Book of the Generation of Jesus Christ

Bless Father indeed.

One Truth that has burnt love into my hEARt is what Father says "Father WILL DO!" and no ifs, ands, or buts about it.

After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up: That the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called, SAITH THE LORD, who doeth all these things.Acts 15:16,17

Yes some will say Father is sending them to build churches, or to reach a group of people and YET I see Father "building AGAIN the tabernacle of David."

Again " ifs, ands, or buts about it."

First off I know Abraham was born in the world before king David ..... YET--->The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. Mat 1:1

Jesus the Christ was a son of David AND Abraham. Come on now two different fathers and two different time periods. Time to take of the carnal mind and allow the mind of Christ to open your hEARt to the Spiritual Truth in Matthew 1:1.

A quick outline of 2 Samuel 6 .... King David went and brought up the ark of the LORD from the house of Obededom into the city of David. David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was clothed in a linen ephod (apron worn by the high priest). So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the LORD with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet. It was so, as the ark of the LORD came into the city of David, that Michal the daughter of Saul looked out at the window, and saw king David leaping and dancing before the LORD; and she despised him in her heart.

They brought in the ark of the LORD, and set it in its place, in the midst of the tent that David had pitched for it; and David offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the LORD. When David had made an end of offering the burnt offering and the peace offerings, he blessed the people in the name of LORD of hosts.

Now what is Deep is that the "tabernacle of Moses" was still in place in Gibeon, and was still fully functioning with all its sacrifices, etc.


The Ark of the Covenant (which was a symbol of God's presence) was not there because it had been captured by the Philistines.

Grasp that .....

Now king David gets the 'Ark of the Covenant' and takes it to the city of David rather then Gibeon where the Tabernacle of Moses was.

Was this the LORD'S doing ...... Let Deep call!

King David builds a new tent for the 'Ark of the Covenant' AND it is called the "Tabernacle of David."

For some time I wanted Father to teach me about this Deep Truth concerning 'the tabernacle of David'  and I know it is NOW TIME.

No more animal sacrifices - only sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving!

G L O R Y.

My what Deep. Only sacrifices that was seen about the "Tabernacle of David" was the sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving! I love that Deep.

David appointed some of the Levites to minister before the ark of the LORD, to celebrate, to give thanks, and to praise the LORD, the God of Israel. 1 Chronicles 16:4

In the 'tabernacle of Moses' only the high priest was to be before the 'ark of the covenant,' Now we read that special priests were appointed to minister music before the ark continually.

Bless Father ...... To praise Him is to hold Him as LORD God and not one's self. See we live in a world where so many want praise for who they are, what they say and what they do. Now here is David appointing others to minister before the ark CONTINUALLY!

You can say 'David had special intimacy with the LORD' for you can read it--->He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD. Ps 40:3

No longer the worship of law but the worship of the LORD God!

Also king David blessed the people rather then the high priest which also shows a new law was to come ....Also we must notice that throughout the Psalms and Prophets the term 'Zion, Mount Zion' take on Spiritual meaning, and that Mount Moria never was refereed to as the LORD God' dwelling place.

Now let us look at king David and king Saul and see how these two represent the church of today.

First off king Saul represents Religion, the choosing of the "natural man," that which is impressive to "the eye of flesh". Religion LOVES to serve the LORD God (or so it claims - perhaps what it REALLY loves is to serve itself?) with sacrifice, pomp, ceremony, and especially man-centered zeal and works!

There was a Benjaminite man named Kish son of Aphiah of Benjamin. He was a prominent person. He had a son named Saul, a handsome young man. There was no one among the Israelites more handsome than he was; he stood head and shoulders above all the people. 1 Samuel 9:1,2

Now before we press on don't think this means Saul height "...he stood head and shoulders above all the people."

The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. Mat 1:1

By the Spirit of Truth let us see that king David represents that which is impressive to the "spiritual man", the "hidden man", the man with a "heart after God".

G L O R Y---->As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. Ps 42:1

My soul longs after my Father. I desire more then just a know 'it all relationship'. But I desire to have my ear upon His heart and to know Him above all else!

When they arrived, Samuel noticed Eliab (one of David's brothers) and said to himself, "Surely, here before the Lord stands his chosen king!" But the Lord said to Samuel, "Don't be impressed by his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. God does not view things the way men do. People look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:6,7

King David shows us how we worship Father from from a heart (spirit) full of love, joy, and adoration.

It also Deep to see that Michal, daughter of Saul, who was "King after the flesh", opposed king David. You know 'Michal' means = "who is like God", a representative of the "Church of the flesh" which is constantly at war with the "Church of the Spirit!"

For the flesh craves what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are opposed to each other, so that you do not do what you want.  Gal 5:17

"Now Michal had no children to the day of her death" .... Truth be the flesh can not produce anymore children for it has been taken to the grave and it never ROSE! In the same way, the "Church of the flesh" remains barren of any Spiritual Fruit because, in reality, it fears and despises ITS Lord and Husband!

Ohhhhhhhhhh I know what I posted but I know when I was in the church I saw much works of the flesh but very little of the Spirit.

See in church I believed that Jesus name baptism was my "Club Card" into His "Inner Sanctum" - that it conferred upon me special rights and privileges in His sight. I was taught in my mind that Father was mine because of reading my bible, tithing, praying, going to church, doing "good works" in Jesus name, etc.

One day Father revealed unto me that the important Truth was that I be transformed into the Image of Christ by the Holy Spirit!

It doesn’t matter whether we have been circumcised or not. What counts is whether we have been transformed into a new creation. Galatians 6:15

The new creation person can be seen in the moving of the ark of "ark of the covenant" to the "tabernacle of David."


