his Son Jesus Christ. He IS the true God and eternal life. 1 John 5:20


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