Father never revealed nothing of the sort to Moses in the establishment of the Levitical System of Worship. YET, here is king David who had NOTHING to do with the Levitical Priests (the keepers of Father's ark, worship and order), moving the 'ark' which was the only place where Father dwelt (represented by the ark of the covenant), to a place outside of the tabernacle of Moses.

Sure that made some law keepers very happy.

Second, the moving of the ark was wrong according to the law for Father's dwelling place was to be behind a veil!

Wait a moment .... Father no longer dwells behind a veil, for in the moving of the ark by king David shows Father dwells outside of the veil .... hmmmmmmmmmmmm Deep!

See once a year and yes once, the high priests was to take the blood and put it on the ark (mercy seat). AND just the high priest alone. YET, king David moved the ark, danced before the ark, worshipped before the ark and NOTHING struck him or others down.

hmmmmmmmmm time we looked Deeper into this "build again the ruins' of 'the tabernacle of David.'

Now according to the law of Moses all sacrifice and approach to Father was the sole function of the Levitical Priesthood, and specifically the "High Priest." King David had NO descent within the Levitical line, hence NO right to approach Father, let alone offer sacrifices and certainly NOT to be before the ark in His presence.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hmmmmmmmmm ... The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, .... Mat 1:1

I can recall when I attended a fellowship and experienced "PRAISE and WORSHIP" that brought joy to my heart and tears to my eyes. Gosh, coming from a dead system called church where a book of songs were sung from that was so dry I coughed, to a place of singing, shouting, dancing, waving my arms and tears .... I knew Father WAS!

Now grasp it, but here is king David bringing a new order of PRAISE and WORSHIP to the people and the people being able to partake with it! YES, king David brought Joy and Love and excitement and Spontaneity into the worship of Father. He opened it to the people - ALL of the people - NOT just the ordained priesthood.

G L O R Y!

The only time I read of joy being expressed before the tabernacle of David, was when Miriam and other women danced with a tambourine and rejoiced over the destruction of Pharaoh and his army.

Now we MUST know it was Father that gave king David the right to do that! Not only was king David "a man after Father's own heart", but that he was also a Prophet (Acts 2:29-31). See king David was a forerunner of the "greater David who would one day come."

Now the tabernacle of David served as a joyous bridge between the spiritual deadness that had come to characterize the tabernacle of Moses and the Spirit-filled glory that would characterize the temple of Solomon.

hmmmmmmmmmm the bridge is being built today between the 'living body' and the dead church!

“And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; “but if it is of God, YOU CANNOT OVERTHROW IT—lest you even be found to fight against God.” Acts 5:38,39

It is Father's plan that His true Church, His body who have been called out of the World System and transformed by His Holy Spirit - who constitute the REAL "Temple" or the "Tabernacle of David" - the "Dwelling Place" that God has sought from the beginning!

Before Truth my religious God was so far in the sky I felt alone a lot. When Truth was revealed to my hEARt that I was the temple of the Holy Ghost and that God has made His abiding place within me my God became my Father!

And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For YOU ARE THE TEMPLE of the living God. As God has said: “I will DWELL in them And WALK among them. I will be THEIR God, And they shall be My PEOPLE.” 2 Cor 6:16

TEMPLE (3485 naos) =consisting of the Holy place and the Holy of Holies.

Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places (temple) by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain, that is, through his flesh, and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Heb 10:19-22

Now don't look up for some door and a place that was opened for us, LOOK WITHIN! for you are the temple and it is through the blood of Jesus, that is His flesh that we may have fellowship with Father in the garden He has prepared for us!

“David found favor with God and asked for the privilege of building a permanent Temple for the God of Jacob. But it was Solomon who actually built it. However, the Most High doesn’t live in temples made by human hands. As the prophet says, ‘Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Could you build me a temple as good as that?’ asks the LORD. ‘Could you build me such a resting place? Didn’t my hands make both heaven and earth?’ Acts 7:46-50

Which TEMPLE WE ARE and as so Father has now His resting place that He built! (Gen 2:1-3)

In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. Eph 2:21, 22

This world does not need another preacher, another new doctrine or even a new church. What it needs is the NEW CREATION MAN!

The Spirit Himself testifies and confirms together with our spirit [assuring us] that we [believers] are children of God. And if [we are His] children, [then we are His] heirs also: heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ [sharing His spiritual blessing and inheritance], if indeed we share in His suffering so that we may also share in His glory.

For I consider [from the standpoint of faith] that the sufferings of the present life are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us! For [even the whole] creation [all nature] waits eagerly for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration and futility, not willingly [because of some intentional fault on its part], but by the will of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will also be freed from its bondage to decay [and gain entrance] into the glorious freedom of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation has been moaning together as in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only this, but we too, who have the first fruits of the Spirit [a joyful indication of the blessings to come], even we groan inwardly, as we wait eagerly for [the sign of] our adoption as sons--the redemption and transformation of our body [at the resurrection]. Romans 8:16-23

Those with "spiritual eyes that can see" are seeing Father's plan from the beginning! His plan being that in the fullness of time, Father has revealed the Glory of His Mystery hidden from ages past -- that He does NOT live in temples made by human hands but rather in His LIVING Body, His CHURCH, in US who have been redeemed and recreated by His Holy Spirit -- in His NEW MAN, HIS "Hope of Glory!"

This message was kept secret for centuries and generations past, but now it has been revealed to God’s people. For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory. Col 1:26, 27

I believe the Church that Father is building is ALIVE, it is a part of Him and as so it is LIVING! Its not some dead place where people serve Father out of doctrines, traditions and creeds.


It is a place where the hearts of the called our children are speaking "...the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." Eph 4:15,16


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